Misted (Team Zero #5) by Rina Kent

He has to.

Once the fence ends, I take a chance and jump into the bushes.

With this cover, they won’t be able to catch me. I keep my back low and follow the trail of the gunshots. Omega’s enhanced hearing and speed would be brilliant now, but the bloody mule had to take it away.

I spot Hawk climbing into a tree opposite the direction from where gunshots are coming. He’s hidden by the bushes from below but if he reaches the middle of the tree trunk, he’ll be shot down.

What the hell is wrong with him?

I use the trees as camouflage while I jump over the rocks and fallen branches. My breathing is ragged and I’m panting as if I’ve been through a marathon. I can’t believe even such a small effort is weighing me down.

Once I’m a few trees away from Hawk, I raise my arm, trying to get his attention. A man in black combat clothes and boots cuts into my vision and points a rifle at Hawk’s back. Someone else continues shooting from above.

I run at the one in front of me at full speed and kick his hand. A shot goes off in the sky’s direction. The man turns and reaches for his rifle. I kick it away. He throws a punch at my face and I duck. He goes again and again. I avoid his strikes every time. Thank God I improved my stamina with those long runs.

I start punching back but shouts stab through me from atop the tree before a gunshot silences it.

I’m momentarily paralysed.


The man clutches my healing arm and digs his fingers in my wound. I bite in the cry of pain as blood coat his fingers and drips to the dirt. I use his grip on me and kick him in the diaphragm.

He coughs and bends over.

I snatch his rifle away. Before he can charge at me, I load and shoot him straight in the forehead. The strength of a combat rifle rushes through my bones and fills me with determination.

A presence jumps behind me seconds after the hitman falls dead. I spin around so fast and stop myself from pulling the trigger by a miracle.

Hawk stands there, a gun in hand and blood all over his naked torso. A shudder crawls down my spine and my heart falls to my feet.

“Are you –”

“I told you not to fucking move,” he bites out, his eyes trained on the blood that’s forming rivulets down my arms.

I don’t pay it the slightest attention. All I’m focused on is the blood marring Hawk’s chest.

“Are you shot?” My voice shakes. “Are you…”

“It’s not mine.” The murderous expression isn’t gone as he grabs me by the arm and glares at my blood. He presses a thumb on the wound and nods in satisfaction when the blood stops.

I soak in his closeness and his pure masculine presence that always made me feel so safe and protected. We can have an army on our backs, and I’ll fight it as long as he’s by my side.

Hawk grabs me by the shoulders and tries to push me behind one of the bushes. “There’s another one. I can’t find the fucker.”

I squirm free of his hold. “I’m not leaving you alone.”

“Hellion,” he warns in an impatient tone. “You’re on withdrawal. I can take care of this on my own.”

“No. You don’t have full control of your dominant hand and you dislike close-range combat and on-ground work. I’m not leaving you alone and that’s final.”

His lips part as if he’s surprised I know all that. What? Does he think I forgot anything about him? I just numbed them with Omega, and even then it didn’t always work.

He runs a hand through his damp hair. “Stubborn woman.”

“Stubborn man.” I puff my chest forward. “Let’s go.”

He’s about to say something when I catch movement at his back. I shove Hawk aside and point my rifle ahead.

I’m too late.

A shot goes off from the opposite side before I hit my mark. A thud sounds beside me, and my heart stops. My breathing does, too.

Everything is in slow motion as I turn around and find Hawk sprawled on his stomach on the ground. Blood covers his naked back from a gash straight in his spine.

“No, no, no…” I drop to my knees beside him, letting the rifle fall to the dirt. I press my trembling hands on the gash as hot tears stream down my cheeks.

His eyes are fluttering closed while his lips fall in a wordless ‘O’. He reaches a hand for my face and I lean into him, whimpering and stuffing all sounds inside so I can hear him.

His fingers are cold against my cheek and it’s like I’m the one-shot. I feel the pain straight to my bones and I’m gasping for breath on his behalf.

“S-stay with me,” I croak. “Don’t… don’t…”

I lose all chains of thoughts and words as his fingers wipe under my eyes.

His murmur drifts around me in a barely audible voice. “Why… Hellion?”

His hand falls limp on the ground and his eyes turn white as they roll to the back of his head.

“Hawk!” I shout, my voice is hoarse and breaking. “Don’t do this to me. Don’t. Please! Come back! Come back!”

I keep one hand on his wound and fish in his pocket. My vision is blurry and I barely see what’s there. I go to his call history and dial Crow.

Thankfully, he picks up after only two rings. “There better be a ‘hello, how you doing, mate’ this time.”

“He’s dying.” I cry. Both my hands and limbs tremble. “He’s been shot in his spine, Crow. Bring someone. Please, bring someone.”