Throne of Vengeance (Throne Duet #2) by Rina Kent

“Depends on whether or not you’ll take that fucker Vladimir’s side over mine again.”

“Vlad has the brotherhood’s best interests in mind.”

I scoff. “I’m sure the fucker does.”

“Stop being jealous, you idiot.” She leans over and brushes her lips to mine, softly, carefully, away from my cut. “None of them is my husband.”

None of them is her husband.

Those words stab me straight in the bones. When she attempts to pull away, I grab her by the throat and deepen the kiss.

Time to fuck her on the counter as I originally planned.



A week later, when I wake up in bed alone, a thousand ominous thoughts rush into my head.

It takes me a few minutes to grab my phone due to the shaking in my hand. The message I find there instantly calms my breathing.

Kyle: Morning, Princess. I’m off with Adrian for business with the Italians. Don’t forget to eat breakfast. Oh, and come home early so I can make up for not fucking you first thing in the morning. P.S. Wear that red thing from the other time.

I smile, imagining his exact tone as if he said those words aloud. Ever since that night where he barged back into my room, bloodied and bruised, and announced that he was staying, I’ve felt like I’m in an alternate reality, one that’s shrouded by fog. I figure the mist will eventually wear off and he’ll realize staying is dangerous.

Not that Kyle is afraid of danger. If anything, the life he’s lived thus far might have gotten him addicted to it.

Every night, after he fucks me until I scream, he gathers me in his arms and answers any questions I have. We have no trouble talking now, and it feels new—exciting, even—for every day I look forward to what he’ll tell me about his life in The Pit or the countless adventures he’s been through.

I feel closer to him now more than ever, to the point that I’m impatient to go back home just so I can see him. All the chaos in the company and my secret search for the embezzler all fade to the background when I’m with him.

In Kyle’s arms, I feel light, protected, and…peaceful.

I tell myself that’s why I long for his merest touch, and not the fact that my sexual drive has become insatiable lately. Sometimes, I want to restart as soon as we finish, and that’s not normal, especially since he exhausts me to the point of no return.

To say I completely trust him now would be a lie. After everything he’s done, it’s hard to take his word for granted. He didn’t only lie to me, he also used me, and that doesn’t just go away.

I might be unable to kick him out of my life, but I can’t completely accept him. At least not until I make sure everything he said is true or that his intentions are no longer nefarious.

I need to get to the bottom of that, even if keeping this whole thing a secret from Sergei is eating at me. Not only do I not like keeping him in the dark, it’ll be dangerous if he finds out I’m hiding critical information. When it comes to choosing between family and duty, the latter always comes first for the Pakhan.

But I’m sure he’ll forgive me if he knows I’m doing this for both my husband and the brotherhood. I already told him and everyone else that I regained my memories, so he has to wait a bit longer for the rest.

They all wondered how Kyle got beat up, and he came up with a lame excuse that some ‘brute’ thug and his ‘stupid’ minions ganged up on him. He said they looked worse than him, something for which Vlad nearly shot him there and then.

After showering and dressing in a white shirt and a black pencil skirt, I sit at my console to do my makeup. I’m starting to miss the toy between my legs—or more like, the feel of Kyle with me at all times. While I meant that I will kill him if he embarrasses me by using it in front of the Vory members, I did like the added excitement. Or this could be another manifestation of my weird sex drive.

After finishing, I stand up. My heel catches on the ground as the world starts spinning. I hold on to the console with shaky fingers and close my eyes for a brief second in order to regain my composure.

When I open them again, my room comes back into focus. That was weird. I need to eat in case some vitamins are missing from my body. I’m generally not the best when it comes to self-care.

I step out of my room and stop at the bottom of the stairs at the sound of hushed tones. I’m not one to eavesdrop, usually, but the two people speaking hold more importance than that principle.

My back flattens against the wall as I slowly peek around the corner. Kirill and Damien are standing toe to toe by the balcony’s door that leads to the garden. They either forgot the door was open or they don’t care.

Damien is shoving a cigarette in his mouth with clear detachment in his green eyes. He has flecks of gray in them when you look close enough, but they’re not visible from this distance.

His posture is nonchalant, but not hunched or completely detached. Damien is the type of person who’s always ready to punch someone here, shoot someone there, and bury someone somewhere.

Kirill, on the other hand, is an erect wall, standing with his hands lying limp by his sides. It’s the body language he usually feigns to make the other party believe he is approachable, harmless, even. That fox is cunning even when it comes to his body language. He’s fully aware of every move he makes, unlike Damien who doesn’t care what image he projects on the world as long as he gets to inflict violence.