Beauty and the Beastly Highlander by Kenna Kendrick


If someone had told Etna only a few months prior that she would be marrying Finley that year, she would have laughed in their face, the notion being too ridiculous. And yet there she was, being stuffed into the tightest corset she had ever worn in her life by three maids who had made it their mission to torture her that day, it seemed so that she would not only be the Lady of the clan but also look the part.

Finley had asked for her hand in marriage not long after the incident at the lake, and Etna had been more than happy to accept, as was her father. If anything, she had a suspicion that her father was even more excited about the whole thing than she was.

Planning a wedding as a Laird’s bride-to-be had proven to be a much more difficult task than she could have ever imagined, but Arlene had helped her every step of the way. Or perhaps that was too generous, she thought. Rather, Arlene had taken over the preparations and only asked for her opinion when she couldn’t make up her mind on her own.

But Etna had no issues with that. Planning a wedding was hardly a skill that she possessed, and she preferred to continue her duty of teaching Malina. Now that she would officially be her daughter, she didn’t want to pass her on to another tutor. She loved teaching her too much.

Once the maids were done dressing her, it was time to do her hair, and they began to brush and pull at it, sticking pins in it that stabbed her head. Etna bore it all, though, knowing that in the end, it would be worth it. While she didn’t particularly care if she looked regal, she knew that the rest of the clan would, and she didn’t want their first impression of her as the Lady of the clan to be wrapped up in disappointment.

Once they were finished, Etna looked at herself in the mirror, smiling at her reflection. She had to admit that they had done a stellar job, truly making her look as though she was royalty. The red fabric of her dress was eye-catching, vibrant, embellished with golden details, and the lace that surrounded the hem and the edges of her sleeves was the most intricate she had ever seen.

“Ach . . . I never thought I’d see ye like this.”

Dougal’s voice came from the open door of her chambers, and Etna turned her head to frown at him. “What do ye mean?” she asked. “Why na?”

“Weel, ye were always so interested in books,” Dougal said. “I thought ye were more interested in them than in findin’ a husband.”

“Faither!” Etna said, though there was no bite in her tone. “Ye’re verra interested in books, and yet ye managed to marry Mamaidh somehow.”

“Aye. I dinna even ken how I managed that meself.”

Her father approached her with a smile, and Etna threw herself in his arms, hugging him tightly. Now it was certain that she wouldn’t be going to Edinburgh with him. Her father had already moved there and had just managed to get himself comfortable when Etna had sent him the invitation to the wedding. She had missed him terribly, even though they had only been apart from a few months, and she didn’t know how she could spend the rest of her life only seeing him every now and then.

“Are ye certain that ye dinna wish to stay here with me?” she asked. “Ye ken that ye’d be more than welcome. Finley would love to have ye here. I would love to have ye here.”

“Perhaps one day, lass,” Dougal said. “For noo, I think I’ll stay in Edinburgh. I had forgotten how much I enjoy teachin’. But when I’m wrinkly and old, and ye have to take care of me, I promise ye, I’ll come be here with ye.”

Etna rolled her eyes at Dougal, but he was quick to press a finger on her lips, hushing her before she could say anything else. “It’s time to go, Etna,” he said. “The Laird is waitin’ for ye.”

And so did the rest of the clan, she knew. Dread coursed through her at the thought that she would have to declare her love in front of everyone. It seemed so intimate, and her cheeks heated, her stomach tying itself in a knot.

It’s alright. I can do this. Finley will be right there.

Dougal offered his arm to Etna. She took it gratefully, as her knees had already begun to wobble, and she didn’t trust herself to walk all alone to the chapel. But with her father on her side, she mustered all the courage that she could and prepared herself for what was to come.

When they made it there, the first thing that Etna saw was that there were too many people. It seemed to her as though the entire clan was there, waiting just for her, and she blushed at all the attention when every pair of eyes turned to look at her. When her gaze fell on Finley, though, she found him smiling at her, a small, shy smile that was so unlike him; Etna couldn’t help but wonder what was going through his mind.

She smiled back at him, though her smile was shaky, anxiety and embarrassment crawling through her and making her avert her gaze from everyone around her. She only found herself relaxing when she finally made it to Finley, and he took her hands in his, giving them an encouraging squeeze.

It was as though a weight lifted from her shoulders, and she could suddenly breathe again; Finley’s proximity was all she needed to feel at ease.

The ceremony was finished before long, and Etna didn’t even realize that it had come to an end until she and Finley were walking to the great hall for the feast. The tables had already been laid with a feast for the entire clan, their legs almost creaking under the weight of the plates. The wine flowed freely, and the guests who were pouring in were helping themselves, all of them eager to celebrate their marriage.

But Etna couldn’t wait to be alone with Finley. She had something important to tell him, but she supposed it would have to wait until the end of the night.

“Are ye happy?” Finley asked her as they walked to their table at the far end of the room, and Etna nodded, her chest almost bursting with happiness. “Aye, I am,” she said. “Are ye?”

