Forget Me Not, My Scottish Love by Allie Palomino

Chapter Fourteen

Two weeks passed, and the days grew uneventful and quiet.  The solitude was enjoyed by all, until one morning.

“Open the gates!  Hurry!  An injured woman comes,” the guard said.

Men ran out towards the crawling woman. 

“What is yer name?” they asked her but she was unable to speak.

They recognized her when she turned over.

“She must be presented to the laird.  I’ll take her,” the guard said and made to pick her up.  He was halted when he saw Cameron walk towards them.

“Laird!  We saw her crawling towards the gates,” Sean said. 

Cameron was stunned.  He nodded his head absently and the men brought her inside the walls. 

“Bring her here, please, Sean,” Abby said, indicating the castle.  “Please get Bess for me.”

“What do ye believe occurred?” Aidan asked.

“It appears she was attacked and possibly violated,” Cameron said, studying her state of undress.

“Gillyanne, can you hear me?  It’s Abigail.  You’re with us now.  Can you hear me?”

Gillyanne moaned.  Her face was swollen with black and blue bruises.  She bled from her left temple.  Her clothes were torn and her body was much in the same shape as her face.

“Dear God, who could do this to a woman?” Abby asked in shock.

“There are men who enjoy beating women, sweetness,” Cameron said, feeling the need to touch her and assure himself that she was safe and not the victim of mistreatment.

“Like my father,” she said, almost to herself, but they all heard her.  “Gillyanne, you are safe.  Do you understand?” Abby said, picking up her hand.

Gillyanne moaned and began crying.  Tears fell down her bloodied face.

Bess came and looked over Gillyanne.  “‘er arm’s broken, Laird.  ‘Tis obvious she’s taken a rough beatin’.  I need ‘er carried to a bed.”

“I doona want her here.  Bess, do what ye can.  Once ye’ve done all ye can, I want her out and transported to her family.”

Abby looked at Cameron, shocked.  “Cameron, she’s been beaten.  Foe or not, she is a woman- one who’s been hurt.”

He looked at Abby and Abby could tell by the set of his jaw that she was losing the fight.

“She is not welcome here.  I doona want her poison in this holding, Abby.  I will allow a small contingency of men to accompany her, but she will leave.”  He didn’t want her filth to taint his home with his wife, especially with the peace they’d been enjoying.

Abby shook her head.  “Please, Cameron?  Can you not look at her and see possibly me or my mother at the hands of my father?  She is what she is but no woman deserves this, Cameron.  No woman, even Gillyanne.”

He looked unconvinced.

“Please, Cameron.”  The concern for Gillyanne made her eyes dark green.

Cameron sighed and pursed his lips together.  His eyes were stormy and his stance solid.  Abby saw him clench and unclench his jaw and gave a slight nod.  “Until she recovers, Abigail, and not a moment more.”

Abby hugged her husband and kissed his chin.  “Thank you, husband, for being hospitable,” she whispered.

Cameron ordered one of the men to take Gillyanne to her old room.  Once there, Bess examined her and gave her herbs to calm her and numb the pain.  She stepped out of the room, finding Abby and Cameron waiting outside.

“It’ll take a while for ‘er to recover.  I’ve given ‘er an herbal drink to put ‘er to sleep and numb ‘er pain.  I’ll check on ‘er a little later.”  Bess patted Abby’s arm and left.

He turned to Abby.  “Until she recovers, Abby.”

She nodded and gave him a small smile, backing up.  “Not a moment more.”  She brought her palm up to cup his cheek and smiled.  “I am so very fortunate, Cameron, to have you as my husband.”

Abby’s breath hitched as he grinned.  She jumped and wrapped her arms around him and he encircled his own around her.  They shared a tender kiss before making their way downstairs and outside.  The sun was bright and the day was hot.  Outside, she stopped Cameron and kissed him fiercely.  Drawing back, she stared intently into his eyes.

“I thought you should know…” she began and then her voice trailed off.

