Throne of Vengeance (Throne Duet #2) by Rina Kent

If we’d gone to school together, I would’ve probably been the quiet twin who kicked everyone who dared to approach her. But I guess Asher fulfilled that role on my behalf.

She smiles, and it strangely feels as if I’m staring at myself in the mirror, though my smile isn’t as bright as hers, or as carefree.

“Kyle was right.”

“About what?” My gaze strays from her to him. He doesn’t even make eye contact, pretending to be busy with Gareth, and when he does, it’s as blank as his soul.

The asshole.

“He said you’d come to visit us today, but I didn’t believe him.” She strokes my cheek. “But here you are. You look so…different.”

“I’m still me, Rei.” I keep stealing glances at Kyle. How did he know I would be coming here before I even did it?

“Like hell you are.” Her smile drops and she adopts a stern tone that’s so similar to Mom’s. “Don’t you have something to tell me?”

“Like what?”

She grabs my hand and shoves the one with my wedding ring in my face.


“Right. Oh. I can’t believe you got married without telling me.” Her voice drops. “I was planning so many things for your wedding, but I wasn’t even invited.”


I hate seeing her anguished like this. It feels as if I’m amputating a limb or something. I hold her to my side by the shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Rei. Everyone was there and I couldn’t endanger your life.” Her brows stay drawn together, not seeming convinced in the least, so I continue, “Your absence was like having an empty hole in my chest, but I couldn’t bring you in. Not when your life, Gareth’s, and Asher’s are at stake.”

That makes her wrap an arm around my waist. “I know, but it still sucks.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Sorry doesn’t fix the fact that you hid it from me.” She pushes back. “I can try to understand not being invited, but we talk all the time—how come you never mentioned it? If Kyle hadn’t come to visit, would you have ever told me?”

I glare at him. The jerk is meddling in business that doesn’t concern him.

His expression remains the same, and even though he’s playing with Gareth, he’s barely smiling.

“It was an arranged marriage. I didn’t think it would last,” I tell Reina. “I still don’t.”

If I expected a reaction from Kyle, I’m disappointed as he gives none, indulging Gareth by letting him run the toy car on his chest.

“But why?” Reina’s brows furrow. “Kyle seems like a great guy. He was the guard who was protecting you seven years ago, right?”

Of course Reina would remember stupid details like that.

“Let’s talk somewhere else.” I take her by the hand. “I came here for something urgent.”

Kyle brings out his phone and types while his other hand holds Gareth. My phone vibrates and I check it while still holding Reina’s hand.

Kyle: Don’t alarm her for no reason. I already took care of the man Kirill sent to plant something in the house. Don’t tell her to pack and leave because that will only put her in more danger. You can protect her better when you know where she is at all times.

I hate how right he is. Besides, knowing Reina, she’ll also think I’m the one in danger and wouldn’t budge from here, not to mention both her and Asher’s lives are here. All their friends and her entire social circle are in this place.

Typing back, I don’t look at him.

Rai: How did you know about this?

Kyle: Adrian told me about Kirill’s plans. He owes me one.

“Rai, what is it?” Reina tugs on my hand.

“Nothing.” I breathe out and smile. “Can’t I visit my little sister?”

She grins. “About time you come to visit. Let me show you around.”

Reina tells me about the renovations they did and how the fireplace is upgraded from the one I saw the last time I came here, which was years ago, as Reina likes to remind me.

We find Asher in the kitchen, picking beers, probably for him and Kyle. He smiles upon seeing me, and although he’s in simple gray slacks and a white T-shirt, he appears groomed and ready to step into court any minute.

“I’m sorry about yesterday,” I say.

“Don’t worry about it.” He offers me a beer. “Like you, I don’t want my son near that crowd.”

Although he doesn’t say it in a condescending manner, I know exactly what he means. Asher was brought up by one of the most successful lawyers in the country, and while he’s not the morality police, he’s not entirely comfortable with Reina’s criminal legacy. He just wants to live a normal life with his family, and I completely respect that.

“Thanks.” I motion at the beer. “But I’m not drinking.”

“Rai!” Reina grips me by the arm. “Are you—”

I place a hand on her mouth and drag her with me. “Excuse us.”

Asher smiles knowingly. “Take your time.”

As soon as we’re in an adjacent dining room and out of earshot, I let Reina remove my hand from her mouth.

She stands in front of me, placing a hand on her hip and tapping her foot on the ground. She really acts like Mom sometimes.