Forget Me Not, My Scottish Love by Allie Palomino

Chapter Nineteen

The next morning, Abby was nowhere to be found.

“Where is she?”  Cameron brought two fingers to his temple and massaged.

“I doona know.  I havena seen her all day today,” Amy said.

“Gillyanne, where is she?” Cameron asked, as Gillyanne walked into the great hall. 

“She feels verra weak, Cameron.  She says she wants to remain in bed.  I offered to help her down or to call ye to carry her down here, but she refused.  She was upset and I feared for her wellbeing, so I let her have her way,” Gillyanne said, the concern on face was evident.

Cameron studied her a little too long, but nodded and strode away to train with his men.  He needed hard physical labor.  He knew that if he went to see her, she would become upset, and so he didn’t attempt it. 

Cameron was losing her. 

He felt it and the pain knifed through him.  He was growing desperate with concern.  He wanted his wife back.  He needed her.

Later that afternoon, the family sat at the table.

“She refuses to eat!” Alice complained from table.  “She doesna even want to see me!”

They heard noise from the staircase and saw Gillyanne helping Abby down.  Gillyanne smiled at the group gathered at the table and winked at them.

“Come on now, Abby.  Slowly.  At least drink some broth,” Gillyanne said.

“Only because I want you to stop nagging me,” Abby said sourly.

She sat Abby by the fire.  Abby cast doubtful stares at the family.

“I’ll get ye the broth, sound good?”

“Yes, yes,” Abby said, focusing on her knitting.

The family watched Abby with mixed emotions.  She looked sickly.  Her face was white, and the soft skin beneath her eyes was dark.  Then they looked at Cameron, who looked longingly at his wife.  He rose and approached her.

“What do you want?” she asked bitterly.

“Abigail, what is that matter with ye?” he asked gently, crouching beside her.

“How dare ye ask me that question?  Traitor!  I saw you attempting to rut with another!”

Cameron grabbed her hands.  “Nay, I-”

She struggled, trying to take her hands away from him.

“Away!  Get away!” Abby yelled, her breath becoming shorter. 

Gillyanne stood by and watched.  A smile touched her cold features as she saw Abby behave exactly how she thought she would. 

Stupid little mouse.  I’ll make ye miserable.

Abby struggled for breath.  She resisted Cameron, who wanted to touch her and take her hands.

“Leave her, Cameron.  Can ye not see that ye’re upsetting her more?” Alice said.

Cameron stepped back, helpless.  That was Gillyanne’s cue to rush in.

“Move, move.  I will help her.”  Her frown was perfectly sad, as it should be after feigning it in preparation of these moments.  “Abby, clam down.”

Abby nodded her head. 

“Breathe deeply and calm yerself.  ‘Tis no good to work yerself like this.”

Slowly, Abby began to breathe better.  She gave a scathing look at Cameron.

“Leave me alone!” she shouted and tried to get out of her chair.  She was too weak and fell back.  Tears fell down her eyes.  “It hurts to cry, Gillyanne,” Abby said in a whisper, but everyone heard her. 

“That’s because ye’re not eating like ye should be, Abby.  Ye have no nourishment in yer body.  Come, let me take ye upstairs again.  Then I’ll bring ye tea and broth,” Gillyanne said soothingly.

Gillyanne helped Abby out of the chair and helped her up the steps.  She looked at the family with sorrow in her eyes as she led Abby away.

“She’s disappearing before our verra eyes,” Cameron said, in a hoarse whisper filled with turmoil.

“Why would she say ye slept with another?” Amy asked.

“I’m not sure.  Her mind is breaking,” Cameron sighed.

“It’s Gillyanne.  She’s the problem,” Alice spat vehemently.

Cameron shook his head.  “Nay, it’s not her.  Gillyanne attempts to help her.”

“I agree.  I overheard one of their conversations.  Gillyanne was telling Abby that she should not be distrustful of Cameron nor us.  She was trying to convince Abby not to behave so towards us,” Amy said sadly.

“Gillyanne confided in me that Abby thinks we are all conspiring with her father to return her to him.  Gillyanne says that she also speaks of taking her own life,” Cameron said in a whisper.  He rubbed his eyes from the exhaustion he felt.  His head would not stop throbbing and his eyes were sensitive to the light.

