Ghosted (Team Zero #3) by Rina Kent

I shake my head when I catch myself still staring even after she’s disappeared around the corner.

I don’t stare at women. I crossed them out a long time ago. I don’t trust them – or any outsider for that matter. But somehow, Firefly isn’t being crossed out quite as easily.

“What the fuck was that?” Shadow saunters out of the office, Mist behind him.

“She’s suspicious and therefore, she should be out.” Mist crosses her arms beneath her chest. “But Ghost wanted to keep her.”

“Julian,” I correct.

“By the way, mate,” Shadow says with a serious face and a mocking tone. “Julian is such a pussy name.”

I ignore him and motion inside. “Flame?”

“Sleeping.” Mist shrugs as if saying ‘does that even need to be asked?’

The three of us stroll down the long hallway. The men who intercept us bow their heads in respect. In their eyes, Mist and Shadow rule, and I’m just one of their soldiers. It helps in getting closer with the guards – especially since Hades made sure to spread the word that Ghost is a notorious, emotionless monster. Perhaps I am, but I would rather not spring terror inside people I work with every day.

Besides, those days should be behind me. I came a long way trying to shed Ghost’s image. Not only because I don’t want his past to define who I am, but also because I have to be sober to save the rest of my mates.

“About Emmanuelle,” Mist continues. “Let’s boot her. I don’t trust her. She glared at me. She thought I didn’t notice. There’s definitely an ulterior motive there.”

“She was probably sent by President Joe,” I say. “But it’s the first time he’s sent a spy to work here. They usually creep outside or in the club. Perhaps he’s become smarter after he came out of prison.”

Someone like Elle who has no family and belongs on the streets is easy to infiltrate us since her background fits most of our workers. I almost want to drag her out and question why she’s doing this. Even if it’s for money, she shouldn’t get involved with people like us.

But that’s none of my business. She slipped into my world and better be ready to bear the consequences.

Shadow’s brows furrow. “Didn’t you say she kicked Johnny in the crotch? If they’re both from the same organisation, why would she fucking do that?”

“To make me believe they’re not.” I place a hand in my pocket. “A spy we know about is always beneficial. We will feed her false information.”

“Fucking brilliant.” Shadow grins. “You’re a fox in sheep’s clothing, mate.”

“It’s a wolf, not a fox.” Mist rolls her eyes.

“Same fucking thing.”

“I’m not a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” I say. “I never pretended to be nice. She’s the one who came here out of her own will. President Joe needs to pay for that.”

“Are we going against President Joe’s organisation?” Mist asks.

“If we’re to double the revenue, we will have to.” President Joe was drooling over the previous. He only had a small share but still tried to save it from the Met Police. If he learns about the new factory, he will want a bigger share. He’s become relentless after his release from prison a couple of months ago. He’s a strong rival who’s been in this business for decades. The fact that his organisation continued to thrive while he was in prison says something.

“What will we do about Hades?” Mist pulls me back from my thoughts

“I will try to stall as much as possible, but when Hades says he expects results, he means that he needs results.”

She hesitates for a beat. “What about the rest of our team?”

“You mean Hawk.” Shadow mocks. “You don’t have to pretend you fucking care about all of them.”

“It’s not like you care about anyone but your narcissistic self.”

“I’m here for Ghost, not for your fucking hypocrisy, old hag.”

Mist slowly cocks her head. Her eyes flicker to their robotic state and her shoulders tense. The position she takes when she kills.

“I told you to stop calling me that,” she grits out.

“What?” Shadow stands toe-to-toe with her. He draws out the words with a mocking tone. “Old hag?”

She lunges at him, but I barge between them. Mist stops mid-strike, almost breathing fire through her nostrils.

“Enough.” I grind my teeth. “We’re all here for the same reason. Why do you have to be at each other’s throats?”

“Ask the old hag where she took her!” Shadow yells.

“Instead of asking others questions,” Mist shouts back. “Why don’t you start asking yourself?”

A throbbing starts at the back of my head. Withdrawal. Bloody hell.

Mist and Shadow continue their back and forth.

Dots of red drip in my head with a sickening continuity.




My throat closes. I shut my eyes and breathe through my teeth. I stagger backwards and firm hands clutch my shoulders.

“You all right, mate?” Shadow asks, brows furrowing.

“Do you want us to lock you up?” Concern laces Mist’s tone.

“I’m fine.” I pull free from under Shadow’s hand. “Go ahead, I will catch up.”