Deviant King (Royal Elite #1) by Rina Kent

“What? How?”

“You’ve always lived by the rules. He doesn’t. He’s free in ways you aren’t. Maybe that’s why you’re attracted to him.”

Kim’s words strike so deeply, I visibly flinch.

“You know, in the summer camp, this Buddha priest chap told us an interesting tidbit,” she continues.


“Souls are attracted to each other.”

After saying goodbye, I stand rooted at the entrance, her last words playing like an echo in my head.

Souls are attracted to each other.

Aiden’s soul is black, so what does that make mine?

I’m about to head inside when I catch movement. A black car is parked across from the house right under the streetlamp. The windows are tinted so I can’t see inside.

The car has been there for the entire day before I went to school and after I returned.

An ominous feeling creeps down my spine. It’s like I’ve seen that car before.


I bolt the door and activate the alarm system.

The house feels so calm, eery and… cold.

I sit down for dinner, but I’m not really hungry. I eat anyway so Aunt won’t feel upset if she finds the boxes as she left them.

Have you thought that maybe you’re living your aunt and uncle’s lives, not yours? Kim’s words return and I shoo them away.

I need to eat, because unlike no one knows, my heart is acting up again. I know I should visit Dr Albert soon, but I need to participate in the track competition first.

The other time, Dr Albert mentioned another surgery. Not only will I kiss track running goodbye, but I might lose precious months that I should use to prepare for college.

I intend to live this year to the fullest, and then when it’s time for the surgery, I will have it.

While I’m eating, I play chess against myself, knocking the black king a few times.

See, I love playing chess. Kim was wrong, not all my interests are linked to Aunt and Uncle. Even if Uncle Jaxon first taught me chess.

After a few rounds, I push the board away and retrieve my phone to check the school’s website.

Then I recall it’s the weekend.

My finger hovers over Instagram. I don’t even pretend to scroll in the feeds, I go straight to Aiden’s profile.

He hasn’t posted anything after that picture of us kissing. It’s so unlike him considering that he posts at least once a day.

When I first saw the picture, I was too mortified to study it properly.

Now, I’m calmer.


I zoom in and see how entangled we really are. The look of utter possessiveness and rogue claiming on his face. The look of abandonment on mine.

Some screw was loose at that time.

I scroll down to the comments. No girls gush all over him on this picture. Most are friendly teases from the football team.

Ronan wrote, You better be sorry for stealing my show that night, King.

I blush, remembering how he caught us.

My pulse spikes when I make out the last comment. It’s only minutes ago and it’s from Silver.

Side dish until the actual menu comes.

I stab my fork at the empty plate. What in the ever living hell is her problem? First, I’m a peasant then I’m a side dish?

And the bastard didn’t even delete her comment.

I hit home and throw the phone on the table. With a few calming breaths, I take my plates and do the dishes as calmly as I can manage, not bothering with the washer. I almost break the utensils.

With the water still running, I grip the sink’s edge with both hands as I breathe heavily. I always thought jealousy was for weak, insecure people, but apparently, I’m turning into one, too.

It’s blinding and downright scary how much I want to hurt her for messing with what’s mine.

But then again, Aiden isn’t mine.

Not really.

So I’m being all pissed off about nothing. And that pisses me off more.

I finish the dishes and retreat to my room to study. It’s the only logical thing in my life at the moment.

An hour or so later, I crawl into bed, trying not to think about how Aiden has been bringing my special food every day. How he made sure we’re seen in the halls together so no one bullies me anymore. How he brings me water after practice. How he watches me with that concern when I’m running as if he knows my heart isn’t doing so well.

I shouldn’t appreciate the thoughtful gestures, but I do, and they’re tumbling my defences worse than anything else.

Unable to resist, I check Instagram again. I scroll down to Silver’s comment, but it isn’t there anymore. Not sure if she deleted it or if he did.

My phone vibrates with a text.


I sit up in bed, my heart somersaulting inside its cavity.

Aiden: Can’t sleep. I’m thinking about you.

I should pretend to be asleep, but I just can’t. I’m feeling so off tonight and I’m afraid that if I close my eyes, nightmares will barge in.

I type back.

Elsa: I can’t sleep either.

Aiden: Why?

Elsa: I’m scared of going to sleep sometimes.

I regret that as soon as I hit send. He doesn’t need to know that.

The three dots appear and disappear as if he’s thinking about what to say.

Aiden: I don’t like to sleep either.

I sit up straighter.

Elsa: Why?