Ghosted (Team Zero #3) by Rina Kent

A failure, that’s what.

But I heard he was up to President Joe’s throat about what happened. At least, he’s properly investigating this.

Scar mentioned that President Joe offered to kill any traitor on his turf if Ghost rules it as such. Scar also said that apparently, the bullet that hit Kyle comes from a gun that isn’t from President Joe’s side.

That doesn’t prove anything if President Joe bought the gun just for this operation. However, this brings the possibility of a traitor – like the guards in the control room suspected.

Scar is keeping her peace about the situation, but I’m sure she suspects that, too. Everyone’s been guarded these days. Tension can be seen in the stiff expressions and tasted in the suffocating air.

Julian’s been taking it the worst. He’s been restless. He disappears for hours with Shadow. I assume he goes to see President Joe with Ghost. When he returns, he usually has meetings with Mist.

Although I hate it, there’s no room for my jealousy. Julian is tense the entire time. I fear that the veins in his neck will pop.

But when I crawl into bed at night, he wraps his arms around me, and that’s it. Just a hug, and all of his knots disappear.

I love that I have that effect on him. He’s been making me feel safe since that first night he caged me from behind and told me to sleep. Driving his worries away is the least I can do.

But every morning, he wakes up early and goes about his endless responsibilities. Or boxes with Shadow. Whom I’ve been watching like a hawk these past few days.

Since the control room is still buzzing with guards, with no way to get inside for now, I decided to follow the next lead I have. ‘The man who lured Zoe to God knows what.’ As Scar said.

Shadow is furiously loyal to Julian like he’s his brother or something. I’ve heard him argue with Mist, but when it comes to Julian, he’s usually on board with whatever he decides.

Julian cares about him, too. The only person aside from Mist that Julian spends alone time with is Shadow – well, and me. Although they still bleed each other when boxing, it appears to be their way to vent pent up energy.

That’s why a part of me, a stupid little part that’s all caught up in Julian’s maze, doesn’t want Shadow to be involved in Zoe’s disappearance. He’s his best mate, and I don’t want Julian trapped in the middle.

It would be different if this is all on Mist. I can confront that cold witch without any remorse.

So these past few days, I’ve been learning Shadow’s habits – what there’s to learn anyway. The only known facts are: he’s an underground boxer and one of the rulers in this place.

That’s it.

Raiding his room produced complete rubbish. There was nothing. He’s even worse than Julian. It’s like they made it their mission not to have anything personal in their bedrooms.

Perhaps they do. They’re all unnamed assassins after all.

Shadow’s activities are mostly outside. When he’s in Le Salon, he supervises from the side. It’s creepy how he blends in with the shadows and how silent his steps can be. Just like Julian.

When he’s not boxing with Julian or huddled in Mist’s office, Shadow disappears off the face of the earth.

So today, I decided to follow him. Julian would kill me if he finds out I left Le Salon with Johnny lurking out there.

‘When I’m not here, stay with Scar,’ were his words when I saw him briefly in the afternoon.

Then he stole a passionate kiss and left Le Salon.

I trace my lips in remembrance, then shake my head out of the daze. Disobeying Julian isn’t smart, but I have to know where Shadow disappears to.

What if he kidnapped Zoe and visits her whenever he leaves?

I stack Julian’s wrath to the back of my mind and put on my hoodie, my track trousers and my lucky trainers. God. I missed this outfit. Two gloves and I would resurrect my previous life.

No idea if I will ever go back to the underground rings anymore. Yes, boxing will always be a part of me, but I don’t think I can do those competitions anymore. I loved the rush and high of fighting, but truth is; they always sucked the life out of me. I didn’t consider leaving before because I needed the money to build a life for me and Zoe.

That went to the back-burner because finding her is a priority.

I follow Shadow out of Le Salon’s backdoor. I keep a safe distance as he weaves into the busy streets. Grey afternoon sky casts a gloom in the distance.

My breathing is controlled as I hide behind buildings and people while keeping up with Shadow’s relaxed pace. He’s wearing a white T-shirt and dark jeans that hang low on his hips. I noticed that he’s always in white T-shirts. Perhaps it’s to contrast the full sleeves of his colourful, tiger tattoos. His dark blond hair is messy and bedroom-like.

He’s really handsome, not the model type like Kyle and nowhere near the delicious-dark type like Julian. But Shadow has this aura about him that screams danger and fun. It’s an odd combination but fits him so well.

This man, a killer, could be involved in Zoe’s disappearance. Julian said they don’t hurt the girls, but what if Shadow did something to Zoe behind everyone’s back?

He rules this place. Surely, he can cover his tracks.

My muscles tense, and I clench my fists in my pockets as I continue following him.

The distance is so long. We walk for more than thirty minutes. Why the hell didn’t he bring a car if he’s going this far?