Ghosted (Team Zero #3) by Rina Kent

He takes a few turns and the more I follow him, the further he separates himself from people.

My pulse picks up as we take familiar streets.

Super familiar.

I freeze near a rusty door as Shadow rounds the corner to our old neighbourhood. The one we lived in with our foster family.

It couldn’t be a coincidence that Shadow came here.

With careful footsteps, I follow him down the street. I come to a screeching halt behind the corner as Shadow crosses the street.

The place he heads to causes sweat to beam on my forehead.

The late Mrs Adler’s lake house. Mine, Zoe, and Liam’s hiding place. My eyes are almost bulging out as Shadow stands in front of the huge metal gate. The house has been abandoned for more than a decade, since Mrs Adler’s death. The three of us have been saving to buy it from her wanker of a son. The small lake in the garden has become all murky and filled with leaves. The lake house that we used to swim to is all chipped and old.

How the hell did Shadow find out about this? Even if he knew Zoe, why would she tell him about this place? It was our secret.

Once again, a bitter taste of betrayal explodes in my mouth. First, she hid her mission, then she hid Shadow, and now, it seems that she shared our secrets with Shadow.

I scan my surroundings before I start to cross the street. A shadow passes in my peripheral vision. I whirl around to come face to face with Shadow himself.

My heart falls to my knees.

He has one hand in his trousers’ pocket, his expression unreadable. “Why are you following me?”

“I’m not.” I laugh it off, pretending to stretch. “I was only out for a jog in the area.”

“Does Julian know you’re out for a jog in the area?” There’s no body language or change of voice whatsoever as he retrieves his phone. “He should know.”

Shit. Shit!

I’m about to stop him, but it’s too late. He’s already speaking on the phone, his pointed gaze on me. “Elle is outside taking a jog so Johnny’s men will come fetch her.”

“I’m not!” I shout, hoping Julian will hear.

Shadow pauses for a second, listening, then he cites the address and ends the call with. “I’m not a fucking baby sitter.”

“Why did you say it that way?” I point a finger at him. “I’m not out here to beckon Johnny’s men over.”

Now, Julian will hate me. Dammit.

“Listen here, Emmanuelle.” His eyes rage as if they will flicker red. “You have no fucking idea what he’s put on the line for you. A bloody war, a rift with Mist, risking his mates lives, and Kyle being shot. All of those are because of your pretty little face so when he says to stay put, the least you can do is stay fucking put.”

Tears gather in my eyes. I hate myself for them. I hate myself for going out in the first place. How could I expect to find anything from an assassin like Shadow?

I just pissed off Julian for nothing.

Except that this arsehole must mean something to Zoe if she let him into our secret.

Said arsehole turns around so his back faces me. I’ve no doubt that if I try to escape, he would pounce on me. Not that I have any desire to run away. I’m covered to my ears in shame. I wish the earth would open up and swallow me before I have to face Julian.

He stood up to his mates and companions for me, and I ignored his one request.

Ugh. Am I supposed to feel this bad about it?

A black Mercedes approaches us in maddening speed. My heart crawls to the floor.

Shadow doesn’t even acknowledge me. As soon as Julian’s car stops, he crosses the street and disappears around the corner. I push off the wall on unsteady feet and trudge towards the passenger side.

My hands are sweaty and shaking as I open the door. Why do I feel like the worst person ever because I disappointed Julian?

He’s nothing.

If he’s nothing, then why am I itching to beg for his forgiveness?

I settle in the front seat with snail movements like a scared kitten. Julian’s face is stone cold. Except for the slight tick in his jaw, there are no feelings. I’m chilled to the bone just looking at him. This must be the killer, merciless version. And it’s because of me that he’s royally pissed off.

“Julian, I – ” The car revs forward with a force that shuts me up.

I hold on to the seatbelt as we weave through the streets. Despite being obviously angry, Julian doesn’t speed up so much. I bite the inside of my cheek as I steal glances of him. His side profile is sharp and hot as hell.

God. What am I thinking about while he’s obviously fuming?

As soon as we’re inside Le Salon’s car park, he barely shuts off the engine and barges out of the car. I don’t have time to reach for my own door. He yanks it open and stands there with a closed off expression. I swallow and unfasten my seatbelt then step out.

Julian strides towards the safe house. He doesn’t have to say anything. I follow him, head bowed, and my tail tucked between my legs.

Mist intercepts us. She stands in front of Julian wearing a fitted dress that flatters those stupid curves.

She’s crossing her arms under her chest, a smirk on her lips. “I told you she would be trouble.” Her haughty gaze looks down on me. “Ungrateful brat.”

My blood boils. All the self-loathing translates into blinding anger. How dare the redhead witch school me as if I were a kid? I lunge at her, fists raised. “Fuck you! Who do you think you are to talk to me that way?”