“Of course,” Finley said. “I have everythin’ I ever needed.”

“Etna!” Malina screamed, running to her and climbing into her lap after she had taken her seat. She had adjusted well, it seemed to Etna, to the idea that she was marrying her father, and she had brought no objections to their wedding. If anything, she was probably as excited about it as Dougal was.

Etna was glad about it. She didn’t know what she would have done if Malina had raised any objections, as the last thing she wanted to do was push her toward the behavior that she had when the two of them had first met. But she reminded herself that there was no need to worry about that. Malina loved her, and she loved Malina more than anything in the world.

As the feast progressed, Etna noticed that Finley was getting more and more restless. Malina was off playing with the other children, Dougal was busy talking to Arlene, and Lochlan was nowhere to be found, so he and Etna were mostly left alone with each other, and she could see that there was something that he wanted to tell her.

“What is it?” she urged, unable to handle any more of his foot tapping. At her question, she saw Finley falter for a moment, but then he leaned closer with a conspiratorial smile on his lips.

“Do ye want to go to our chambers?” he asked. “I think we can have much more fun there than here.”

Etna didn’t need to be asked twice. She tried to stand from her seat as subtly as she could, but the rest of the people in the room weren’t paying much attention to her or Finley anymore, most of them too drunk to care about anything other than dancing and chattering excitedly. Etna made her way through the crowd, followed by Finley, who kept a respectful distance from her, at least until they were out of the room, and no one could see them. The moment they were truly alone, he was on her, hands roaming all over her body as they went up the stairs.

“Finley!” Etna chastised him, slapping his hand away when it grabbed her buttocks. “Wait until we get to the room.”

“I canna resist ye, lass,” he told her, a growl rumbling in his chest as he grabbed her by the hips and pushed her against the nearest wall. Etna’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, pleasure coursing through her as Finley mouthed at her neck, sucking and nibbling on her skin. “I’ve wanted to do this all night.”

Etna groaned in response, her hands reaching out to pull him closer. They were past the stairs, and so they would know if someone approached before they would see them, and that gave her the peace of mind that she needed to surrender herself to him, one leg coming up to wrap around his hips.

Finley was ravenous, kissing her jaw, her neck, her chest, tongue dipping just under the collar of her dress to taste her, his hands eagerly tugging the fabric down. But it seemed as though it wasn’t enough for him, judging by the frustrated noises he was making.

Within moments, Etna found herself being spun around, palms colliding with the wall. She rested her forehead against it as Finley began to work on her laces, all but ripping her dress apart in his haste until the top part of it hung loosely around her torso. Finley’s hands came to cup her bare breasts, and the moan that escaped him had Etna answering with one of her own.

She wanted to feel him inside her. Nothing else would be enough for her.

“Finley . . . please,” she whispered, biting her bottom lip to stay quiet, even though she knew that no one would hear him over the noises of the crowd in the great hall.

“Please what, lass?” Finley asked. “I want to hear ye say it.”

“Take me,” she told him, as her hands boldly grabbed her skirt, pulling it up as far as it would go. She pushed her hips back, gasping when the air hit her bare buttocks. For a moment, Finley didn’t move, nor did he make a single sound. But then he moaned as though he could hardly stand what Etna was doing to him, and his hands disappeared from her breasts only to reappear on her thighs as he fell to his knees behind her.

His lips trailed kisses over her thighs while his fingers explored her entrance, dipping between her folds. The first touch had Etna gasping with pleasure, legs falling further apart as a silent invitation for more.

When his fingers finally breached her, her entire body jerked, her hips chasing the feeling of him inside her.

“Turn around,” Finley said, his voice low and commanding. “Keep your skirt up.”

The moment his fingers were out of her, Etna let out a soft whine but did as she was told and was instantly rewarded with Finley’s lips on that spot that made a million lights erupt behind her eyelids. His tongue darted out, teasing her sensitive flesh, and his fingers joined his efforts once more, plunging deep inside of her.

Etna’s head fell back, her lips parted, her breath coming out in short bursts. Her knuckles were tight as she held onto her skirt with all her strength, the pleasure that coursed through her so intense she almost ripped it in two.

Finley looked at her with hunger in his eyes as he pleasured her. Etna could only guess what she looked like in the middle of that corridor, with her dress torn open and her skirt around her hips, the skin all over her body flushed a bright pink.

With every flick of Finley’s tongue, Etna was pushed closer and closer to the edge, heat pooling low in her belly. She could feel the familiar stirrings of her climax, and one of her hands reached for Finley’s hair, fingers tangling through it and pulling him even closer.

Finley seemed happy to give her everything that she wanted, working her sensitive spot. His breathing was just as heavy as her own, and Etna could hardly believe that man enjoyed pleasuring her so much.

