Deviant King (Royal Elite #1) by Rina Kent

“That you can’t have it.”

I regret the words as soon as they’re out. I can’t believe I just dangled a freaking steak in front of a predator.

“Frozen.” He muses.

My lips thin in a trembling line and I nearly fidget in his hold, waiting for his next blow.

Any moment now, he’ll —

Aiden releases me and steps back.


He… he’s letting me go?

I cautiously watch his expression like a deer caught in the headlights.

He schools his features into that poker face.

For some reason, I expect him to laugh in my face and grab me again.

I’m happy he’s letting me go, I am. But I can’t help the tinge of annoyance at not being able to read him.

He places a hand in his pocket, appearing casual, almost nonchalant. “Show me the mark.”


“You’re not an idiot so don’t act like one and show me the mark I left yesterday.”

“You’re out of your mind.”

My limbs are shaking but I turn around to run. I need to escape his space.

His presence.

His damn face.

“If you take one more step. I’ll chase you, sweetheart. And this time…” he trails off, his voice turning suffocating like smoke. “I won’t stop.”

I gulp audibly and stop in my tracks.

A part of me doesn’t want to believe he’d go that far, but who am I kidding?

Aiden won’t stop until he gets what he wants.

With my heartbeat in a knot, I face him. “Why are you doing this, Aiden?”

“Why do you think?”

“Because you can?”

“Because I can, huh? Interesting.” He pauses. “You are so… frozen, did you know that?”

“Your minions wouldn’t stop reminding me of that fact, thank you very much.”

“You’re missing the entire point.”

“What point?”

“If you’re missing it, why should I tell you?”

I open my mouth to say something when he cuts me off. “Take off your shirt.”

My fists ball on each side of me.

“If you don’t, I will. How many ripped shirts do you want to collect?”

“You’re sick.”

“Do you honestly believe that’s an insult to me?”

I clamp my lips in a line.

“Last chance. Take off your shirt.”


We watch each other for one second.


Three —

He starts in my direction. All blood drains from my face and a tremor shoots down my spine.

It’s real.

That look. That determination.

This time he won’t stop.

“Fine!” I blurt, stepping back. “I’ll do it.”

He stops, but his poker face remains in place. He appears calm and casual, but if I take one step, I’ve no doubt that he’ll chase me like a starved wolf.

Think, Elsa, think!

A crazy idea explodes in my mind.

“Do it for me,” I say in a neutral, almost uninterested tone.

Aiden’s left eye twitches.

I’m sure my suggestion has taken him by surprise. He thought I’d either cower to his threat or he’d do it by force. I’m sure the sick bastard hoped for the second option.

The fact that I’m offering him to do it without the whole violence factor ought to throw him off balance.

Those who give two options don’t expect a third. The third option rattles them, and that’s exactly what I’m betting on.

He narrows his eyes, “You’re trying to play a game again.”

“I’m just giving you what you want.”

“Are you now?” His tone turns stone cold.


“You’ll regret that.” He approaches me and reaches for my ribbon.

I place both palms on his stupid broad shoulders and dig my fingers in his uniform’s jacket.

He pauses at my first button and searches my face.

Touching him was never a part of the deal, and he must be wondering why I’m doing it willingly.

I don’t know if he hates or loves it, but I don’t give him or myself time to think about it.

I lift my knee and hit him in the crotch. Hard. As hard as I can.

His face contorts and his hands shoot out for me, but I duck and run past him.

A huge grin pulls on my face.

I just kneed Aiden fucking King in the balls!

Chapter Seven

I kicked Aiden in the balls.

I kicked Aiden fucking King in the balls.

My feet skid to a halt at the threshold of the classroom.

I’m panting.

My hands are sweaty.

The wave of adrenaline vanishes from my system, leaving a tremor in my limbs.

My shoulders shake with suppressed laughter. If I didn’t worry that my classmates would start calling me a lunatic, I would’ve laughed so loud right now.

I want to run, jump, and bump fists with myself.

It’s a strange type of freedom that I haven’t felt in like… ever.

I was always quiet and introverted, but right now? I feel like I can punch the moon and kick the stars.

With a deep breath, I push my shoulders back and stride into the classroom with my head held high.