Throne of Vengeance (Throne Duet #2) by Rina Kent

She laughs, the sound throaty. “Not Kirill or Adrian, but Damien?”

I narrow my eyes. “What’s so funny about Damien?”

“That man thinks with his fists and would never be sophisticated enough to plot betrayal. Besides, he’s so Russian and hotheaded that it’s exhausting sometimes. He would never, and I mean never, choose another clan over us. He might be reckless, but he’s no traitor.”

My hold tightens on her waist. “Are you done defending the fucker in front of me?”

She swallows, her lips parting. “I’m just stating facts.”

“Too many facts.”

“Just enough to prove that Igor is wasting your time and his. Damien isn’t the traitor—that is if there is one in the first place.”

“Are you going to stop saying his name or should I fuck it out of you?”

“Stop saying things like that.” She tries to fight the blush creeping up her cheeks and fails.

“Not until you stop talking about other men in my presence. I don’t like it and it’s the best way to send me on a murder spree.”

“You’re crazy.”

“You just figured that out?”

“I guess I keep forgetting about it.”

“I’m happy to remind you.”

“I’m sure you are.” She gives me a dirty look. “Anyway, just tell Igor he’s wasting his time.”

“But you do have a traitor.”

“What’s your proof?”

“When you approved V Corp’s recent finances, didn’t you notice something off?”

“Adrian asking for them?”

“Why do you think he’s purposefully putting his hands into your business?”

“Because he’s a control freak?”

“Because he suspects you.”

“Suspects me of what?”


“Theft? Ha, he should corner Mikhail about that, not me.”

“He’s cornering everyone in his own way. Sergei and Adrian are the only two who know someone is stealing from the brotherhood. Igor must be in the know, too, and that’s why he’s trying to weed the traitor out.”

“Wait…but the numbers I have from the financial team match. I would’ve figured it out if there was a theft.”

“Adrian must’ve ordered them to submit fake numbers to gauge your reaction. If you caused a ruckus, he’d have caught you, for you wouldn’t have known the numbers were fake unless you were the one who had been strategically stealing.”

“That motherfucker.”

“Do you expect anything less from him?”

“No, but the fact that he has insiders in my damn company makes me livid. I’m going to weed them all out.”

“Good choice, but remember that V Corp is the brotherhood’s company. Not only has Adrian been around longer than you, he also outranks you, so his roots run deeper.”

“Are you worried about him?” she snaps.

“I’m worried about you, Princess. He’s not someone you should make an enemy out of. If you’re going to hit him, be discreet about it.”

“I know that.”

“And if you want to reduce his power, strike where it would hurt him the most.”

“Adrian doesn’t have a weakness.”

“Yes, he does. I’m actually surprised you didn’t figure it out.”

“What is it?”

“The question is who, not what.”

“It’s a person? Wait, if you mean his son, I’ll strangle you. Do you think I’d use a child to gain power?”

I chuckle. She’d sure as hell strangle me if she got the chance. “No, not his son.”

“Then who?”

“His wife.”

“Lia? Have you seen them together? He doesn’t care about her and is only keeping her around because she’s the mother of his son.”

“Or that’s what he likes you and everyone else to think. Didn’t you see the way he almost lost it when she was shot at? Even you thought that was uncharacteristic of him.”

She remains silent, probably turning the information over in that smart head of hers. I shouldn’t have revealed the weakness I’m supposed to be using against Adrian, but if it keeps Rai in the position she loves so much, I’ll sacrifice all the information I have.

Taking advantage of her moment of absentmindedness, I pull her closer. “So?”

“So what?”

“How are you going to reward me for all the information I gave you?”

“I already did by cleaning your wounds.” She reaches to the side and closes the first aid box. “You only have to apply the ointment about three times a day.”

“Or you can do it.”

“Fine,” she says distracted, focused on the box.

“Does that mean you’re my nurse now? Kinky.”

She stares up at me with wild eyes before she hits my shoulder. “Do you always have to come up with some porn scenario?”

“When it comes to you, I sure as fuck do. Now, answer my question. Are you going to be my nurse?”

“Does this mean you’re intent on staying?”

“Till death does us part.”

Her inquisitive eyes meet mine. “Promise there will be no more secrets between us.”