Throne of Vengeance (Throne Duet #2) by Rina Kent

“Why are you so hell-bent on it?”

“You’re matchmaking me with some Japanese girl who probably doesn’t drink vodka. If I’m going to be miserable, I need to recruit you to my club.” His brows rise. “How about an affair?”

“Maybe if you’re the last man alive, Damien.”

“I can make it happen,” he murmurs with complete seriousness, as if he really is contemplating the best way to do that.

I shake my head, opting to not give him crazy ideas. More importantly, I’m in no frame of mind to focus on mundane conversations. My mood went from bad to horrible the moment I walked inside and didn’t find Kyle. Where the hell is he? And is he really going to let me abort without talking about it?

The asshole’s lack of reaction pisses me off more than if he had one.

Ruslan, who’s standing behind me, leans over to whisper in my ear, “Aleksander keeps staring at you, miss. You want me to put him in his place?”

“No,” I murmur and smile up at Sasha, who discreetly smiles back.

Kirill, on the other hand, glares at me as he readjusts his glasses. That manic look in his eyes can’t be good news. The bastard really doesn’t deserve Sasha by his side.

I wonder if he knows she’s a woman. What am I saying? Of course he doesn’t. If he did, he would shoot her dead. Since deceit is his modus operandi, Kirill takes offense at anyone lying or deceiving him. Besides, a woman passing as a man is a direct insult to the Pakhan himself.

Which is one more reason why I should bring her to my side.

It’s a world ruled by men to the point that even female guards aren’t allowed. Dedushka made an exception for Katia because I put my foot down for her. Everyone except Ruslan still looks down on her, despite her top-notch skills. They do it behind my back, of course, because I would rip them a new one if they badmouthed her in my presence.

During the meeting, we talk about the financing and that, due to the circumstances, I agree to release a higher percentage of V Corp’s net profit. But I dig my heels in until Sergei agrees that we’ll have a deadline for when the brigades will repay the money, something Kirill and especially Mikhail don’t like. Kirill disagrees because he hates to be told what to do by me—or anyone, basically, but Mikhail is in a dire situation. I’ve seen his brigade’s numbers, and they’re more than shit.

After the meeting, I linger in the dining room after I find a text from my twin sister.

Reina: I can’t believe you met Gareth and Asher, but not me. It’s been months since I last saw you, Rai. Should I apply for next year?

I can almost hear the sarcasm and hurt in her tone.

My chest feels stuffed as I stare at her tiny picture at the top of the chat. It’s one of her holding Gareth and laughing while Asher kisses her cheek.

It’s so spontaneous and full of life, like everything about Reina. I miss her so much, now more than ever. I wish I could meet her even for a while and just…talk. I want to tell her about everything like we used to confide in each other when we were little.

“Leave us. I need a word with Rai.” Kirill’s voice pulls me out of my reverie and I quickly hide my phone.

I realize he’s speaking to Ruslan and Sasha since we’re the only four left here.

Ruslan doesn’t move until I nod at him. Sasha hesitates, staring between me and Kirill, her lips parting in clear worry.


“What part of fucking leave do you not understand?” He cuts her off without sparing her a glance.

She jerks upright as if his command is a whip, then gives a sharp nod. Before moving, she chances one last unsure glance at me then slips out, closing the door behind her.

Kirill and I sit across from each other. I want to break his glasses and jam them in his eyes for the way he yelled at Sasha, but I remain calm since he’s the type of freak who gets off on strong emotions.

“I didn’t realize we were close enough to sit for tea after breakfast, Kirill.” I take a sip of my coffee while continuing to stare at him over the rim of my cup. I feel like I always need to watch the cunning fox to somehow grasp him.

“We’re not. Fortunately.”

“Fortunately. So to what do I owe this honorable meeting?”

“I’ve been wondering.”


“When are you going to tell Sergei and the others about what you saw?”

“What I saw?”

“In the club. You remember now, don’t you?”

I never forgot, idiot.

“Oh, you mean your sexual preferences? I told you, I don’t want to use that against you unless you force my hand.”

“I’m forcing your hand, then. Tell them.”

“Why would you want me to tell them?” It doesn’t make any sense for him to dig his own grave.

“Don’t you want to destroy me? You have your chance, so fucking seize it.”

“No.” I was serious when I told Sasha I would rather never threaten him with that part of his life. Being gay is like being a woman in this world—though I suspect he’s bisexual. Point is, they’re an oppressed minority within any crime organization. Despite all his accomplishments for the Bratva, if this gets out, Kirill and his family would completely lose favor for something that shouldn’t be treated any differently than normal.