Black Thorns (Thorns Duet #2) by Rina Kent

“But it’s done. They released me.”

“With a final note that said, ‘His life is ours now. Make sure he keeps his mouth and eyes shut if you don’t want him to end up like his parents.’ Mrs. Weaver burned that note and put the whole incident behind her as if it never happened. But I knew there’d come a time when you’d cross those people’s paths again. And here we are. Nick and Julia lost their lives because they messed with the wrong crowd. Don’t repeat your parents’ mistake, Sebastian. Don’t walk toward death with your own two feet.”

I lean back in my chair and let the information sink it, then I release a sigh. “But that’s the thing, Uncle. I’d rather die than live without being alive.”



I make it to my father’s house.

Though I’m late, so the whole breakfast thing is over and everyone has moved on to doing their chores.

Mio tells me that Akira is with Father in his office and invites me to join her while she trains.

“Not this time.” My attention is focused on the second story where my father’s office is.

My sister’s shoulders hunch and she fingers her bamboo sword. “Is something wrong, Onee-chan?”

“Nah,” I say absentmindedly.

“Are you mad at me because I agreed to marry the Russian?”

I break eye contact with the building and stare back at her. Sometimes, I forget just how delicate my little sister is, and I don’t only mean physically. Yes, she has soft cheekbones, a small nose and lips, and huge almond eyes, but she’s also fragile on the inside.

Despite her love for kendo, Mio is the type who bawls her eyes out while watching an emotional scene in a movie. She’s also a bit naive, always finding the best in people before the worst. No clue where she got that trait from, because everyone surrounding her is monstrous. My father is at the top of that list.

“No, of course not, Mio. I’m mad at Father, not you.”

“But I agreed to it. I’m fine with it.”

“You think you’re fine with it, but you don’t know those people or how dangerous they are.”

“I can take care of myself. I’m not a baby.”

It’s useless to tell her that she doesn’t know what she’s getting herself into. She might be sheltered, but she’s as determined and rigid as one of her damn swords. She takes after our bastard father.

So I’ll just work on resolving this from the background without getting her involved.

“Okay, fine.”

She narrows her eyes. “You’re brushing me off.”

“How could I do that to my cute little Mio?” I take her chin and shake her by it, causing her to smile before she pulls away.

“You’re doing it again, Nee-chan.”

“Doing what again?”

“Treating me like I’m a little girl.”

“Sorry. I guess you’ll always be my baby sister.”

“I’m grown up.”

“Yes, you are.” And that’s not a good thing. Knowing my father, he’ll eventually find a way to thrust her into a situation that will break her.

But not if I’m there for her.



“I…saw him.”


“The man Papa wants me to marry. His name is Damien Orlov and he’s a leader in the Bratva.”

“How the hell did you see him?”

“I just…did.”

“You don’t even go out, Mio.”

She bites her lower lip. “I do sometimes.”

“And? How did you see this Damien?”

“I happened to run into him.” I don’t miss the hesitation at the end or how her throat bobs with a swallow.

“Mio…did he do something to you?”

“He was big, Onee-chan. Like huge. He was bigger than anyone I’ve seen. He’s even bigger than Kai. I didn’t think anyone could be bigger than Kai.”

“That’s because you don’t know the world.”

“But I want to.” A spark shines in her eyes and she fingers her sword. “I need to, Nee-chan, and if I stay with Papa, I won’t be able to.”

“And you think marrying this Damien would be the magical solution?”

“No, but at least it would be my choice.”

It’s not. It’s Father’s choice, but I don’t get to tell her that as she excuses herself and leaves, her shoulders snapped in a line.

As soon as she disappears from view, I let my smile drop and take the steps two at a time until I reach my father’s office.

Ren stands in front of it wearing a suit without a tie. He touches his black dot earring when I come into view and glares at me.

I let my lips stretch into a taunting smile. “Are you here for Father or your lover?”

“Shut the fuck up,” he hisses, searching his surroundings. “And that psycho isn’t my lover.”

“Looked like it when he was cutting you up while doing…other things.”

“You obviously liked watching. Are you a psycho as well?”

“I could be, especially after what you did seven years ago. How does it feel to be helpless and at the mercy of someone stronger than you, Ren? Does it burn? Does it hurt? Do you feel like your insides will explode from frustration?”