“What?  I should know what?”

Her cheeks grew pink and he smiled.  She was so shy. 

“I love you,” she said, and looked into his eyes.

“I know.”

She gasped and moved her head back.  He thought she looked adorable.

“How do you know?”

“Ye say it every night after we make love and before ye go to sleep.”

“Since when?” she asked, confused.

“Since the first night we made love,” he said smiling.

She groaned.  “And you didn’t tell me?”

“I knew ye didna remember, and I wanted to hear it said to me when ye werena sleepy,” he said, laughing.

She leaned her forehead against his.

“I’ve loved you for a long time now,” she said and smiled when his face grew serious.

“Since when?”

“The feelings began on our wedding day.  My mind was not functioning well then, but I remember the happiness that flooded me when I saw your face.  I had never been able to stray my thoughts away from you since the night you saved me.”  She kissed his lips.  “I’ve only ever felt safe with you.  I need you more than I need the air I breathe.”

His eyes touched all points of her face, studying her a long moment. 

“That night, I knew you could be for me.  Before my mind snapped, I knew you were a good man and I wanted to know you.  When you saved me, your presence never left my mind, even if it was broken.”  She smiled and then it faded. 

“And then I hid away.  I was imprisoned in purgatory.  I could sometimes think and want to respond, but my mind wouldn’t let my mouth form the words.  Most of the time, I was locked away- until you came back into my life on our wedding day.  When I saw you, it was as if I was freed and I was able to see the sun.  Your face was my sun, Cameron.  And you set me free like a captured bird.  As soon as I saw your face, the haze lifted.  I remembered you.  I love you for rescuing me.  Twice.”  Her smile was gentle.

“I know that this marriage was forced on you and I don’t expect a declaration of love.  I am happy to be your wife because it’s what I want, and while I know it may not have been what you wanted, I want to make you happy, Cameron.  I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you as happy as you’ve made me.”

Her eyes were warm and sincere, reflecting the depths of her feelings for him, and it overwhelmed him.  He knew at that moment what he had to do.

He set her down on the ground again.  She grew nervous because he had a serious look on his face.

“I went too far, didn’t I?  I don’t expect you to love me, Cameron, I…”

“Shh…I have something important to tell ye.  We must come to an understanding, here.”

Her eyes began to water.  She nodded her head.  “Alright,” she said in a low, airless whisper.

“I doona know how to tell ye this, Abby.  I…” he stopped.  He couldn’t hold her stare and looked away.

Her heart ceased beating.  She’d pushed him too far.  He didn’t reciprocate her feelings.  She couldn’t breathe.

“I’ve never confessed this to another woman, Abby, and this is difficult for me,” he said tightly.  A vein in his neck kept pulsing.  She reached out to touch it and to cup his cheek again.

“I understand, Cameron.  Don’t struggle.  I told you that I would understand if you couldn’t love me.  I know this was an unwanted marriage.  I will make you happy, though, to at the very least give you some small repayment.  You don’t need to say anymore,” she said, placing her fingertips on his mouth and turning to walk away towards the castle.

He was losing his advantage.  He knew it.  She was ascending the steps when he mumbled something.  She turned around.

“What did you say?” 

“I love ye.”

“What?” she screamed at him, stunned, as if he had just insulted her.

His laugh was a rich sound that warmed her.  His grin was lopsided.


She ran down the steps to him and flew into his arms, laughing and giggling like a young girl.  He felt such elation, such completion that he began laughing himself.  His heart twisted within his chest.  He felt free, having at last admitted what his heart had known for a long time.  He swung her around in a circle and he thought he heard men in the background cheering, but he was too consumed by Abby to care.

Cameron laid her on the grass and covered her body with his own.  He stared intently at her vibrant green eyes.  Cameron’s gray eyes were lighter with merriment.  His mouth covered hers in a hot, fierce kiss.  Her tongue touched his and he moaned, devouring it.  This play continued for several breathless moments until he heard the whoops and hollers of his men. 

