Black Thorns (Thorns Duet #2) by Rina Kent

“No, it won’t. There’s also Mio. I can’t let her pay the price for my actions.”

“She won’t.”

“You don’t know my father, she most definitely will. I…I have to talk to Akira. He’s the only one who can help.”

“I will not send you back his way.”

“It’s not like that. I just need to use his weakness against him.”

“And what’s that?”

“His interest in Ren. He was looking at his pictures just now.”

My brows furrow. “The same Ren who abducted us?”

“Yeah. He’s one of my father’s men.”

“And Akira is interested in him?”

“More than interested. He’s no longer asexual because of him.”

“Why didn’t you use it before?”

“Because I only just found out about it. They’ve met a few times before this year, but this is the first time Akira has acted on his sexual desires. As far as I know.”

“I still don’t like this.”

“It’ll be fine. I promise. Just give me a few days.”

“One day.”


“One. I can’t stay away from you more than that. Not after I finally have you again.”

She rolls her eyes but drops her head on my chest and absentmindedly strokes my arm. I breathe her in, reveling in the peaceful moment.

It took us so long to get to this point and I’ll do everything in my power to protect our new beginning.

It’s still fragile, but it’s ours. Mine and Naomi’s.

My phone vibrates and I retrieve it, thinking it’s work.

But it’s a text from an unknown number.

This is Akira. I forgot to share something earlier. Fine, I didn’t forget. I just enjoy playing with you. Here’s the thing. Naomi thinks I’m the one who sent her those letters. The ones you used to send through your old Japanese address. See, my family owns that building and I was curious when I learned someone from the United States had rented a PO box with my first name on it and made a request that his letters be sent from that Japanese address back to the States. I thought to myself, there must be a story there. And what a story it was. I read your letters, then put them back into the envelopes and personally handled the shipping. Aren’t I a good cupid? But then I thought it would be a beautiful twist of fate if I was the one to have her. As it happened, her father was seeking my alliance and I found the golden opportunity to use her for my own benefit. Don’t you think it’s a wonderful coincidence that your middle name and my first name are the same, Sebastian Akira Weaver?



Though letting Naomi go is the last thing I want, I do it anyway.

We parted ways as soon as we got to Brooklyn and I might have made out with her for long minutes in public and gave people a show they don’t need.

It took a lot of coercing for me to let her go. She’s insistent on dealing with the situation herself. I don’t fucking want her to. I meant it when I said I’d rather kidnap her and keep her for myself.

If it were up to me, she’d be chained to my bed, where I’d only let her go to chase her.

But the last time one of us decided to handle the whole situation on our own, we were separated for seven fucking years.

Seven years of loneliness.

Of rage.

Of fucking wasted time.

And that won’t be the case going forward.

Besides, Naomi needs this for closure. I might have lived on negative emotions all this time, but she suffered, too. Silently. Alone.

And she needs to rip the stitches from her wound on her own. And when she falls, when it hurts, I’ll be the one to carry her through it all.

The other reason is Akira’s fucking text. He knew about the letters. The asshole was well aware of everything that started ten years ago.

He also knows about my past and my Japanese middle name my grandparents prefer not to mention unless they absolutely have to.

Why do I get the impression that the reason Akira played that card isn’t only to taunt me but also because he has a hidden agenda?

But what?

After going back to my apartment and changing clothes, I head to the firm. My head still hurts from the cold, but it’s nothing painkillers can’t take care of.

The moment I walk in, I find it in a state of chaos.

Daniel sits on Candice’s desk, talking to the new interns and grinning for the sole purpose of showing his damn dimples.

“I know you guys meant to go into my office and made the small mistake of walking into the wrong one.” He snaps his fingers. “Come on, Kate, Omar. Grab your things and come to my world of fun.”

They look between Daniel and Candice, who’s standing by her office, crossing her arms and tapping her leg on the floor.

“Like hell they are,” she snaps. “You should leave, Mr. Sterling.”

“Stay out of it, Candice.” He doesn’t pay her any attention as he continues his grinning session. “I promise more fun than the cold-hearted idiot.”

“Mr. Sterling, please get off my desk so we can work.”

“One sec, Candice. Don’t you have a sick boss to take care of?” He winks at Kate and Omar. “I never get sick, because my physique is strong. See these muscles? I played football in high school. Soccer for you guys.”