Lured (Team Zero #1) by Rina Kent

I’ll never be the same easy-going albeit nerdy Camille anymore. He reshaped my world and then threw me away as If I were insignificant.

I only have myself to blame, though. I knew he’d break my heart and still offered it to him on a golden platter.

Maybe when I’m less bitter, I’ll consider telling him that he’s a father.

I open my notebook and go through my notes for an upcoming test. Studying and going through pregnancy can be challenging as hell, but I’m not the giving-up type.

Through my second read through, footsteps sound from behind me. I turn around, expecting to find Papa.

The notebook falls from my hand.


I blink. Once. Twice. But he’s still here.

This isn’t a dream.

He’s in a pressed navy blue suit that outlines his broad shoulders and gives him a ruggedly handsome look. His hair is shorter on the sides now, but it’s still long in the middle.

He’s looking at me with that calm expression, but there’s no hollowness this time. No ulterior motive to hurt and push me away. He seems uncertain but also tired.

Dominic is here.

My heart flips in anticipation and happiness. The need to run into his arms is so strong, I can barely contain it.

But… screw him.

The bastard kicked me out. He broke my heart until I could no longer gather the pieces. Who does he think he is to show up unannounced in my sanctuary? Not one or two or even three months after. It took him five whole months. It’s been freaking 153 days.

Not that I’ve been counting or anything.

His gaze dips to my belly, and he pauses. I can see that calculation in his eyes, then the recognition. He stares back at my face with awe like the asshole is actually happy that I’m pregnant with his baby.

I pick up the notebook, place it on the rock and stand up. It takes effort but my voice comes out calm. “The baby isn’t yours. I’m not crazy enough to carry your seed.”

This is only payback to what I’ve been going through since he hurt and pushed me away.

“Liar.” He approaches with steady but somehow careful steps. When he’s right in front of me, his lips curve in a genuine, heart-stopping smile. “Your heart and I are best friends and both of us agree that you’re lying through your teeth, Cam.”

Tears spring to my eyes even when I try to rein them in. Stupid hormones.

All the feelings I’ve been suppressing shoot to the surface. I’ve been so miserable and now that he’s here, it’s making me a mess.

I push at his chest with both fists. “You kicked me out, Dom! You can’t do that and then come here after whole five months and expect me to jump into your arms. That’s not how it works.”

There’s a pause before he says in a quiet tone, “You think I wanted to part from you? I’ve been going fucking crazy without you, but I had to make that decision.”

“Why? Just tell me why!”

His dark eyes meet mine, and the deep sincerity in them undoes me. “I can’t let on much about it, but you were in danger. The people I work with for my research are… eccentric. They’re not afraid to threaten everything I love to have me do their bidding.”

My breath hitches. Samir’s words stab in my brain. He said Dominic got involved with the wrong people. Is this one of its consequences? “What do you mean?”

He shakes his head and takes my hand in his warm one. “The less you know the better. Believe me. I’m protecting you.”

“But —”

He places a finger on my lips. “What I need you to know is that I’m crazy for you, baby girl. You’re the only one who didn’t run the other way when you saw my true self. On the contrary, you were drawn to me because of it. I thought I could watch from afar while you live like a normal person, but I lied to myself. Every day, I stare at that mug you left behind and imagine you being a pain the arse with your constant teasing. How pathetic is that?”

I laugh despite myself. “Very. Is the sociopath growing a heart?”

“It’s always been there for you, Cam,” he says with an uncertain expression. “If you have me back, I’ll do everything to keep you happy.”

I jut out my chin. “What makes you think I haven’t moved on?”

His eyes darken. “I told you I would murder anyone who touches you.”

I bite my lower lip. “Have you… been with anyone?”

He shakes his head. “I told you. You’re the only woman for me.” He narrows his eyes. “Now tell me the name of the fucker I need to murder.”

“You ruined me for everyone, asshole.” I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face in his hard chest. Oh, Dieu. I missed this embrace. I’ve been breathing in the past months, but this must be the first time I feel alive since I walked out of his flat.

Dominic’s arms encircle me in a strong hold and he inhales my hair. “I missed you so much, Cam.”

“Me, too,” my voice is muffled by his jacket.

We remain like that for a while, then he says, “I guess all that praying worked.”

I look up at him. “Praying?”

“About you being pregnant.”

My lips stretch in a wide smile. “Did you go to every church, mosque and temple and got down on your knees?”

“Sure did.” A gleam shines in his eyes. “Just like the good angel I am. I have the brightest halo, remember? My prayer was answered pretty fast.”