Pandemonium by R.E. Butler

Chapter Ten

Demi wasn’t just feeling bold—she was positively giddy at the thought of mating Rafe and Rhaider. She’d been okay with waiting and getting to know them better, but her lioness wanted to claim them. Immediately. And Demi could think of nothing better than tumbling into bed with her sexy mates and making it official.

Mating them. Marking them. Rocking their worlds too.

She planned to lead them to her room, maybe walk a little sexy, flirt. But then Rhaider scooped her up in his arms and kissed her as he walked toward her bedroom.

Their bedroom.

She slipped her arms around Rhaider’s neck and kissed him back, her body lighting up at the contact.

Rhaider broke the kiss as he carried her into the bedroom. Rafe was following close behind, his eyes flashing from blue to the dark brown of his bear. Rhaider put her on the bed and she sat up, reaching for Rafe, who came swiftly to her. Their lips met and everything within her ratcheted up again.

Her clothes disappeared in a flurry, tossed over their heads and landing somewhere on the floor. She tugged on Rafe’s shirt, pulling it up from the confines of his jeans. He broke the kiss long enough to rip his shirt over his head and give her a glimpse of his sexy body. His arms were thick, his abs perfectly sculpted.

Rafe slipped from the bed to strip, and she found herself in only her panties on her back, staring up at Rhaider, who joined her on the bed and was now shirtless but still wearing his jeans.

You’re so beautiful,” Rhaider said, gazing down at her.

You guys are the sexiest males I’ve ever seen. I’m really lucky,” she said.

We’re the lucky ones, Demi,” Rafe said.

She lifted her head and saw him standing at the edge of the bed, his whole body on display. He eyed her hungrily, like he could devour her and she’d love every second of it.

I’ve never done anything like this before,” she said.

We haven’t either,” Rhaider said. He bent and kissed her and she fell back onto the bed. “We were saving it for our heart-match.”

Her heart swelled. She cupped his face. “I love that. I’m…crazy about you both.”

It’s entirely mutual, sweets,” Rhaider said.

Rafe put his hands around her ankles and she glanced down the length of her body. “I’m crazy about you. Entirely certifiable. After tonight? I think I’ll add addicted to the list.”

She grinned.

And then she sucked in a sharp breath as he ran his hands up the outside of her legs and grasped her panties. He pulled them off in a smooth motion. He pushed her legs apart gently and climbed up the bed between them. She tilted her head back to kiss Rhaider as she spread her legs more fully to make room for Rafe’s broad shoulders. Rhaider left her lips and kissed down her jaw to her ear, giving her lobe a gentle tug as Rafe kissed up the inside of her thigh. Her stomach clenched as anticipation rose within her.

Rhaider kissed from her ear down her neck, nibbling and sucking, as Rafe spread her open and licked a slow line from her entrance around her tingling clit and back down.

His lips closed around her clit as Rhaider mimicked his motions with her breasts, licking and sucking each to tight perfection as his brother drove her wild. The two of them together, both touching her, drawing her toward climax, was more amazing than she ever would’ve imagined. Rhaider knew just how to play with her breasts, tugging with his fingers and kissing the tips, then lifting up to kiss her lips and whisper sexy things into her ear.

Fucking gorgeous.

Can’t wait to taste you.

Let me see you come.

Rafe slipped a finger inside her and growled, swirling his tongue around her clit, the growling making everything vibrate. Her back bowed off the bed as a riot of sensations cascaded through her and she was very certain that she was going to melt from the inside out.

Everything within her went white hot as she reached the pinnacle of pleasure, her body flooding with heat and her gums tingling as her fangs threatened to erupt.

She shouted their names as she came, and her mates growled in approval.

Rafe slipped from between her thighs. She watched as Rhaider stripped swiftly and then rolled her gently to her stomach. She rose onto her hands and knees as he moved behind her on the bed. Rafe slid underneath her, his cock hard and ready. Rafe cupped her face and leaned up for a kiss as Rhaider pushed inside her. Gasping into Rafe’s mouth, she broke the kiss and threw back her head with a gusty groan.

Take me with you when you fly,” Rafe said. He stretched out on the bed, his eyes shining with excitement.

She lowered her head and licked around the head of his cock, then slowly took him in her mouth. He groaned and pushed her hair away so he could watch her. Rhaider moved within her, picking up the pace, his hands tightening on her hips as they moved together.

She was so turned on she thought she’d combust.

Rafe slipped his hand along the center of her body, tilting himself so he could reach her.

She moaned loudly around his cock when he rubbed her clit with his fingertips.

Holy fuck,” Rhaider said with a growl.

She would’ve said the same thing if she hadn’t had a mouthful of cock.

She’s close,” Rhaider said.

Me too,” Rafe said.

Fucking good thing,” Rhaider said.

Rhaider pounded into her as Rafe played with her clit. She had to use a hand to keep up with tending to Rafe because she was moaning too loud to keep her mouth on him.

As her body split apart into another climax even stronger than the first one, she screamed her pleasure, and had just enough of her wits about her to suck Rafe off as he came. She drank down his climax as Rhaider roared his pleasure, coming inside her.

She would’ve collapsed on top of Rafe, but they lifted her to her knees and moved her between them, Rhaider at her back and Rafe at her front.

Mine,” Rafe said, before fitting his mouth over one side of her neck and biting down.

She gasped at the sensation of his thick fangs sliding into her.

And then Rhaider did the same thing on her other side after claiming her.

When their fangs were gone from her, she let out her lioness, her fangs erupting from her gums. She bit Rafe first on the neck and then Rhaider, claiming them as they’d claimed her.

And then they collapsed together onto the bed. Limbs tangled. Hearts pounding.

Fully claimed.