Ghosted (Team Zero #3) by Rina Kent

He shakes his head, but I don’t hesitate.

I elbow Kyle in his side and try to duck. A strong hand yanks me forward as a gunshot echoes around us. I smell Julian’s natural scent with a touch of cedar. That’s when I know I’m surrounded by his warmth. His arms are secured around my waist and we’re both tumbling on the ground.

There’s no pain. But perhaps that’s how it feels to die. I’m just thankful I get to die in Julian’s arms. My only regret is not telling him about my feelings.

I open my eyes, but there’s still no pain.

I run a hand on my forehead. Oh. I’m not shot. I frantically check on Julian. He’s holding me tight with one arm. The shirt is soaked with blood at his shoulder, but it’s not due to a shot. More like his stitches broke. He’s pointing a gun ahead, face darkened.

I’m disoriented. My breaths come in and out in a frenzy. Julian is alive. I am alive. Both of us are alive.


If none of us is shot, then who is it? I turn around, and Kyle is wheezing on the ground, clutching his bloodied hand. Shadow has his gun pointed at him.


“Ghost was merciful and only shot your hand,” Shadow says. “I’ll end your fucking life if you keep acting like an idiot.”

Still, Kyle continues reaching for the gun. My arms tighten around Julian’s waist. I would do anything to protect him. Even it means my own life.

“I’m giving you a choice, Kyle.” Shadow kicks Kyle’s weapon away. “Don’t reach for that gun.”

Kyle keeps crawling. Blood drips from the back of his hand, leaving sickening trails behind. His face is contorted in pain, but he doesn’t stop.

“Don’t.” Julian pleads. “Stop, Kyle.”

“Why?” Kyle’s fingers struggle to reach the gun. “Ye hate me anyway.”

Julian’s tone softens. “I will never hate you. You’re my son.”

Kyle freezes, almost in reach of the gun. His face morphs into excruciating pain and gratitude all at once. “And ye’re the only father I have.” A tear slides down his cheek. “But ye’ll never forgive me.”

He grabs the gun, but instead of pointing it at us, he holds it to his temple.

“NO!” Julian roars.

“Kyle!” Shadow and I shout.

A blow sounds. I close my eyes, but then it’s not a gunshot. I slowly peel my lids open, expecting to see Kyle’s disfigured corpse. He’s lying on the ground, but his head isn’t blown up. Scar stands behind him, holding a gun that’s bloodied at the butt. She’s in shorts and a T-shirt on which is written ‘Superhero of the Day’. And she kind of is. She stopped Kyle from killing himself, and possibly scarring Julian for life.

“That’s cowardly, Kylie.” She tsks. “Don’t just die after all that rubbish. Take responsibility for what you’ve done.”

Julian releases a long breath, and the sound relieves me as well. He stands, and I automatically follow suit. My feet are slightly wobbly. My vision is darkening, and I have to clutch Julian’s shirt for balance.

Wait a second. Scarlett just hit Kyle until he lost consciousness. With the butt of a gun. No normal girl could do that.

“Scar?” I ask, although she’s kind of doubling. “How...?”

“Oh, hey, Ellie!” She grins in her usual bubbly energy. “I run with this crew, you know. Sorry I didn’t tell you. I’m kind of an undercover escort.”

“Right.” So, Scar is also a killer. Brilliant. I really do attract them like a magnet.

I look up at Julian, but he’s not even considering me. Aside from the faint clutch I have on his arm, he’s not touching me. A black hole forms at the centre of my heart. He hates me. He won’t forgive me.

I try to step away from him, but the vertigo from earlier hits me full force. I stagger, and almost fall.

Strong arms surround me as darkness swallows me whole.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

A headache stabs my temples as soon as I open my lids.

My throat is scratchy and dry as if I’ve been thirsty for decades. The walls of our room surround me. The familiarity fills me with peace.

If only Julian were here so this would feel like the safest place to be.

Dim, early morning light slips through the window. Night has turned into day.

A bottle of water rests on the nightstand. I snatch and gulp half of it down in record time. I sigh with relief once I’m finished.

“Was it fun?”

My head snaps upwards to meet with Julian’s impassive eyes. He didn’t even make a sound.


He never made a sound, unless he purposefully made himself noticeable.

He’s not Julian. He’s Ghost.

The notorious, cold-blooded Ghost whom no one saw.

But I did.

Inside, there was only Julian for me.

He’s standing by the side of the bed in a stiffened, defensive posture. He’s changed into a new shirt that strains against his defined muscles with tension. No blood soaks his shoulder.

That’s a relief.

If only I could erase the distance and throw myself in his strong, safe arms. The coldness in his dark eyes stops me in my tracks.