Shadowed (Team Zero #4) by Rina Kent

As expected, Elle wins. She accepts handshakes from the audience with an awkward smile as she makes her way out.

Elle has never been good with social situations. From that plastered smile and quick physical contact, I’m sure she’s dying inside.

The woman who lost against Elle refused to shake hands after the match. She staggers out of the ring, wiping blood from her busted lip.

Once Elle reaches us, her inquisitive gaze takes in how Liam and I are standing, then she scrunches her nose. “Eww.”

I lunge at her for a hug, but she holds me at arm’s length with a palm on my chest.

“Come on, Elle. It’s just a hug.” I taunt, trying to reach and squeeze her.

Panic appears on her face, and her eyes turn shifty. Even Liam bursts into laughter at how much she hates hugs.

Except from me.

Or maybe it’s because I make her.

“I’m all sweaty and you’re all pretty.”

I give her a coy smile. “Being diplomatic, huh?” I cast a glance at Liam. “I wonder whose bad habits rubbed off on you.”

Liam is about to say something when I glimpse behind Elle. The loser woman is charging at Elle’s back with a raised fist. I yank Elle to the side and kick the woman in the face. She staggers and falls on her arse while holding her bloodied nose.

I point a finger at her. “Learn some sporting spirit, bitch.”

Violence is never my thing, but I’d unleash hell for Liam and Elle.

The audience becomes silent, perhaps because I flashed them my underwear. Oh well. Small sacrifices.

Elle touches my arm. “Thanks.”

“Anytime, sistah!” I turn her in the direction of lockers. “Go change. You owe me a big hug.”

Elle’s lips twist in a horrified smile before she half-jogs in the opposite direction.

Laughter bubbles free from me and Liam.

“You scared her,” he says. “She won’t return to watch the fight.”

“Come on.” I push his bulk to the men’s ring. Most spectators rush that way, too. Elle’s match was the last in the category. The rest of the night is dedicated to the pricks.

Liam and I push the crowd out of the way so we can have walking room. They’re yelling and cursing and verbally fighting even before the match. What are they? Teenagers?

We finally take seats in the podium above. It took lots of convincing – and bribing – to book these seats. Liam doesn’t need to know I used bribery. He’s so uptight about police values and all that jazz.

I’m more interested in getting things done.

From this position, we have a perfect view of the ring in which the match will happen, but that’s not why I chose this place.

My gaze strays to the podium across from us and the reason I went through all this trouble. My mind becomes hazy as Mum’s words play in my head on a loop.

Make him pay, Zoe. Even if it’s the last thing you do.

And now… he’s here.

He walks to his designated seat slowly and leisurely as if he owns the place and everyone in it.

He probably does.

A crowd of bodyguards – or more like gangsters – surround him. They’re all wearing black suits and appear as gloomy as England’s weather.

The view of President Joe’s bald head is clear even from this distance. He’s wearing a striped double-breasted suit all complete with a blood red bowtie.

The same blood he will be swimming in once he pays for what he did to Mum.

I can’t make out his expression, but he’s clearly satisfied with the organisation since he’s nodding to one of his goons.

President Joe’s full name is Joseph Taylor, late fifties, and self-made. He’s the type of bastard who sells drugs and owns places like this underground gambling and fighting ring.

I thought the nightmare was over when he was arrested and charged for tax fraud three years ago. It wasn’t the best revenge but I accepted it. However, the rat came out so soon. The court couldn’t hold enough evidence to implicate his business. Now he’s back to said business without the least worry in the world.

When he was arrested, I joined the police force and decided to stop the likes of him in lawful ways. Like Liam.

But actual justice didn’t exist in the world. Not in the conventional sense, anyway.

If lawful ways can’t stop President Joe, I’ll play as dirty as he is.

They say you can’t fight a monster unless you become one.

When Elle and I were children, before we met Liam, we had an abusive foster family. The eldest sister would deliberately break something in the house and then go crying to her parents that Elle did it.

What did I do? I spent a whole day in the dirty swamp and gathered as many frogs as possible. Then I decorated her room with them.

Of course, I was beaten. Of course, I smelled like the swamp for days. But that foster sister’s horrified crying was worth it. After that, she never crossed us again.

I was never afraid to get dirty in order to have justice.

President Joe did a lot more than blame someone else for his doings. His punishment will be worse than frogs.


I turn to face Liam, and he’s considering me with furrowed brows. “You completely erased me just now.”

I laugh it off. “No, I didn’t.”

He motions at my hand. My forefinger is twirling a strand of my hair.