Lured (Team Zero #1) by Rina Kent

As in sociopath, wrong. I don’t think Dominic is the type who actively works to hurt others, but I also don’t doubt that he’d step on people to get what he wants.

“He skipped grades and worked like a maniac for his research career.” Samir sounds thoughtful.

“He skipped grades?” How come Nancy never mentioned this?

Samir taps his head. “Dominic is a genius. He skipped more than four grades. Not everyone can become a researcher at thirty.”

Bah alors. I knew he was smart but this is wickedly smart. No wonder he feels out of place with his friends. He’s younger than them.

“The crowd he hangs with are evil.” Samir taps a hand on his heart. “I can feel it. Here. I look into their eyes and see Satan. Astaghfir Allah.”

“His group of friends don’t strike me as too evil?” I’m confused. Yes, they’re a bit superficial like all rich snobs, I suppose, but not that bad.

“No, not those.” Samir loops his hand. “The other ones. He doesn’t bring them here. I saw him with them in high-end restaurants.”

The other ones? What type of group did Dominic get himself into?

“Stay away, you little bugger.” Samir’s eyes drip with parental affection. “It’s a world bigger than you and me. You don’t want to hurt your parents, do you?”

“Don’t worry about it, Sam!” I stand and tap his shoulder. “I’m going to be completely fine.”

I head to the storage room, suddenly with so much energy to even do the boring stock. I retrieve the card from my apron and smile wide. My curiosity in Dominic keeps escalating to an alarming level. It morphed into a hungry animal and Dominic is dangling a huge steak in front of it.

It’s time to act on it.

Chapter Twelve

Someone wise once said ‘It is better to be feared than loved.’

If Dominic only understands fear, then fear it will be.

It will be so fun to watch him fall to his knees. And it’ll be all because of a girl who couldn’t stay away.

Pathetic little people.

Chapter Thirteen

When Dominic said I will know when I arrive, my thoughts went to some underground depraved club. I wouldn’t put it past him. Honestly, I only came so I would leave.

Those club scenes aren’t something I stomach. Even if it’s with Dominic. Besides, he must’ve brought his nameless women here all the time. I still refuse to be another acquisition.

The entire taxi ride has gone in silence. Partially because the driver is so gloomy and gives me the chills. He didn’t acknowledge me or utter a word. He just stares at the side mirrors.

The second part is because I’m deep in thoughts, and I keep tugging on the straps of my dress. It’s a little black dress that Maman bought me at the beginning of the summer. I’m sure she didn’t picture me wearing it for a sociopath.

I wore red heels that I owned for a year but I never had the occasion for them. I shouldn’t even have packed them. It’s as if I had a premonition I’d be needing them for a moment like this.

When we finally arrive at the address, I pay the driver and exit without taking any change. As soon as he retreats, I inspect the place.

I freeze. It’s not some shady club. In fact, it’s one of the richest places in central London. It’s like I’m staring at a building right out of those ‘perfect homes’ brochures. A flat in such a place must cost a fortune and a few people’s organs sold in the black market.

Is this where he lives?

I shake my head. There’s no way Dominic would give me his address. Casual things happened in hotels. Like yesterday.

I take one last look at myself. I applied a bit of make-up today. The only loud thing is the red lipstick that Nancy made me wear.

I pat my loose hair for any rebellious strands and check my phone. It’s past eleven. I’m so late and it’s all because of dolling up.

Come on, Camille. To a new adventure.

I nod to myself and push through the building’s revolving door. The reception hall is even more impressive than the outside. White marble shines under soft white light.

Even the counter is pure marble. A gentleman who’s wearing a butler’s suit and white gloves stands behind it and smiles upon seeing me. He doesn’t look any older than his forties but his hair is entirely white.

His nameplate reads, ‘David’.

He says in an accent that resembles BBC’s anchors. “How may I help you, Miss?”

I fumble into my small bag for the card then show it to the man. “I’m here to meet Dominic?” I don’t know why it came out as a question.

David doesn’t even flinch. “Your name, please.”


He nods. “Please follow me.”

That unexplainable pit of jealousy hits me again as I follow David’s measured steps. He didn’t find it odd that someone is coming for Dominic this late which means the latter always had late night visitors. Like certain nameless women.

My temper flares as I stand beside David while he hits the lift’s buttons. I’m so tempted to leave and to hell with Dominic.

“We were expecting you more than thirty minutes ago, Miss.”

I pause my chain of thoughts. “We?”