Lured (Team Zero #1) by Rina Kent

I smile. “No snobbish wife for you either?”

He grins, and my chest feels lighter. “You’re the only woman for me, baby girl.”

My heart is about to grow wings and take flight, but Dominic stops it with a hungry kiss. This one is slow and intimate and knocks the breath out of my lungs.

Warmth smothers my body as Dominic pulls me into him. Somehow, our clothes end up on the floor. Somehow, we’re locked around one another.

When Dominic slides into me, he doesn’t pound in me as urgently as we’re used to. This time, he takes his sweet time peppering kisses along my neck and my mouth and all over my body. He doesn’t tie me or hold me down. He savours me and never breaks eyes contact as he drives me to thrilling pleasure. The intimacy and adoration in his gaze undo me.



When I scream his name, it’s like I’ve been taken to an inch of my life.

I love him. There’s no point in denying it anymore.

I love my sociopath.

In the morning, I’m too exhausted and can barely open my eyes.

Dominic held me so tightly to sleep last night, it was a bit painful.

He’s nowhere in the room this morning. He must’ve gone to work already. I can’t believe I ruined spending time with him on his rare day off.

I shove my legs into shorts and yank a tank top over my head. A shower would be a good idea but I’m enjoying Dominic’s a bit too much for that.

I stumble to the kitchen, rubbing my eyes and needing coffee like I need air.

There’s already a steaming pot on the counter. Toast and jam, too. I hardly hold in a squeal. Look at me being spoilt shitless. I pour some coffee in my favourite mug and take the first sip. My head hurts less and the chaos slowly fades away.

When sleep gradually leaves my eyes, I take a bite from the toast with jam, finish it in no time and go to the next. No idea why I’m always hungry this period.

It’s stupid and foolish, but I can see our future together. Me, him, and that little girl from my dreams. Dominic isn’t an easy man to live with. He’s edgy and abnormal, but I love that about him. He’s everything and more than I hoped for in an adventure.

Only now, he can be my permanent adventure.

I would never give up my studies for him or for anyone else — not that he wants me to — but I’m sure we can come up with something. I can study European or international law. I will still have my dreams and him.

I smile into my mug as all these little images fill my head. I’m over the clouds by the time a throat clears from behind me.

He didn’t go to work! Maybe we will repeat yesterday after all.

With a big grin, I turn around, ready to jump him and –

My smile falls.

Dominic is standing at the threshold of the kitchen holding a suitcase in his hand. My suitcase.

There’s the hollowness he had when he was a mean monster yesterday. He’s also wearing his work suit.

Dread tightens my chest as I carefully place the coffee mug on the counter. The clink weighs heavily in the tomb silence surrounding us.

“Are we going on a trip?” I joke. “Ooh, is it northern England? I always wanted to go there. Maybe Scotland, too? I was in love just looking at the brochures and — ”

“You’re going home, Camille.”

His calm words slice through me like a thousand knives. My lips tremble, and chaotic, hurt emotions swirl around my head. “Why?”

“I had enough fun.” That full-of-shit smile plasters on his face. “It’s time to end it.”

“Fuck you, Dom.” This time, my eyes fill with tears and I can barely hold them in.

I don’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

I storm right at him and yank my suitcase from his hand. My passport and a plane ticket rest at the top.

A tear falls down my cheek, then another, and another. A sob tears from my throat as I recall last night. All that passion and love and tenderness. He was saying goodbye. I should’ve suspected it, but I was too caught in my foolish feelings to process it.

Since I woke up in his bed last night, he already planned to kick me out.

I look up at him through blurry eyes. There’s a hint of pain, but it’s strapped so neatly under the surface, I don’t know if it’s really there or if I’m imagining things.

When he notices me trying to fish something out, he tenses, then says in a mocking tone, “Aw, you’re crying? Surely you didn’t believe in the fairy tale, Camille.”

“You’re not Prince Charming, Dom. You’re the fucking villain.”

“You’re lucky to have survived this villain.”

“It’s funny.” I snort a humourless laugh. “I always preferred the villain.”

An unreadable expression covers his face. He looks about to say something, do something, but then he hides behind that empty mask.

He’s not keeping me. He doesn’t want to.

The bubble around my heart bursts open.

I brush past him to not dissolve into sobs in front of him. “You just shoved away the only person who loves you for who you are. What you are. I wish you die alone and lonely, Dominic.”

And with that, I’m out of the door. My legs are shaking and tears wouldn’t stop blurring my vision. Then, as the lift closes and Dominic doesn’t follow, I give up fighting and break down in tears.