Black Thorns (Thorns Duet #2) by Rina Kent

A tinge of relief expands in my chest, but it’s short-lived at the lurking threat behind Akira’s words.

I knew he disliked being threatened, that he hates not having the upper hand and the control that comes with it, but I pushed his buttons anyway and now he’s making me pay.

“Neither you nor anyone else will threaten my business, Naomi. Do you hear me?” My father points at the screen, at Sebastian’s inert body. “That little bastard should’ve died twenty-two years ago for his parents’ sin, but I spared his life for his grandparents’ money. Turns out, it was never worth it and he should’ve joined his thieving mother.”

I stare between Akira and my father, dumbfounded.

“I told you. It goes way back.” My husband motions at a calligraphy hidden by the plant in the corner of the office.

My eyes widen when I read the words in Japanese.

The weak are meat. The strong eat.

Those are the exact words on Sebastian’s Japanese tattoo. The same words that he lived by all this time—probably since he was a kid.

“You knew Sebastian’s parents?” I ask in a choked voice.

“Only his thieving mother.” My father takes a sip of his tea. “She was an assistant at one of our branches that we use as a front to ship illegal paintings. When she found out about that painting which was worth three million at the time, she got greedy and stole it right after the art expert announced its authenticity. She was smart enough to replace it with a forgery and we didn’t know until the buyer hired his expert and he told him it was a fake. We figured out she was the thief and hired the truck that hit them. The cause of death was a car accident. As easy as that.”

I stumble and catch myself at the last second. The reality of my father’s words hit me hard and fast. He killed Sebastian’s parents. My father is the reason he was orphaned at a young age and turned out the way he is now.

“You’re a monster! How could you do that to a child?”

“His mother stole from me. No one fucking steals from me.”

“But Sebastian was there! He was only six years old.”

“And he was supposed to die, too, but we used him to milk ransom money from his rich grandparents. Now, I’m thinking that wasn’t a very good idea. Don’t you agree, Mori-san?”

“No, probably not. We wouldn’t have been in this predicament if he’d died at that time. But then again, it wouldn’t be this much fun either.”


Does he really think all of this is fun?

I’ll show him what fun is like.

“Are you going to get in line, Naomi?” my father asks in a calm tone. “Or should I finish off the life I spared?”

“I’ll do as you want. Let him go.” My voice is apathetic, but it’s not defeated. Sheer determination like I’ve never felt before pulses in my veins and flows through my raging bloodstream.

This time, it won’t go as they dictate.

“No. Not until Akira signs the contract he’s here for and you go back to Japan. And we make sure you’re not keeping in touch with him.”

“But that could take weeks!”

“So be it.” He raises his teacup to Akira, who returns the gesture.

I glare at them both, then turn around and leave.

As soon as I close the door behind me, I’m tempted to slide to the ground and weep.

That’s what I did seven years ago.

The day of my wedding, I locked myself in a closet and cried for hours.

But that didn’t bring me a solution. That didn’t let me live in peace or bring me back what I’d lost.

Action does. And it’s time I take it.

I stare at Ren and he stares right back, though warily. He touches his pierced ear, then the tattoos on his neck.

“What do you want, Ojou-sama?” he asks in a mocking tone, even though he’s clearly wary of me.

“A truce.”

“Ha. A truce? You just threatened me.”

“Which is why I’m asking for a truce.”

“And what makes you think I want it?”

“You have as much to lose in this as I do. Akira has the upper hand in your relationship, doesn’t he?”

His jaw clenches. “Are you sure this is you asking for a truce?”

“Yes. Because I understand what he can be like. He must’ve gathered all your weaknesses in a neat file that he uses to threaten you with whenever he thinks you’ve crossed a line. He’s controlling you and playing with you, and you hate it. After all, you’re a free spirit not meant to be shackled, caged, or controlled.”

Ren’s lips purse.

I step closer, softening my voice. “He doesn’t feel, Ren. Take it from me. I’ve lived with him for seven years. So when the fun he’s having with you is over, he’ll just toss you aside as if you never existed. By that time, he’ll make sure to break both your dignity and spirit so you have nothing left. And just like that, he’ll move on to his next pastime.”

Though Akira is capable of all of those things and more, he wouldn’t do that to Ren. I know it’s different with him—I can sense it—but I need to rile Ren up so he’s on my side. Besides, I was right about how much Ren hates Akira’s controlling nature. He was always a rebellious soul and my soon-to-be ex-husband is killing that part of him.