Lured (Team Zero #1) by Rina Kent

“Yes.” The man keeps his neutral gaze on the elevator. “Dr Johnson said you will arrive at ten thirty.”

“Dr Johnson is so sure of himself,” I grit out, struggling to remain polite. Dominic was so sure that I would come.

I should blow him off just so he’d learn that not everyone falls at his feet.

“I beg your pardon?” the polite butler asks.

“Nothing.” I wave away. “Tell Dr Johnson to keep his habits to the women he brings here.”

I turn to leave.

“The women?” His brows furrow. “No other woman but you have come to visit Dr Johnson’s residence, Miss. In fact, it’s a miracle he’s at home. He spends all his time at the lab.”

My breath hitches and I almost fall for it. Almost. Dominic’s sociopathic nature almost got me. “Does he tell you to say that to every woman?”

“No, Miss.” His tone is completely serious. “I have no reason to lie.”

The lift dings. The man presses a P button and swipes his card then motions inside. “Please.”

The thought to run away evaporates. I’m more curious to know about Dominic’s place. I can’t believe he actually invited me to his place.

I step into the lift. David stares at me for a second too long in an unreadable expression. I don’t know why it resembles the taxi driver’s stares. It evaporates as fast as it came. I must be imagining things.

David bows as the doors close. “Have a nice evening.”

The lift keeps going up and up and so does my heartbeat. Now that I’m going to be at the same place with Dominic again, I can’t help replaying yesterday. I wonder what he has in store for me today.

The lift dings and it’s kind of haunting in the darkness. I didn’t ask the receptionist which number is Dominic’s flat. I fish for the card, but there isn’t a number on it. When I attempt to go downstairs and ask David, the lift’s doors open fully to reveal a flat – or more like a lounge area with darkish sofas.

It’s one of those lifts that open straight into the flat. How am I supposed to knock in this case?

Maybe Dominic is asleep. How would he know I came over? David didn’t contact him.

My gaze strays over the soft lightening in the lounge area. It has a huge glass wall that overlooks London’s buildings. Just like in the hotel.

The glinting lights in the distance mesmerise me. They’re so far and yet so near. Sort of like Dominic.

Seriously? Will I compare everything to that enigma now?

When the lift’s doors start to close, I step into the flat. Perhaps I should remove my heels to not dirty the carpets.

I’m still contemplating the idea when a shadow looms behind me. I’m about to scream but a strong hand stifles it. My heartbeat quickens with both fear and excitement as hot breaths tickle my ears. “You’re late. How should I punish you?”

Chapter Fourteen

I gasp at the sheer force Dominic is holding me with. Something in my body springs to life just like when he spanked me against that table or when he face fucked me.

This raw feeling is foreign.



I don’t get to think straight. My mind seems to cease working around this man.

With his hand still around my mouth, he pushes me forward. I yelp as I fall against the sofa head first. My dress bunches up to the middle of my thighs. Cool air tickles my scorching skin.

Dominic isn’t done.

He yanks at my zipper so hard, I’m afraid he’ll tear my dress. He pushes the fabric down my arms and to the floor so I’m lying in black lace underwear. They’re matching this time.

He groans, and I try to look at him. He threads a strong hand in my hair, keeping me in place. I turn my cheek so it’s laying on the cool leather. I inhale deep. It smells of Dominic.




“I want to look at you,” I groan and use my hand to prop up. Dominic yanks both my arms behind my back and grabs them with one strong hand. My body falls back against the sofa. Cool leather wraps around my wrists.

My pulse heightens and a current of need settles inside me. This is only the second time he does this. Why does it feel like I want him to bind me forever?

“Should’ve thought of that when you came late.” His authoritative tone whispers near my ear. I finally get a sight of him. He’s still fastening the leather around my wrist and he’s… only in boxers.

Putain. Why is he so hot? I mean, shouldn’t he have an imperfection or something that will make him more human?

My thighs clench with need as I take in his defined abs and that ‘No Regrets’ tattoo.

Dominic smells of a head-turning male shower gel and leather. There’s also a hint of his natural smell that isn’t doing any favours to my already heated body. Dark brown strands fall haphazardly on his forehead. They’re half-damp, giving him a ruggedly handsome look.

When he speaks, his brows are furrowing. “I thought you weren’t coming.”

“I thought so, too.”

Once my wrists are secured behind my back, he reaches a finger and traces my bottom lip. “Why did you change your mind?”

I gulp. It’s hard to find words when he’s touching me. “I couldn’t stay away,” I say light-heartedly. “Do you use some sort of enchantment on me?”