Deviant King (Royal Elite #1) by Rina Kent

Shoving a hand in his pocket, he studies me up and down. His gaze lingers on my left breast as if he’s trying to burn a hole through my shirt.

It takes everything in me not to cross my arms over my chest.

His attention finally slides back to my face. “I think you’re lying, Frozen. I think you were pushed to your limits so you took the easy way out.”

“Guess what, Aiden? I don’t care what you think.”

“You should. What I think will have a direct impact on your life, sweetheart.”

“Stop calling me that,” I hiss. “I’m not your sweetheart.”

“You are whatever the fuck I say you are, sweetheart.”

Is it possible to curse someone into a dark, bottomless pit of hell? I’m not above using black magic. I just need him to bloody disappear. The earth will be a tad more peaceful.

I seal my temper as I turn around to leave.

He won’t get to me. He won’t.

A strong hand clutches my arm and swings me back so hard, I land flush against his hard chest.

He grips me with brute, bruising force.

“Did I say you can go?”

I struggle against him. “I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m not one of your subjects, your majesty. I don’t follow your orders.”

“There’s a start to everything.”

He releases me but only so he can wrap both his arms around my waist and rests his hands at the small of my back like we’re some freaking lovers.

This close, my air fills with his scent and his body heat mingles with mine.

I’m not short, but he still has height and broadness on me. Deep down, I know that seize is just an intimidation factor.

I push at his chest, wiggling sideways and backwards, trying to unlink his hands.

He doesn’t even move to stop me. All he does is keep his steel-like hold.

“Ugh.” I pant. “Let me go.”

“Why should I, hmm?”

“Why shouldn’t you?” I counter back.

“I love it when you struggle.” His eyes gleam with that now-familiar sadism as he reaches up and pinches my cheek. “You should see the tint of red on this.”

I go limp against him. My arms fall lifeless on either side of me, and I even school my expression into a neutral one.

If he loves my struggle, then he won’t be getting it anymore.

“Are you done?”

His left eye twitches.

Obviously, the sick bastard doesn’t like not getting what he wants and I beat him at his own game.

“I’m going to give you a valuable piece of advice. You already know what I’m capable of.” His voice is calm. The dangerous type of calm. “Don’t push me.”

“You’re the one who’s pushing me!” I can’t believe this bastard. “You’re lucky I haven’t reported you for what happened yesterday.”

“Lucky?” He laughs with a humourless edge, and it’s stupid that even the lines of his face stretch in beautiful angles.

Someone pour acid on his features.

“I don’t know if you’re trying to be adorable or if you’re that naïve.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“You think you can hurt me, hmm?”

He clutches my chin with his thumb and forefinger, angling my head back so he can invade my face with his intrusive gaze.

My heart palpitates harder and faster.

No matter how many tactics I come up with, no matter how much I like to think I have control over this situation… I don’t.

And my heart recognises the danger.

The void.

The black hole.

My rigid spine also recognises the tingle of fear.

The need to run and hide.

The need to never be found.

A side of me I fought to keep buried is rising, crawling, and resurrecting to the surface.

You’re my masterpiece, Elsa.

I briefly close my eyes against that haunting voice from the past. When I open them again, the eerie voice disappears but Aiden’s steel expression remains.

Damn him and how easily he can poke open that part of me.

I kept it buried for more than ten years, but he’s slowly letting it lose in a matter of two days.

“Maybe I can.” My voice sounds a lot calmer than I feel. “What do you even know about me?”

“A lot more than you think.” He squeezes my jaw so hard, I wince.

“I swear to God, either let me go or —”

“Or what?” His features spark with the promise of a challenge. “You can’t do fuck to me. Let me put it this way, if I murder you, Coach will burn the corpse and the principal will scatter the remains. If I commit a crime, the school board will flip it around so it seems as if I’m the victim. You might have your head in the sand like little miss Ostrich, so here’s a quick reminder, I’m king here.”

His words sting because they’re true. As long as he has the King’s name, his father doesn’t even have to interfere for everything to blow over.

The injustice flares inside me and blurs my vision with unshed tears.


I won’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry again.

“But if you feel entitled to.” The corner of his lips lifts in a smirk. “If you think you can take me, then, by all means, show me what you got, sweetheart. I’m curious to see who will believe that I touched you without your consent. I can have any pussy I want, what’s so special about yours?”