Ghosted (Team Zero #3) by Rina Kent

President Joe remains silent for a minute, fingering his bowtie. The best way to negotiate is to give them a deal they can’t refuse. President Joe has been salivating over the factory ever since he heard of the first one. Twenty-five per cent is huge and more than he could’ve ever hoped for.

We still have seventy-five per cent, and therefore, we’re the owners. Hades won’t hear about this since it’s only between President Joe and me. I didn’t even tell the others.

No matter how much I hate continuing the drugs’ production, we have to keep the factory as a leech until all of Team Zero’s members are out.

Now that I have Elle, I will take a step back and stop thinking I can save all of Team Zero. No matter how painful the thought of losing my own family is, losing Elle is a lot worse. No idea what that woman has done to me, but I know like the back of my hand that I won’t be able to live without her.

Not anymore.

I can understand Shadow now.

“Thirty per cent.” President Joe tries to bargain.

“Twenty-five is my final offer.” I loosen my injured arm to ease the pain. “Take it or leave it.”

He maintains silence for a full minute while staring at me. A tactic to have me succumb. Humans loathe silence and they either fill it or become flustered while trying to bypass it.

We were taught such psychological tricks at a young age. If President Joe thinks he can beat me at my own game, then he better think again.

When I remain completely unfazed, President Joe must’ve realised that his trick doesn’t work. He sighs. “You have yourself a deal.”

We retrieve our phones. I transfer the deed the lawyer has given me – because the factory is legal. President Joe will need to bring his lawyer next time to finalise the permanent ownership.

This initial document ensures that I’m keeping my word about selling him the shares.

President Joe transfers the money to the Swiss bank account.

A victorious smile animates his face. Even his bald head seems to be shining as he offers his hand for a shake. “It’s a pleasure doing business with you, Ghost.”

I give a firm handshake. “You, too, President Joe.”

Not really. But it’s the only card I have.

Once he leaves the warehouse, I relax my shoulder. It hurts like hell. I try dialling Shadow, but his phone is turned off. Again. He’s been missing since yesterday. If he knew I was shot, he would’ve barged in, fists raised and demanded we ‘kill them all’. He hasn’t shown up for our morning workout either, which is concerning, to say the least. He better not have injected himself with a full dose of Omega and done something reckless.

He’s barely in line after cheating the detox for so long.

Mist isn’t talking to me either, but she came over yesterday when Aaron was stitching me up. She stood at his side with a grumpy expression and ordered him to hurry up, just like Elle. Although she wasn’t talking to me, Mist stayed until Aaron confirmed that my wound is nothing serious. Because she’s that loyal. To me. And to Hawk.

Time to do right by her and by my mate.

I dial Hades. He picks up after a few rings. He’s always slow at receiving calls. He likes to be the one who tosses the orders, not the other way around.

“Ghost,” he says in that smooth voice. “It’s past the end of the month, so I assume you have good news.”

“I do. I have double the production fees.”

“Wonderful.” I can almost see that heinous smile. “Transfer them.”

Not so fast. “Let Hawk go.”

“I will.” He sounds annoyed. “Once you transfer the money.”

“I kept my part of the deal, so I need you to keep yours. I’ll send you an address and I need Hawk there in half an hour. If you don’t drop him off, there will be no money.”

“You little...” he trails off and his breathing comes harsh through the phone. “Are you threatening me? I have all your precious Team Zero, Ghost.”

“And if you don’t let one of them go, I won’t continue running this business or sending any money.” I pause for good measure. “You know that President Joe is waging a war, right?”

I don’t have to say it, but he knows how much the rest of Team Zero are loyal to me. If I’m out, so are they. No one will run Hades’ gangster business. At least he thinks they’re loyal. I’m not so sure anymore.

“Only Hawk,” he says and the line goes dead.

Only Hawk for now. We’ll get the rest out, sooner rather than later.

At least Hawk’s release will make Mist less restless and she’ll get her head back in the game. I need my right hand back.

I send Hades the address then forward it to Aaron so he can pick up Hawk.

Aaron bitched about not being a ‘fucking chauffeur’ for half an hour yesterday, but once I promised him that he’ll be my first contact in case there’s someone to kill, he agreed. I could’ve sent Mist, but Hawk wouldn’t want her to see him in that battered state. Besides, she might be dead worried about him, but face to face, they aren’t on speaking terms. They haven’t been for more than fifteen years.

Time to set a trap for the rotten fruit in our ranks.

Since President Joe discarded Johnny, he has only one person to turn to for help; his partner in crime.