Shadowed (Team Zero #4) by Rina Kent

“I’m sorry.” Though, I’m not sorry at all that she no longer offers her body to random men. It’s none of my business, but someone as delicate and as nice as Natalie doesn’t deserve that life. The girl doesn’t even raise her voice. No wonder Mist had to defend her earlier.

“The pay is less as a waitress, but I get tips and it’s enough to take care of my nana.”

My chest tugs. She’s doing this for her granny. I never had one. Mum’s family disowned her and Dad had distant cousins who didn’t even visit after my parents’ death. I always wanted a granny and was so jealous of other kids at school who talked about their cool grandmothers.

I can understand why Natalie is in such a place. I’m doing this for my mum, too.

I fiddle with some bottles, but when I see the price tags, thousands, dammit, I jerk my hand free. “Have they mentioned why they demoted you?”

She shrugs. “I was told one day that my services as an escort aren’t needed anymore and that I’m to work as a waitress. I didn’t question it. Their word is law around here. Besides, I like being a waitress better.”

I smile. Looks like I found a new friend here. Although I don’t like the whole ‘you’re demoted with no explanation’ thing. If I were there, I would’ve made her fight for answers.

Injustice is a no-go in my book.

I crouch beside her and help with arranging the boxes. “How long have you been working here?”

“A year.” Her movements are slow but well measured. “Give or take.”

That means she’s been here since the last owner of this organisation and must’ve witnessed what happened during that time — including the organisation deals and clashes with President Joe.

A thousand questions fight to get out, but I clamp my lips shut.

If I start asking questions out of the blue, Natalie will surely become suspicious. I need to be smart about this.

“Le Salon doesn’t get trouble, right?” My voice is nonchalant. “I escaped some gang fights in my rubbish neighbourhood. I’d rather not find that here, too.”

Natalie continues closing the opened boxes as she speaks. “We’re well protected. Don’t worry.”

“The rival organisations don’t cause trouble?” I push, but keep the same careless tone.

She frowns but keeps at her task. “Who do you mean?”

President Joe. I want to scream, but I continue playing dumb. “All of them. What do I know about them, anyway?”

She nods thoughtfully. “A new factory means trouble. It’s a given.”

The new factory! So the rumours Liam got are right.

If there’s one thing certain about President Joe it’s that he’s greedy. He’ll attempt to stick his finger in the pot. The reason for his success is buying shares in any remotely profitable business.

A drug factory is a pot of gold for these scums and an opportunity President Joe would never miss.

I’ll let him have it. No. I’ll make him have it, then I’ll pull it from underneath his feet.

I help Natalie with lifting one box into the shelf and ask. “Does Mist run the factory, too?”

She pauses and stares at me with panic-filled eyes, then quickly lowers her head. “I don’t know.”

Son of a gun. I went too far.

I place my arm around her shoulder and whisper in mock fear. “It’s better that we don’t know these things.”

Her lips lift in a small smile, apparently satisfied with my reply. “Yes. A traitor was executed in cold blood the other day.”

I gulp, and my fingers twirl a strand of my hair. I drop my hand. Stupid nasty habit.

Natalie’s eyes keep shifting back and forth, her pupils dilating. She must know something, but I need to tread carefully. Being pushy or obvious won’t only get me killed, but it can also hurt her. I don’t want anyone, let alone Natalie, to get hurt for me.

Maybe, in the future, when she trusts me more, she’ll tell me everything herself. My best strategy is to build a good connection with the girls. They usually have the best gossip.

After the storage room, Natalie takes me on a long tour around Le Salon. We go from the general public club area with its deafening music and rubbish play on colours, to a less chaotic, more serene lounge area like a parlour of sorts.

Escorts in designer gowns sit with older men on sofas and smiling.

Natalie pays them no attention and keeps explaining the principles and so on and so forth. Then she takes me up the stairs and motions at the second floor where I witnessed Mist save her earlier.

“This floor is for administration,” Natalie says. “Mist’s office and room are at the end of the hall.”

I clear my throat. “Shadow’s, too?”

She shakes her head. “Shadow doesn’t stay here. He and a few of the other men live in an adjacent house on the outskirts of the main building.”

Interesting. I wonder why.

“That guard, too, I assume?” I would rather not face him because the next time he pulls me with force, I’ll kick him in the balls again.

It causes me a strange surge of panic. I only know that I had it since that night my parents died.

Natalie purses her lips. Annoyed? “His name is Lachlan.”

“Right. Lachlan.” We ascend the stairs leading to the third floor. “He’s as brute as his master.”