Misted (Team Zero #5) by Rina Kent

I place a hand on my belly. It’ll start to show soon. The monthly check-up is next week. We have to leave before then.

I snarl at the thought of them taking my baby away. I’ll bloody kill them all. Every single one of them.

My sweaty hand pushes my hair back. I’ve been in such a murderous mood lately. I freshened up and bandaged my arm in the bathroom earlier, but it still doesn’t release the tension.

If I catch anyone looking at my stomach, I resist the urge to poke their eyes out. It doesn’t help that I barely see Hawk anymore. He’s the only one who can calm my chaos and make me feel at ease and safe. Deep in my gut, I know nothing will happen to me as long as he’s by my side.

What’s taking him so freaking long today? He usually finishes his kills before me.

I hate that he’s been getting more assignments lately. I wish he wasn’t so efficient to the point of catching the higher-ups’ attention. The Pit’s board, people as sick as Hades, have been using him – and all of us – to get rid of any political enemies. Hawk’s sniper abilities make him an indispensable asset to The Pit.

The back of my mouth fills with acid at the thought that they’ll hunt him — and me — down when we escape.

I stop pacing, rub my stomach and shake my head. We’ll be okay. We’ll go where no one will find us.

The door barges open and I release a breath. “Finally! I was waiting –

I spin around and words die in my throat.

The man standing at the entrance with that disgusting bulk is nowhere close to Hawk.

A deep, ugly scar runs down his bald head.


How the hell did he know about where Hawk and I meet? My mind races. Did he know all along? Does he know about our plan?

He closes the door, screws it shut with the chain and leans against it. “Hello, Mist.”

My gaze strays to my sides, searching for anything that can be used as a weapon. I curse myself for forgetting my gun in the bathroom earlier.

There’s a window, but any jump can endanger my child’s life.

The gun it is.

I sprint towards the bathroom on the opposite end. A large hand wraps around my nape and bangs my head against the wall. Pain explodes in my temple and the room spins into black and white stars.

A large frame pushes into me from behind. My skin crawls as disgusting breaths tickles my ears. “Where do you think you’re going, babe? I waited enough for you to grow up, don’t you think?”

I fling my arms and attempt to elbow him, but I don’t get much impact. Or his body is made of freaking steel.

“So this is where you’ve been meeting with him?” He runs a fat finger down my cheek. “You only exist because I allow it. If you take this like a good girl, I’ll let you live, if not, I won’t. It’s that simple.”

I duck, spin around and knee him in the crotch. Fuck him. I reach to the nearest object — a lamp — and smash it on his bull, scarred head.

Then, I’m running towards the bathroom. If he touches me, I’ll fucking shoot him. I don’t care if he’s Hades’ number one guard or if he’s the chief. No one puts their hands on me and gets away with it.

Not after Mum’s boyfriend.

Once I take care of Nero, I’ll convince Hawk about a change of plans. We need to leave before Hades finds us.

My head is still ringing from the hit. I shake it and stumble inside the bathroom on unsteady legs. I reach for the gun resting on the yellowish lavatory when I’m yanked back by a fist in my hair.

Pain explodes in my skull and I scream as strands rip off. I kick back, but I miss. Nero spins me around and punches me in the face. Hard. Before I can react, he punches again and again until I’m choking on the metallic taste.

My vision starts to blacken, and I stumble, tripping on my own feet. I clutch the wall for balance, but I fall. My back hits the ground with a thud.

No. My baby. No…

My vision blurs into mismatched colours, and I can’t draw air through my blood-clogged nose. Even though my mind demands unconsciousness, I don’t grant it. I fight, thrashing in all direction. For my baby. For the life Hawk and I have been planning.

Tears stream down my cheeks as a suffocating weight crushes atop of me. “You fucking bitch.” He snarls in my face and I smell onions and the stench of beer. “I’ll bleed you open. I’ll kill you and throw your body in front of Hawk.”

“N-no… Please…” I beg. I’d do anything for him to let me go.

Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I felt the brightness and two lives rushing inside me, but now I’m beginning to lose that connection.

The sound of a zipper sounds in the empty, silent bathroom. Although my punches are weak, I still swing them at his face. I kick, too, but either they’re useless or Nero is just that strong. He trained us after all. He’s twice or three times my size.

He’s going to suffocate me. He’s going to kill me and my child.

A sob tears from my throat when he yanks my jeans down.

“Hawk…” I murmur. “Haaaawk!” I scream, thrashing with renowned energy.

Sadistic laughter bellows from Nero. “He won’t come, babe. I made sure he has enough kills to not interrupt us. He can take care of what’s left when I’m done with you.”

No. No.

He wraps a hand around my neck and squeezes, so hard, my breath is caught in a strangled cry. My eyes bulge and I squirm for breath. My nails scratch his forearm and anywhere on his skin.