And until he heard Alice, who was clearing her throat.

He lifted his head and looked around.  They entire clan stood watching.

“Cameron, I think there’s a more appropriate place for this,” she said, trying not to smile.

Cameron groaned and stood up.  He swooped down and scooped Abby up into his strong arms.

“You can set me down now, Cameron.”

“As ye all have just heard, my wife is in love with me and I am madly in love with my wife.  And as ye all have just seen, I have a task to attend to with her.”

Abby scoffed, blushed, and hit him on the shoulder.  “Cameron!”

The crowd laughed, some whistling a high pitch.  Alice beamed as Cameron carried Abby up the stairs. 

Cameron slammed the door to their room and placed Abby on the bed.  He looked down at her.

“How mortifying!”  Her smile belied her words and tone.  Her laughter filled the room.

Cameron climbed on the bed, all the while looking at Abby.  He loomed over her, his hands on either side of her shoulders, caging her within his arms.

“I want ye, Abby.  I want ye every instance I see ye walk by.  I want ye when I see ye smile or laugh.  I want ye every moment of every day.  And even when I have ye, and we make love two or three times a night, I want ye more still.”

Her smile was like the sun parting rain clouds.  Abby placed her hands on either side of his face and kissed him, passionately and thoroughly.  Her moans drove him mad, and his guttural growls made her weak.  He stopped and looked down at her.

“What?  What is it?”

“Why did it take me so long after we were married?”

“For what?”

“To ravish ye,” he said and growled.

Abby found that hilarious.

They made love twice before rejoining the others downstairs.  Cameron returned outside to his men, and Abby went in search of Bess.

“Bess!” Abby yelled, as she saw Bess pass by.  She ran over to the woman.  “How fares Gillyanne?”

“She’s sleepin’.  I believe ‘tis best that she sleeps ‘til the morrow.  I cleansed her some an’ dressed some wounds.  Her face is mightily beaten, but she’ll make it through.”

“Thank you, Bess.  I shall pay her a visit, now, anyways.”

“Ye’re quite forgivin’, lass,” Bess said from the foot of the stairs, looking up at Abby.

Abby smiled down, never stopping her ascending steps.  “One must always have forgiveness in her heart.”

“Aye, but ye’re practically a saint,” Bess mumbled, but Abby’s bubbly laughter signified she had heard her.

Abby rapped on Gillyanne’s door just as a precaution if she was awake.  When she heard no answer from within, she opened the door and walked in.

She pulled up a stool next to Gillyanne’s bed.

“Gillyanne,” Abby said on a sigh.

Abby looked down at her hands and looked back at Gillyanne’s prone, resting form.

“I, ah, just wanted to tell you that you may remain here as long as needed to recover.  Although you’re asleep and cannot hear me, I wanted to make peace with you.  While we’ve had our differences, perhaps we can let them be, and just attempt to understand one another.”

She studied Gillyanne’s battered and swollen face.  It looked like someone punched her and then gave her a swollen lip to match.

“I, uh, I know that it was difficult when I arrived here.  I understand well why you are attracted to my husband.  I can understand how any woman would be.  He’s a good hardworking man.  I’m hoping we can just withstand one another.  Friendship is not possible, but you can recover here.”

She paused for a moment unable to believe that she had been beaten so horribly.  “No woman should suffer as you have at the hands of a man.  ‘Twas a man, no?  A woman would not have beaten you so.”  Abby looked away lost in thought, and her gaze returned to Gillyanne again.  “I remember well how my father hit my mother.  And me.  Despite our differences, Gillyanne, I would never take enjoyment from your current state.” 

Abby patted Gillyanne’s hand and shrugged.

“I’ll leave now.”

Abby turned around and saw Cameron.

“What are you doing here?” she whispered.

“I missed ye.” 

Cameron flashed his smile at her although her words had affected him greatly.  To imagine his petite wife and her equally as petite mother, suffering at the hands of her father made rage flame within him.  He didn’t want to upset his wife, or bring forth such memories, so he refrained from comment.

