Ghosted (Team Zero #3) by Rina Kent

Perhaps that’s what happened to Zoe.

I shoo the thought away as fast as it came. I refuse to believe that something lethal happened to her. She’s a survivor. No one would be able to bring her to her knees.

My room is on the third floor, the farthest possible from all the other girls’ and Mist’s office. I’m sure Julian had something to do with it.

He’s going to be a pain in the arse if he keeps suspecting me.

I roll my suitcase behind me. I’m sure it’s been searched thoroughly.

As soon as I open the door, bubbly energy greets me. A loud nineties’ rock song fills the air. A girl who looks about my age, possibly younger, is dancing to the song — or more like jumping up and down on the bed. She’s wearing pink shorts and a pastel peach-coloured T-shirt on which is written ‘Polite as Fuck.’ Her face is mostly camouflaged by thick strands of platinum blonde hair.

I’m about to call for her attention when the music comes to an abrupt halt. The girl hops down from the bed and pushes the wild mane off her face. Deep amber eyes stare at me with an excited gleam. Her petite features and translucent skin give her a doll’s appearance. Cliché, but she really looks like a real-life porcelain doll.

Up close, she seems no older than eighteen. Are they recruiting minors here? The thought makes my blood boil.

“Say, Oasis is a legend.”

I stare, incredulous. “What?”

“You have to say it.” Even her voice is as soft as her features.

“Oasis is a legend?”

She opens her arms and clasps me in a hug. “I love you already, new roomie.”

I stiffen then awkwardly pat her back.

The girl finally pushes away and offers me a warm smile. “I’m Scarlett. You can call me Scar.”

“I’m Emmanuelle. Elle is fine.”

“Sweet!” She drapes her arm around my shoulder. She smells of a sweet cherry perfume. “We’re going to have so much fun, Elle! Since your name is French, did you know that the French Army was the largest in the world, but Hitler still occupied France in World War Two?”

“No?” I don’t know why it came out as a question, but the random fact threw me off. I would’ve never thought that Scarlett would be interested in World War Two. But I’m probably stereotyping since it’s only our first meeting.

“Let me help with unpacking!” She jumps at my suitcase even before I’m fully inside.

I close the door and follow her. Countless makeup products are scattered on her console. Scarlett strolls to a walk-in wardrobe made from fine wood. The space inside is ridiculously large. It’s almost the same size as the room. Most of it is filled with endless elegant dresses that put mine to shame.

A giant poster in black and white of a man with a guitar is plastered on the door of the wardrobe. Oasis’ lead singer, if I remember correctly.

Clothes and shoes and accessories are all over the place. She must take hours to find what she’s looking for.

Scarlett and I would agree on this. Organising was my pet peeve with Zoe. She’s such a neat freak.

I find a few empty shelves that I’m sure will be more than enough for my clothes.

My gaze darts to Scarlett. She’s humming the tune from the song earlier while kicking boxes out of the way to make a room for walking.

Scarlett strikes me as odd for this type of place. She’s too bubbly and outgoing. But that’s possibly because I have no close people other than Zoe and Liam. Normal people make friends all the time. Scarlett is obviously nice and my perfect opportunity to get inside info.

I help in clearing the space. “How long have you been here?”

She glances down, still humming. “About a year?”

“Were you a minor when you came here?” I barely contain a shout.

“A minor?” She laughs out loud, head tipping back. “You’re so funny, Elle. I’m twenty-seven.”

“Whoa. Really?” That’s three years older than me. I do another look-over. She doesn’t seem one year older than eighteen. “You appear so young.”

“I have a baby face.” She grins. “I like you, Elle. I hope you stay. My previous roommate just up and disappeared.”

My ears prickle. Could she be talking about Zoe? I play nonchalant and hang the closest dress. “Disappeared?”

“Yeah. You have to be careful, you know.” All smiles and bubbly energy vanish. Scarlett leans close to whisper, “Those who upset the big heads are gone.”

My muscles lock and my lips purse.

No. Zoe can’t be –

“I’m kidding!” Scarlett laughs as she pushes away. “They just quit.”

I’m sure as hell they don’t quit. Everything in me pushes to ask more questions, but Scarlett could become wary. Julian already suspects me. I don’t need more trouble this early on.

A knock sounds on the door.

Kyle saunters inside. He’s in another fashionable denim jacket and dark blue trousers that bring out the matching colour of his eyes.

Scarlett jumps like she’s a kid who’s receiving her favourite toy. “Kylie!!”

He opens his arms and she dives right in, planting sloppy kisses on his cheek. Talk about PDA. They only leave each other’s embraces after I start fidgeting.

“Ready to party for my birthday, ladies?” His gaze twinkles with mischief as they dip my way. “I knew ye would be accepted, love.”