Forget Me Not, My Scottish Love by Allie Palomino


He proudly watched his wife and son as they laughed and played in the field.  His son had just recently learned how to walk and no one could keep up with him, much less his wife.

Cameron reflected on his life for a brief moment. 

Life was indeed odd. 

It took twists and turns one never expected.  For him, they were hidden blessings.  If he would have been told years ago that he would be married to the girl that he’d saved from the ambush, who turned out to be the daughter of his most hated enemy, he would have thought the person mad. 

He shook his head now, knowing how foolish that thought was.  He would have never known the pleasure of a wife and children.  He would have never known true contentment.  Alexander, for all that Cameron had dragged his feet, had indeed given him the greatest gifts a man could have.

Every day, without missing one, he prayed and gave thanks for his wife and child.  He said words of gratitude not only for having been given one opportunity at happiness, but for two.  Through the dark months he was separated from his beloved wife, he’d prayed for her to return and his prayers had been answered.  Now, with every step and every action he took, he showed his gratitude.

He watched as a very curious and energetic Trystan let go of Abby’s hand, walking, then running, awkwardly on wobbly legs.  She began laughing and Cameron swore that the clouds parted and the sun came out at that precise moment.  She called for their stubborn son, but Trystan was happily running away.  They heard his giggles trail behind him as he ran.  After her demand that he return fell on deaf toddler ears, she finally turned her frustrated face to Cameron.  Cameron’s breath held and the wind picked up slightly.  Abby’s magnificent hair blew in the wind and the sun radiated off her ethereal skin.

She was magnificent, beautiful, wholesome- his life.

Cameron quickly stood, knowing that look on his wife’s face.  As of late, she had been extra moody and temperamental.  He knew better than to challenge her, though.  Warrior, laird, man- it didn’t matter.  He’d faced the most gruesome opponents and none of them compared to his wife in a tizzy. 

She tapped her foot on the ground and placed her hands over her rounding belly, giving him the face.

“I believe he came out with yer temperament and stubbornness, husband,” she said, as he passed her to get his fleeing son.  Cameron picked Trystan up and tossed him in the air playfully.  Trystan giggled hysterically.

“My temperament?” he asked, as he rejoined her.

“Aye,” she said, staring up at her husband.

“Ye’re right,” he agreed eagerly, watching her closely.

“I hope the next one,” she said and paused for effect.  He didn’t expect to hear these words when she said, “turns out the same.”  She began laughing and he smiled at her.

Who was he to argue with his expecting wife? 

As she was always quick to point out, and as he was always ready to agree, women were always right.

Especially when she was carrying your child.