Tempted by Deception (Deception Trilogy #2) by Rina Kent

I’m about to turn around and head to the comfy underwear section when someone appears by my side.

At first, I think it’s just one of those strangers who get too close, but then I recognize his leather jacket and the black hat he wears too low, while holding a phone to his ear. Then, my nostrils fill with a familiar scent: bleach.

“Luca?” I whisper.

“Don’t look at me and keep inspecting the clothes, Duchess. You’re being followed.”

I stare ahead, running my fingers over the red lingerie. Am I really being followed? I knew Adrian was a damn stalker. I’ve seen a black car and a shadow of his guard, Yan, a couple of times, but I thought those were one-offs. I should’ve known better.

“Bring out your phone and pretend you’re talking on it,” Luca says in his nonchalant voice.

I do as he says, one hand on the underwear and the other holding the phone to my ear. Luca is always careful not to be caught out in public. That’s why we’ve only been talking over the phone lately. Or before Adrian came into the picture, at least.

“Why haven’t you called me back?” I don’t hide the hurt from my voice. I’ve really needed a friend these past couple of weeks and he’s the only one I have.

“I was out of the country. Besides, you’re full of fucking traps, Duchess. You’re as hard to get close to as the president.”


“Adrian has you all bugged. Your phone, your house. Even your car.”

The information strikes me deep. Even though Adrian is a stalker, why would he go to the trouble of bugging everything? He has me, doesn’t he? Why would he need to log my every movement? Then another realization hits me.

“Wait…how do you know about Adrian?”

“I know everything about you, Duchess. We promised to have each other’s backs, remember?”

I do. Since the time we escaped our old lives, we said that we would have a new beginning that’s not defined by who we were. Luca chose a completely different road from mine.

“He’s…” I swallow. “He’s dangerous, Luca.”

“I’m dangerous, too.”

“No. He’s really dangerous.”

“I thought you’d need my help to get rid of him. Are you defending him?”

I pause. I do want to get rid of Adrian, but resorting to Luca’s methods isn’t the way to go. That’s not any different from acting like Adrian.

Although Luca has been keeping me out of his world, I know that he’s involved in shady business with shady people. He’s a lot like Adrian, but I’ve known him since we were children. I know he won’t hurt me.

“I’m not defending him,” I murmur.

“So do you want to get rid of him?”

“I don’t like to harm people, Luca.”

“Sometimes you have to or they’ll harm you.”

I remain silent, mulling over his favorite words. Luca has always had that philosophy about life and people.

“I’ll get rid of Adrian.”

His words cause a strange clenching in my chest. “I said I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

“It’s not only because of you, Duchess. Remember the people I work for? They want him gone.”

“But why?”

“Because he knows too much about things, and if he’s gone, the brotherhood will be weakened.”

He really is a higher-up if people like Luca’s random employers want him gone. Just what type of business is Adrian involved in? I’ve made it my mission to not get mixed up in that part of his life, but is that the wisest decision?

“Before I get rid of him, I need you to keep an eye on him, Duchess.”

“What?” I hiss.

“You heard me. I want to know if anything suspicious arises. You’re currently the closest person to him and the only one who can figure out his system.”

“His system?”

“He has a system where he watches everyone and everything, predicting things before they happen.”

Patterns. I recall Adrian said he believes in them. That’s why he’s a strategist.

I shake my head the slightest bit, bunching my hand on the lingerie. “I’m not going to be your spy, Luca.”

“Why not?”

“It’s Adrian. He’ll know.”

“He won’t.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“He’s blinded by you.”

My lips part. “Blinded by me? You must be kidding.”

“I’m not. For the first time in his life, the meticulous Adrian Volkov is letting a woman close. If that’s not a weakness, I don’t know what is.”

I don’t like that, the idea of me being Adrian’s weakness. The more Luca talks, the more I want to shut him up.

“All you have to do is act as you’ve been doing all along. Don’t try to find his bugs and don’t get out from under his thumb.”


“Lia…” his voice softens. “Have you forgotten what we promised?”

“I haven’t, but I also didn’t sign up to be a part of this game.”

“You were signed up a long time ago.”


“Do you want me to tell you who was behind your parents’ deaths?”