Ghosted (Team Zero #3) by Rina Kent

He freezes mid-way, face turning stone cold. And that’s when I feel a gun to my temple. My throat dries and my body stiffens, but I slowly shift my gaze back.

Kyle is watching me with that mischievous gleam. His skin is a bit pasty, not sure if it’s due to the moonlight or his injury.

Why is Kyle pointing a gun at my head?

“Don’t be scared, love.” There’s a smirk in his voice. “It’s only that Godfather is getting too close to revealing me and I like to be one step ahead.”

“The fuck, Kyle?” Shadow stares between Kyle and the gun.

“Keep out of this, Shadow.” Kyle stares at Julian whose posture is upright. “This is between me and Godfather.”

A tremor shoots down my spine, and I’m about to start shaking all over again. Holding a gun is one thing, but to be under the mercy of one is entirely another.

I don’t want to die. Not now. Not after the taste of life Julian has offered me. I don’t want to die having him believe that I used him. I want to talk to him, make it up to him, and beg him for forgiveness.

I look around me, searching for something, anything. There’s the gun I threw earlier a few feet ahead, but if I even attempt to reach it, Kyle would shoot me.

His betrayal hurts. I always considered him one of the kindest and easiest people to be around in Le Salon.

What a shit job at being a spy.

I remain stiff like a board and bide my time. I focus on Julian’s face, and although his shoulders are tense, his presence gives me a strange sense of calm.

He always manages to make me feel this way.

“Why?” Julian asks, and the amount of pain in his tone knots my chest.

“Why?” Kyle barks humourless laughter. “Let me see... Ye saved me that day and although I don’t believe in superheroes, ye became mine. I don’t remember having a father, but ye were mine. We were great together. We were the perfect team.”

“That’s why I’m asking why. Fucking why, Kyle?” Julian’s jaw ticks, and everything in me wants to spring his way and hug him close. He must be in so much pain. If Kyle’s betrayal hurts me, then it must be tearing Julian apart. Perhaps it’s similar to the betrayal I felt when I thought he killed Zoe. “I’ve given you everything.”

“Ye fucking didn’t!” Kyle’s body turns rigid. “Ever since ye started that fuckin’ detox, ye didn’t need me anymore. I used to tell ye everything when ye were out of it. Ye used to seek me out every time. Ye only put yerself back together after ye had a drink with me. But then, ye just stopped. Every fucking thing stopped. Ye put yer head into this whole thing and forgot about me. Ignored me. It’s like ye regretted saving me.”

“I never regretted saving you!” Julian bellows and then breathes through his nose. It’s clear that he’s fighting for control. “I only regretted bringing you into this life. Turning you into a killer. I wanted a better future for you. You deserve better.”

“I deserve better?” Kyle laughs again, the sound malicious and sadistic. “I deserve staying by yer side, Godfather. Why the fuck can ye abandon me so easily? Especially since she came along. I wanted to test ye, but ye actually coveted this wee thing.” His gun digs deeper into my temple, and I shudder. “Yer whole bleeding attention turned to her and ye forgot all about me. So I wanted to hurt ye. I teamed up with Johnny and paid mercenaries to make yer life miserable.”

Shadow starts to point a finger at Kyle, but obviously thinks better of it, and lowers his hand. “But you were fucking shot.”

“A small price to pay to take the suspicion off me.” Kyle sounds so resilient and calculative. He was always playful and fun, I never thought he harboured such a dark side. Although I should’ve suspected it considering that he’s also a killer.

Kyle continues, “I wanted to cause ye so much fucking pain so ye would know how it feels to be hurt by the person closest to ye.”

“Kyle...” Julian’s tone is soothing. “Don’t do that.”

“Why not?” There’s a smirk in his tone. “If she’s out of the picture, I’ll get my godfather back.”

“Don’t be fucking ridiculous.” Shadow points his gun at Kyle. “I’ll shoot your arse if you hurt her, you sappy fuck.”

I’m so touched by Shadow’s words, I want to cry. He’s probably doing this because I’m close to Zoe, but it still counts.

“I don’t care.” Kyle’s attention is only on Julian. “I just want my godfather back.”

“If you hurt her,” Julian grits out, his body angled forward, but he remains still. “I will never forgive you, Kyle.”

“Ye will never forgive me betrayal anyway, Godfather. Might as well get rid of the woman who’s turning ye for the worse.”

I’m going to die. It’s as clear as the bright moon above us. Kyle won’t back away no matter what they tell him.

I will be damned if I die without a fight.

Adrenaline pushes into my system, and my muscles tense. The last thought that fills my head is not being able to tell Julian how much I love the hell out of him. How much my life has become tenfold brighter ever since he came into it.

“Don’t forget me, Julian,” I murmur, and tears stream down my cheeks.