Forget Me Not, My Scottish Love by Allie Palomino

Chapter Thirteen

As Cameron descended the stairs, he caught his family smirking at him from the great table.

“Why are ye all smiling?”

“Why are ye smiling?” Aidan asked, grinning.

“I’m not,” he denied, now straight-faced.

“Ye were when ye were coming down the stairs,” Alice said, beaming.

“It’s a good day outside.”

They all laughed.

“Doona try to fool us, Cameron.  Is it safe to assume we shall soon be seeing yer heir running through the halls?” Keith asked, nodding in approval.


“Then, where is yer wife?” Amy asked.

“What the hell is this, this morning?  An inquisition?  I am being questioned as if I was a traitor,” he said irritably.  “As I’ve said before, my affairs with Abigail and our marriage are none of yer concern.”

They laughed.  Keith stood up and slapped his back in congratulations.

“Finally completed the feat, huh, brother?” and the family laughed again in unison.

“Didna need me lessons, did ye, laird?” Orfeld said, chewing his mouthful of food.

“Doona ye have a cottage, old man?” Cameron said irritably.

“Nay, I’m thinking the laird didna consummate the marriage.  He’s too grumpy,” Orfeld said, biting the chunk of bread he held in his hand.

“Nay, he consummated the marriage, Orfeld,” Keith said, smiling.

“How would ye be knowing, young Keith?”

“We all heard them last night,” Aidan responded for his brother.

“Did ye stand outside our chamber door?” Cameron asked, his temper rising.

“Good idea, lads, good idea!  Excellent thinking,” Orfeld said, holding his cup up in a toast.

“No, we didna,” Keith said.

Orfeld lowered his cup.  “Ye didna stand outside the door?”

“Nay.” Keith said.

“Ye must have good ears, lad.  I wish me ears were such!” Orfeld said, lifting his cup again.

“Nay, they were very loud last eve,” Aidan said.  Orfeld lowered his cup again in frustration.

“I say there’s a toast in order,” Orfeld said, lifting his cup up again.

“My marriage doesna concern any of ye.  Keep out!” Cameron grabbed a piece of fruit and left the hall.

Orfeld lowered his cup.

“Wonderful!” Alice clapped her hands in enthusiasm.

“What’s wonderful?  Ye heard the laird.  He didna consummate the marriage.  Besides, he wouldna be so sour if he had,” Orfeld said.

“Nay.  He did.  He just gets upset because he believes we meddle,” Amy said, laughing.

Orfeld raised his cup again.  “A toast then?” he asked grumpily.

“Aye, Orfeld, a toast!” Alice said, holding up her cup as everyone followed suit.

Abby didn’t come down until late in the afternoon.  She was embarrassed.  Did they know?

“Abby, I am so happy!” Alice said, when she saw her coming down the stairs.

They did.

“Alice, good morn- I mean good afternoon.  How are you faring today?”

“Excellent!  Just splendid.  How are ye dear?”

Abby smiled shyly and blushed.  “I’m very well, Alice, thank you.”

Alice gave her a hug.  “I will not mention a thing, for ye are young and deserve yer privacy.  I just want to say that I am verra happy.  I love ye as a daughter,” Alice said.

Abby smiled and kissed Alice’s cheek.  “Thank you, Alice.  I am humbled.”

Gillyanne moseyed in.

“What’s transpiring this day in the lovely MacPherson clan?”

“Why are you still here?  Dear Lord, how long does it take to send a letter?” Abby said in pure frustration.

“I am still here, mouse.  I serve a function, ye know,” Gillyanne said, haughtily.

“What kind of function?  The castle whore?” Abby said, looking straight at Gillyanne.

The family smirked.

Gillyanne’s smile grew more broadly.  “How did ye guess, frumpy?  I serve Cameron in every way that satisfies him.  He’s unsurpassed in bed.  Why is it that ye think he hadna slept with ye?”  Gillyanne laughed.

“Are you sure it was my husband?  With your voracious appetite, I’m not certain you even have a moment to look at the face of the man you’re humping.”

Keith, Aidan, and Patrick couldn’t contain their boisterous laughter.  Keith slapped his knee.

“Ye bitch!” Gillyanne cried out.

“I’d rather be a bitch than a whore.”

Gillyanne lunged.  She was a foot away from Abby when Cameron hauled Gillyanne away.

“Doona ye dare touch her!”

Gillyanne growled and Abby responded with a wide smile.  Cameron set her down hastily and walked towards Abby.

“Leave, Gillyanne,” Cameron snapped.

“But Cameron, please.  My sister has not answered me,” she said pleadingly.

“Out!  Ye will no longer disrespect my wife.  Gather yer belongings and leave.  I’ll have my men escort ye.”  He looked towards Patrick who nodded.  Cameron left her and moved to stand in front of Abby.

Cameron smiled down at her.  “How are ye, sweetness?”  He lifted his hand to caress her cheek.

Smiling, she blushed but continued to hold his stare.  “Good.” 

“Doona be shy with me, especially after those heated comments ye made at Gillyanne,” he said laughing.  He leaned into her, whispering in her ear, “Especially after last night and this morn.”

Cameron moved back after she swatted him, but he noticed the color of her cheeks deepened. 

“I apologize for making a spectacle of myself.”

He snorted.  “I’m not.  I like that ye defend yerself.  I respect and enjoy yer spirit, Abby.  I especially love that fire in our bedchamber.”  She covered his mouth and looked around.  Cameron’s boisterous laugh echoed.  Her face was fiery now.  He leaned down and kissed her.  It was a tender kiss.  When he pulled back she nuzzled his nose with hers.

“Thank you,” she said.

“For what?”

“For it all.”

She left him pondering her words when she saw Amy bring Owen.

“Owen!  Come here,” she said, opening her arms.  The baby’s legs kicked in excitement and he lunged out of Amy’s arms wanting to go to Abby.

“Easy, Abby.  Your arms?”

Abby waved her hands.  “They feel good.  Bess’ salve is magical.”

She took Owen and hugged him close.  She pulled back and said, “You are so precious, my little Owen, and I love you.  Yes I do.”  She began cooing at the baby.  He loved her attention.  He smiled, drool coming down his mouth.  He began to laugh and giggle.

Abby took him in front of the hearth and played with him, only further away than she had been before with the accident.  Cameron watched her all the while, wishing he could make her the mother of his children.  He saw Patrick and a few other men guide Gillyanne out.  It had taken him entirely too long to tell her to leave.

Later that night, he made passionate love to his wife. 


He pretended for that night that he could sire a bairn with the woman he had grown to care for deeply.