Shadowed (Team Zero #4) by Rina Kent

“Your fucking existence.” My words are more biting than I like to show Flame — or anyone for that matter. But my skin is crawling at the thought of them under the same roof as Zoe. Hawk is fresh from extensive withdrawal and therefore, his relapse is bound to be strong.

Flame is unpredictable as fuck, and he’d do anything to serve his agenda — whatever the hell that is.

I need them a planet away from Zoe.

“What is it?” I level my tone even though I’m still toying with the knife on the table.

Flame takes his sweet arse time to take a drag of his cigarette and blow a cloud of nicotine. “Hades feels tricked about releasing Hawk, so he’ll take one of us on his behalf.”

“Didn’t he have a deal with Ghost to release a Zero if we reach double revenue?” I ask.

“He never said he won’t take back one more.” Hawk’s hand shakes, meaning that Omega’s after-effects are kicking in.

“Yeah, so?” I carve a path with the knife on the table. “Let’s send Scar in. She’s crazy whether inside or outside and she’s not doing much for the organisation, anyway.”

Flame shakes his head. “Ghost won’t allow it. He’s volunteering to go himself.”

“The fuck?” I stab the table with the knife.

“Mist wants to go instead,” Hawk says in a low tone.

“And Hawk volunteered to return.” Flame rolls his eyes as if internally thinking ‘I’m surrounded by idiots.’

“What type of brilliant plan is all this?” I can use a drink about now.

“I’m sure Hades will be delighted to take the three of them back.” Flame points his cigarette at me. “It’ll be bothersome if I’m stuck with you and Scar. That’s why we’re here.”

My hand wraps around the knife’s handle. “What the fuck do you expect me to do?” Except for shackling Ghost to a tree. Or better yet, use Elle against him. He has an emotional connection to her, and if anyone can convince him to stay then it’s her.

Old hag Mist can be my guest and walk back to Hades’ hell any day. Only that it’ll be a pain in the arse to take care of Le Salon on her behalf.

Flame cocks his head towards Hawk. “Tell him.”

My gaze rakes between them. “Tell me what?”

“I have a message from Ink,” Hawk says.

My hold tightens on the knife until my knuckles whiten. “What?”

“You owe him a disciple’s life and if you don’t pay him back, he’ll take his revenge in his own way.”

I smile faintly. “He’s prisoned but still has time for revenge and shit?”

“His exact words were: Come find me at The Pit or deal with the consequences. I hold grudges just like you, Shadow.”

Fuck. That he does. The slimy bastard killed the guard who tortured him when he was a teen. It took him ten years of careful plotting, but he did it all the same.

He’ll come after me whether now or after a decade.

Ink doesn’t scare me, but the fact that he’ll target my weaknesses does. That cockroach was one of Ink’s closest people and the best way to get back at me is to find something I hold dear and finish it.

A few months ago, I would’ve gone head to head with him and fuck consequences. Now that there are Zoe and Nonna, everything changes. One wrong move and I’ll be putting them both in danger.

“I’ll think about it.” I stand up and yank the knife. “Now, shoo and don’t return here.”

“One more thing.” Flame tilts his head to the side. “Neither Ghost nor President Joe managed to catch Johnny, so he’s still on the run, but he’s not out of the country.”

“What does that have to do with me?” I throw him an impatient stare. Johnny betrayed President Joe by plotting to take Ghost down when President Joe was negotiating a partnership with us. And because President Joe only runs after profit, when Ghost offered him twenty five per cent of the new drug factory, he dropped Johnny as fast as a bad habit. For that sleazy old man, the fact that Johnny was his second in command and most trusted man meant shit in front of money.

But then again, Johnny did betray him so he deserves being hunted down like a fucking dog.

Rumour has it that President Joe disowned his own fucking daughter when she betrayed him. No one knows what she did, but everyone knows he disowned her. The old man had two girls. One of them was disowned and the other died in a fire more than thirty years ago. Since then, he’s become so ruthless and powerful that everyone wants to gain his favour.

“Give me a tip if you come across him,” Flame says coolly, uncrossing his ankles.

“Let me guess.” I point my knife at him. “President Joe will owe you a favour if you bring him Johnny.”

He lifts a shoulder.

“Is there anyone who doesn’t owe you a favour?” Hawk asks what I’m thinking.

Flame appears to be thoughtful for while smoking as if calculating something. “The queen.”

Hawk’s lips lift in what resembles a smile and I snicker. “Piss off both of you.”

“We have a few weeks until one has to go.” Flame taps his wrist even though there isn’t a watch. “Tick. Tock.”

I chain the door behind them. Not that it’ll stop them if they decide to break in. I’m installing a new security system in this place.