Shadowed (Team Zero #4) by Rina Kent

“Lachlan is only brute with those who deserve it,” she says firmly.

Hell. If I weren’t imagining it, she’s defending the bloke.

She must’ve seen some recognition in my eyes since she cuts me off before I can open my mouth. “It’s not what you think.”

I smile. “I didn’t say anything.”

With an exasperated breath, she stops in front of the last door. “You’ll stay here. Your roommate is Scarlett. She’s a bit...” She pauses as if trying to choose her words then she murmurs, “Eccentric, so be careful.”

Brilliant. That’s exactly what I needed.

“Thanks, Natalie.” I squeeze her arm.

She smiles with genuine care like what I’d imagine a mother’s smile would look like. “There’s one philosophy that worked like magic for me: stay away from trouble and trouble will stay away from you.”

Natalie pats my hand and leaves, her steps are measured and serene. I can’t help feeling the injustice about a woman like her being in this place. She deserves much better.

I start to open the room’s door when I hear some male voices from the stairs. They’re not coming up. Just talking. I fidget in place and twirl a strand of my hair.

It’s risky to eavesdrop especially since I just came, but I can’t miss any chance I get. Besides, if I’m caught, I’ll pretend that I’m lost. Since I’m still new, I’d get a free pass.

I tiptoe to the top of the stairs and hide behind the corner. From the little overview I get, two men, guards, judging from their black suits and buff physique, are standing in the landing and smoking. Nicotine fills the air and my nostrils.

One of them, bald and black says, “Methinks they’ll give us extra pay for guarding the new factory.”

I lean closer, my entire body on full attention.

The second, taller and leaner and with striking white-blond hair says in a Russian accent, “Shut up. It’s part of our duties.”

The first one takes a drag and blows up a cloud of smoke, and says. “I mean yeah, but if President Joe and his band of thieves want to steal or ruin the business, we’ve gotta strengthen security. Extra hours. Extra pay. Just sayin’.”

I knew President Joe will have his eyes set on the factory already.

“Ghost and Shadow wouldn’t want to give him a share,” the Russian bloke says.

Why the hell not? I thought it was a done deal since rival organisations always allowed the other a small share as a peace treaty of sorts. If they don’t intend to give President Joe anything, then my mission is at stake.

“I say they will agree.” The black bloke shrugs. “Ghost doesn’t want a war.”

“Shadow might.” The Russian.

My fists clench. That bloody arrogant bastard. I knew I hated him. He’s out to ruin what I came here for. President Joe needs a share. And to do that, Shadow needs to be stopped.

At any price.

“But,” The black bloke starts and when I lean forward, the Russian’s head snaps my way. I rear back with a jerk.

My heart nearly leaps out of my chest and drop to the stairs.

Son of a bloody gun!

He didn’t see me, right? I don’t want to find out. I start running. When I round the corner, my head collides against a hard chest.

I come to a screeching halt and almost fall on my arse. A strong arm surrounds my waist and keeps me upright with ease. I lift my head, and heat rises to my cheeks. I’m momentarily transfixed by those overcast grey eyes.

Shadow stares down at me with a gleam and a smirk. “We keep running into each other.”

Footsteps come from the stairs, and my heart thunders. That Russian bloke will tell Shadow I’ve been eavesdropping and everything will freaking end.

My mind goes on overdrive and no matter how much I think about it, no clear solution comes. The footsteps are getting near. They will reach me in no time.

So I do the one thing that could gain me time. A mistake. A madness.

I stand on my tiptoes and seal my lips to Shadow’s.

Chapter Six

My lips press against his firm ones. For a second, I almost forget about the footsteps heading our way and get lost in the moment.

He tastes of smoke and… scotch. Strong, head-turning scotch. I never thought scotch would taste in such an erotic way.

I’m acutely aware of how soft and small I am compared to his hard muscles and broad shoulders. My breasts brush against his strong chest, and heat smothers my arms and crawls down my back.

Shadow isn’t kissing me back.

His grip on my waist tightens, and his body becomes rigid, but I’m the only one who does the kissing – or more like pressing my lips to his pathetically.

Humiliation digs at my chest and tastes like dust at the back of my throat.

Thankfully, that snaps me back to reality. Still sealing my mouth to his, with less tenderness, I grab a fistful of Shadow’s T-shirt and shove him backwards towards a room.

As soon as we’re inside, I break away from him and swing back. I blend against the wall and stare from the small crack. The Russian guard stands where I ran into Shadow a few seconds ago, his hard eyes searching around. His hand reaches underneath his jacket and clasps around something metal. A gun.

I shiver and my fingers turn sweaty. We had practical training in the forces, and I know how to handle a gun, but to be on the receiving end is always bloody scary.