Ghosted (Team Zero #3) by Rina Kent

It’s been so natural for our lives to intertwine so intimately. For him to become my home. And then, he could’ve left and never returned.

I could’ve lost him forever. Just like I lost Zoe. Everything could’ve been over.

Tears stream down my cheeks as I yank off the bloodied clothes. No idea how it happened, but somehow, Julian losing his life became equivalent to me losing mine.

No. I won’t think about it. I’m so exhausted to think about anything. I take a quick, scalding shower and throw one of Julian’s T-shirts over me. I don’t bother to wear anything underneath. I just need to feel his soothing scent.

I intend to wait for him, but the moment I put my head on the pillow, sleep drifts me away.

I wake up to a strong arm caging me from behind. His tired voice rasps in my ear, “You look hot as hell in that T-shirt, Firefly.”

Tears rim my eyes as I turn against him. What’s with all the crying today?

Julian must’ve taken a shower because he smells like his masculine shampoo and his hair is damp.

I check his wound and it’s neatly stitched. “I’m surprised that rude doctor did a good job.”

Julian ruffles my hair and his eyes are droopy as if he’s taken a drug and needs to sleep. Even his voice comes out husky. “Don’t provoke assassins next time, Firefly.”

“Oh.” He’s a killer. I keep attracting them like a magnet.

Shit job, Elle.

“Don’t worry. He’s one of my disciples and would never hurt my woman.”

My woman. I’m biting back a huge grin.

Despite the tiredness in his eyes, they still manage their addictive intensity as he says, “I’m sorry you were in danger because of me.”

“I don’t care.” My head buries against his good shoulder, needing to breathe him in and make sure he’s alive. My palm stretches over the intricate tattoos and the gritty warrior I’ve fallen in love with. “I was just scared something might happen to you.”

“I was also scared something might happen to you.” He kisses the top of my head, and I melt into his embrace. “I’m so proud of how strong you were out there.”

A strange noise leaves my throat. It’s between a whimper and a sigh. I hug him close and rest my head against his hard chest where his tattoos’ tendrils creep along. My palm hovers over the stitches where the warrior’s arm is damaged. I hope it’s not permanent. “Why did you get this tattoo?”

Julian lifts a shoulder. “I didn’t have a choice.”

“You were forced to have it?” Shame. I always thought it was a masterpiece.

“No.” His voice drips with humour. “Or yes. Depends on how you look at it. We have Ink in Team Zero. He’s a genius tattoo artist but doesn’t have clients. He only draws for those he deems worthy of his art. I was one of them. I wanted the tattoo but I didn’t have a say in what he chose to make for me. He doesn’t do custom tattoos and only inks those he’s known for at least a decade. Knowing the people he inks allows him to get a tattoo that speaks of them.”

My fingers glide over the swirls along Julian’s hard bicep. “I think he did a masterpiece. This warrior speaks so much of you.” I meet his gaze. “I assume he did Shadow’s ink, too?”

He nods. “He did all of Team Zero’s. Ink is our exclusive.” A sheen of anger and sadness pierces the brown of his eyes. “I need to get him out.”

I plant a kiss on his pectoral muscle. “I’m sure you will.”

We remain like that for a while. His heartbeat evens out beneath my ears and I’m about to fall asleep, too.

“Who’s Liam?” Julian asks in that husky tone.

My heart jolts. “What?”

His words come out calm, but a hurricane lurks underneath. “You mentioned a Liam when you were saying everything on your mind in the car earlier.”

Oh. Shit!

“You were shot and bleeding and still had the time to concentrate on that?” I laugh it off.

“Yes, I did, Elle.” His voice turns frighteningly serious and his body stiffens. “Who is he?”

“A friend,” I say, almost too quickly, but it’s not a lie.

“Hmmm.” He relaxes a bit. Just a bit. “Only a friend?”

I laugh – for real this time. He’s just jealous. I reach out and kiss him, making sure to bite his lower lip. “Yes, Julian, only a friend. You were my first, remember?”

He grunts, eyes hooding as his arm tightens around my waist. “Fuck right I do. And I plan to be your last, Firefly.”

Those words thrill and scare the hell out of me. Instead of pondering on them, I close my eyes and sleep in Julian’s embrace.

Because it’s the most right place to be.


That’s the only thought I have when I wake up. No trace of Julian. Only his scent.

How foolish it was to believe he’ll have a decent sleep like normal people. Though it makes sense that he would want to go after those who shot him. Things are becoming seriously dangerous. Not only Kyle was shot but there was also the attack.

Julian better not put himself in danger.

I groan and sit up. My temples throb with a headache. What did I expect after so much crying?

My gaze falls on my bracelet and I nearly break down again. I’ve been so distracted by the chaos of the shooting and Julian being hurt that I momentarily forgot my best friend died. Right in this place where I’m staying.