He didn’t know what prompted him, but he couldn’t help himself from seeking her out.  She tip toed up and kissed him.

“Come, let’s go,” Abby said grabbing his hand.

When the door closed, Gillyanne opened her eyes.  They watered a bit and then she slowly closed them, letting sleep take her away again.

Outside Gillyanne’s room, Abby placed her arms akimbo.  “We cannot go to our chambers again, it’s near supper time.”

“I know and I want ye for dinner,” he said and picked up a squealing Abby.

“Why are they late?” Orfeld complained. 

“I have my suspicions,” Keith said, and everyone laughed.

Abby and Cameron appeared then.

“Well, it’s about time.  We were going tae start without ye,” Orfeld said disgruntled.

“If ye cannot wait and have only complaints to offer, Orfeld, than ye may sup elsewhere.  Ye’ve made this a habit,” Cameron said, helping Abby to a seat next to his.

They shared a small smile at Orfeld’s grumpy retort and grimace.

As the family ate and conversed, Abby found that she enjoyed feeding Cameron.  She would grab a chunk of bread, dip it into the gravy of the meat, and feed it to him.  He’d playfully bite her finger or suck on it, making her blush and swat him.

After the meal, Abby sat with Owen before the hearth to play.  The women let the fire warm them, and conversed quietly while the men remained seated at the table.  Abby lay on her back and had Owen on her chest, cooing up at him.  Owen was in love.  He couldn’t stop giggling and grabbing Abby’s nose.

Cameron looked over and his heart constricted.  She looked so beautiful and he wanted her to play with their bairn the way she was playing with Owen now.

Patrick led a messenger in and Cameron shook his head indicating not to draw attention.  Cameron took a look at the messenger’s face, and tried to usher him away from earshot but it was too late- Abby saw him.

Cameron took the missive with a twist of his lips and read it.  His jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed.  He tried to conceal his reaction but his wife was too perceptive.

“What’s the matter, Cameron?”  She sat up with the baby on her lap.

“‘Tis nothing, Abby.”

“I don’t believe it.  That was the King’s crest the courier was wearing.  What does the message say?”

He hesitated.  She stood up and gently handed the baby over to Amy.

“Let me read it.”

“Nay.  I’ll not have ye upset!” he said.

“Cameron, let her read the letter,” Alice said, walking towards Abby.

Cameron’s exhale was lengthy as he handed the message to Abby.  Her eyes silently glided on the page and tears sprung to her eyes.  Alice rubbed her back, trying to comfort her.

“I didna want ye upset, Abby,” Cameron said, bringing her into his arms.

“What does it say?” Alice asked.

“It is a letter from Alexander stating that the Crown would be enforcing the arrangement on Haynsworth’s behalf if no heir results.  Haynsworth apparently has been talking Henry’s ear off.  If no heir is conceived, the marriage will be quickly annulled,” he said tightly.

“I don’t want our marriage annulled!  I’ll run away from my father.  I won’t leave you, Cameron!”

He rested his head on hers and massaged her neck. 

“I willna let that happen, Abby.  Ye’re mine and no one will take ye away.”

“Time passes so quickly.  We must conceive, Cameron.  We must!” she said in a desperate whisper.

He picked her up in his arms and took her to their room.  The family looked on as the couple left.

“What if they doona conceive, Mother?” Aidan asked, worry appearing on his young face.

Alice shook her head and looked at her children.  Tears formed in her eyes.

“I doona know.  Abby has the right of it- time passes too quickly and Cameron has many factors against him.  He hasna sired a bairn- may not be able to do so, Lord forbid.  Both Crowns will annul the marriage should the union be fruitless.  But he has one thing in his favor.”

“What’s that?” Amy asked.

“Love.  He loves her.  And we know that when Cameron wants something, nothing will get in his way.  If they want to take Abby away from him, he’ll fight until his death.”