“Oh, Finley . . . dinna stop,” she begged, her words turning into a low, continuous moan as he pushed her over the edge, her entire body pulsing with the force of her orgasm, her eyes falling shut and plunging her in the warm darkness.

When she opened her eyes, Finley was already on his feet, his hands grabbing her waist and pulling her close. “I’m na finished with ye yet,” he said, as he pulled her toward his chambers—no, their chambers, she corrected herself—the two of them stumbling their way there as they tried to rid each other of their clothes.

Once they were behind closed doors, Finley undressed her completely, throwing her clothes in a pile on the floor. His own followed soon after, and once he was naked, Etna couldn’t stop herself from wrapping her fingers around his manhood, eager to feel him.

Finley had been hungry for her all night, his desire urging him to rush, but at that moment, he slowed down, kissing her sweetly. Etna parted her lips, tasting herself on his tongue as he pushed her toward the bed. She went easily, lying down on the mattress and pulling him on top of her, never once breaking their kiss.

When Finley braced himself, Etna’s breath hitched, and she waited in anticipation as he guided himself between her folds. At the first thrust of his hips, she screamed his name, hands coming to rest on his shoulders and fingers digging into his flesh, looking for something to anchor her.

Finley was a beast, claiming her just like Etna wanted him to. She could feel him so deep inside her, her own hips rolling to meet his own, each movement drawing another breathless moan out of her. When Finley grabbed her legs, pulling them over his shoulders, Etna knew that she wouldn’t last long once more.

And Finley seemed to be thinking the same as he claimed her lips again, folding her in half and pushing into her just the way he knew she liked, eager to bring her to completion once more. Etna kissed him, arms wrapping around his neck to keep him close, the force of Finley’s thrusts pushing her further up the bed.

There was nothing gentle about either of them, but Etna knew there would be plenty of time for that later. At that moment, she wanted to feel like she belonged to him like Finley couldn’t help but claim her as his own, drunk with desire. Their hands grabbed anything they could reach, Finley’s own on her breasts as he sat up on his knees, the new angle leaving Etna screaming.

Her second climax rushed over her, making every muscle in her body stiffen before she finally relaxed, her pleasure washing away everything else. She was oversensitive, her body throbbing and tingling with the aftermath of her orgasm, but she wanted nothing more than to see Finley fall apart for her.

It didn’t take long for him to follow her, giving her a few sharp thrusts as he reached his own zenith, Etna’s name on his lips as he spilled himself inside of her.

The two of them stayed like that for a few moments, Finley panting over her as he tried to catch his breath. He collapsed on top of Etna with a breathless laugh, and she couldn’t help but laugh, too, giddy with it all.

She loved that man with every part of her. She couldn’t imagine anything better than being his wife.

Finley trailed kisses on her skin wherever he could reach without moving, exhaustion clearly catching up with him. Etna pushed him off her, his weight making it difficult to breathe, and then she snuggled into his arms, tucking her face in the crook of his neck.

“Finley . . . I have somethin’ to tell ye,” she said. He hummed sleepily, and Etna poked him hard in the ribs, making him jump.

“What are ye doin’, woman?” he demanded, hand rubbing roughly over his ribs. “What’s so important that ye must tell me right the noo?”

Etna pulled back just enough to look at him, smiling so wide that her cheeks began to hurt. “I’m pregnant,” she said. She took Finley’s hand in her own, guiding it on her belly, even though she knew that it was too early to feel anything. “In a few months, I’ll have yer bairn.”

Finley’s drowsiness was replaced by complete alertness. His eyes widened as he looked at Etna, mouth opening as though he was going to speak before he shut it once more.

“A-are ye serious?” he asked. “We’re havin’ a bairn?”

“Aye,” Etna said. “I’m completely serious.”

Etna laid a hand on Finley’s chest. She could feel his heartbeat so fast that she was afraid his heart would give in. Btu then he grabbed her and kissed her, pressing kiss after kiss all over her face.

“Finley!” she shouted, giggling. “Stop it!”

He did as he was told, but not before pressing a kiss on her lips. “That is the best news I’ve heard in a while,” he said. “I can hardly believe it.”

Etna could hardly believe it, too. It had all happened so fast, but with the frequency of their encounters, it was no wonder she was already with child. She had proven to be just as insatiable as Finley was, the two of them stealing moments together whenever they could.

“I love ye, mo ghràdh,” he whispered to her. He sounded so raw, so sincere that Etna’s breath hitched in her throat. “I love ye and our wee bairns.”

Etna smiled at the thought that Malina was her child now, too, and at the thought that Finley saw it as such. She knew that she couldn’t replace Anna. Even though she had been a horrible woman and had brought Finley nothing but heartache, she had loved Malina, and she and Finley both wanted her to know that. But that didn’t mean that Etna couldn’t be a mother to her, too.

“Are ye happy?” Etna asked him, echoing his question from earlier that night.

“Aye,” Finley said. “I’m the happiest man in the world.”

The End?