Crowed (Team Zero #2) by Rina Kent

“Stay down!” Crow shouts, struggling to keep Xavier under his clutch.

“No!” I run towards him, tears blurring my vision. “Don’t do this! Don’t!”

“My life never had a purpose anyway.” Crow smiles, holding a struggling Xavier at arm’s length. “It’s my honour to die for you, Eloise.”

“Noooo!” I shriek, but it’s too late.

Crow and Xavier fall off the cliff.

My heart sinks with them.

A black hole punctures my chest and robs my breaths. I drop to my knees close to the edge, ready to follow him when something hits my neck.

It’s as painful as a bee’s sting. A needle?

The world goes black.



What a strange sensation.

I knew I would die one day. During an operation. Because of Omega. Whatever it was, they were all dull and vain reasons. Nothing memorable to stay with me.

I never thought I would die for the one woman who showed me meaning in life.

What a glorious way to die.

I would do it a thousand times over to keep her safe.

Eloise’s sobs carry through the wind and slice through my chest. It’s so raw and guttural, it burns a hole in my heart. I told her that I don’t deserve her tears. But that stubborn woman never listens, does she?

Then, the sobbing stops, and I’m grateful, not for not being able to hear her voice anymore, but because I’m hoping she’s not seeing my fall into hell.

She’s witnessed enough death already. Now is her time to live.

As we free fall from the cliff, I hold Storm’s body close to mine, the vest squeezed between our chests. If he detonates the bomb, we’ll both go to pieces. It’s not fun to die hugging him, but it’s fair enough. Storm and I are cut from the same cloth. Two drugged demons in Hades’ hell. We killed enough for a lifetime.

Time to join the real hell.

Perhaps take over the whole fucking thing.

I close my eyes, but instead of demons, an angelic face forms behind my lids.

Eloise. She’s smiling at me with that warmth that melted my cold heart.

“Live, Eloise,” I murmur.

The world crashes down.


I’m drowning.

Thick black water suffocates me. My nostrils clog and waves crash around me.

I don’t even thrash or gasp for air.

Why do I need to live, anyway? I’ll follow Papa and Maman. I’ll be somewhere safe where nothing can hurt me.

I won’t have to say goodbyes or see people I love die.

Something tugs on my ankle like it’s pulling me down. I remain suspended mid-water, floating, drifting.

It doesn’t matter. It’ll be over any minute now.

A voice calls for me. It’s rough and deep. A jolt surges from deep within me.

“Live,” it whispers right into my ears. Strong hands haul me upwards, shouting. “LIVE, ELOISE!”

I gasp, air shooting to my lungs.

My eyes snap open, and the dark water fades into familiar white walls. The smell of detergent fills my nostrils, and a sense of relief covers me.

The hospital.

What am I doing here? What happened?

I try to turn sideways. Sharp pain assaults my head.


I run a hand over my forehead and my fingers connect with a thick bandage. The inside of my mouth is so dry, it’s like tasting sand and paper.

Two people gape down at me like I’m an alien. The man is wearing a doctor’s blouse. The size too small, making his muscles strain against the fabric. He has striking olive skin with piercing brown eyes. Even the thick-framed glasses can’t hide their intensity or the odd golden ring surrounding his irises.

The woman is dressed as a nurse. Her lips are painted in a sickening orange colour. Other than that, she’s stunning. Her mahogany-coloured hair is pulled back into a tight ponytail. She’s also wearing glasses. Only hers are non-framed, showcasing her green eyes, but they seem... fake. Like it’s isn’t their real colour.

And they’re both watching me as if I’m their guinea pig.

I’ve never seen them in the hospital before.

“Do you think she’s hearing us?” the nurse asks in English, running her hand in front of my face. “Sod it. Come on, Ghost. I have things to do. Like killing Aaron and the rest of the entertaining stuff.”

“We have to take of this first, Celeste,” the doctor says.

“I don’t take orders from you, Ghosty.” Celeste places a hand on her hip. “I’m not one of your Team Zero bitches.”

“I’m your mentor, brat.”

“And that’s important because...?” She opens her hands in a wide gesture.

“I’m paying you, so shut up.”

“Much better.” Her attention goes back to me, and I just stare like I’ve been caught in a freak show.

What’s happening? How did I end up here with these two staring at me?

“You think Storm punched her hard or something?” she asks.

It’s like being hit by a lightning bolt.

Xavier. The kidnapping. Crow. The bomb.

He fell. Crow fell off the cliff with a bomb strapped to him.

I jerk up so fast, both of them flinch. The nurse reaches for something in her blouse. A knife.

They must be Crow’s colleagues. They’re the only English speaking people I’ve run into since Crow.