“Nay!  Cameron ye lie!”

Cameron flinched at her loud voice, and shook his head.  “I wish I were, Mother,” he said and left the room, unable to hear anymore.

The family stood for a moment, absorbing what Cameron had said.

“Dear Lord, what is happening to her?” Alice asked.

“Cameron fears her mind is breaking again.  ‘Tis the only explanation.  Remember we saw her in much the same manner on her wedding day, thin and frail.  I think she’s regressing,” Keith said.

“I…I have…”

They looked at Amy.

“What is it, sweeting?”

Amy’s eyes focused on Keith’s.  She returned everyone’s gaze.

“I was sworn to secrecy.  So was Bess.  Doona become angry.”

Alice reached out and squeezed her hand.

“Worry not, dear Amy.  What is it?”

Amy’s eyes welled with tears. 

“Amy?  What is the matter?”  Keith looked at his wife with worried eyes and a wrinkled brow.

Amy bit her lips, took a deep breath, and spoke.

“Abby was with child, but lost the bairn a fortnight ago.”

They collectively inhaled.

“I walked into her chamber, and Bess was there.  Abby was nay doing verra well.  I didna know prior to this.  Apparently, she didna want to raise our hopes, so she made Bess swear not to say a word.”

Alice sat down and cried softly.  “Oh, poor Abby.”

The silence was deafening. 

“Cameron doesna know?”

“Nay, Keith.  She didna want any of us or him to know.  Ye must nay tell him.”

“We canna tell him.  ‘Tis too much for him to bear now,” Alice added.  “Has Cameron noticed she’s losing her hair?”

“Aye, Mother, Cameron notices everything.  He feels helpless.  The woman he loves acts as if she hates him and us.  Gillyanne is the only one who she allows near her,” Aidan said.

Upstairs, Gillyanne gave Abby more tea and forced her to drink broth.

“I don’t want to drink so many hot liquids, Gillyanne.  The broth tastes bitter!” Abby said.

“It tastes bitter because ye’re not used to eating or drinking anything other than tea,” Gillyanne said softly, pushing back Abby’s hair.

“I suppose you’re right,” Abby said, sipping the broth.

Once done, Gillyanne took the bowl and spoon downstairs.  “I’ll bring ye more tea, yes?” Gillyanne said, but Abby was fast asleep.

Downstairs, Gillyanne saw Alice and Amy. 

“Abby is sleeping.  I forced her to drink all of the broth.  She fell asleep after.  I think I’ll take a walk, now, for a bit of fresh air.  Please find me if she calls for me,” Gillyanne said, her eyes troubled.

“Go, Gillyanne.  Ye’ve been cooped up in there, seeing to our Abby.  Go on, I shall keep an ear out,” Amy said.  Gillyanne gave a small, sad smile and left.

“I doona trust her.  I doona know exactly what it is, but something’s amiss,” Alice said.

“I’m telling ye, Alice.  I heard it all.  She could easily turn Abby against us but she doesna.  At her own detriment, being Abby’s only friend now, she tried to convince her that we mean her no harm.  I’m afraid Cameron is right- Abby is losing her soundness of mind,” Amy said, a tear coming down her cheek. 

The two women turned to go to the kitchens.

Meanwhile, Gillyanne headed for a romp with one of the guards that had caught her eye.  She practically pranced towards him and he smiled wide.  He was in for a wild time.

Later, Abby was awake when Gillyanne returned. 

“Here ye are, some nice, warm tea.  How are ye feeling?”

“Not good, Gilly.  I feel awful.  My insides hurt,” Abby whispered in pain.

“Drink this tea.  Now, doona give me that face, I put some cream in it so that it’s easier on yer stomach,” Gillyanne said gently, handing the cup to Abby.

Gillyanne waited until she drank it all.  Abby began to grow weary. 

“Lie back, darling,” Gillyanne said.  “All will be well.”

She smoothed Abby’s hair, and some stuck to her hand.  Gillyanne made a face and whipped her hand fast to shake off the strands.

“I promise.”