Hacking Mr. CEO (Billionaire Heists #3) by Anna Hackett


“There’s nothing to worry about. He’s one of mine. Boone Hendrix. I hired him to watch your family.”

The air rushed out of me. “You organized that fast.”

“It’s easy to do when you have the resources.”

“Oh, that’s right, you’re filthy rich.”

“Most people don’t tend to forget that.”

She didn’t, but she noticed the sexy, stubbled jaw, the muscled body, and the grumpy attitude, first.

“Luckily Boone was in the city, available, and he’s very good at his job.”

“Okay, well, thanks. I’d better get some sleep. I have to report for duty tomorrow.”

“I never asked if it would cause trouble with your work.”

“No. I make my own hours and work from home.”

“Then I’ll see you tomorrow, angel.”

My stomach flip-flopped at the pet name. “Tomorrow.”

I ended the call and set the phone down.

I took a quick shower and slipped into my pajamas. But as soon as I lay in bed, I felt wired.

Okay, that wasn’t exactly the truth. I felt turned on.

I thought of Mav. His big hands holding the controls as he played the games. I leaned over and opened the bedside-table drawer, and pulled out my vibrator.

A few minutes later, when I came, I cried out Maverick’s name.


Maverick was as hard as a rock.


He’d dreamed about Remi. He scrunched the pillow under his head. His bedroom was shadowed, the blinds blocking the morning light, and he shoved the sheet down off his hot body. His cock was swollen and throbbing.

He dreamed of Remi’s hands on him, her bright nails scratching his skin. That sassy mouth of hers taking his cock.

He groaned and fisted his erection. He pumped.

Then, he imagined that sweet, curvy body against his.

Hey, big guy. He could almost hear her faint laugh. Like she knew a joke that she wasn’t sharing.

He stroked harder. “Take me,” he growled.

She would. She was petite, but she’d be all energy and enthusiasm. Whether she was sucking him, or taking his cock.

“Fuck.” He gave a hard tug and his body locked. Pleasure was like a hard punch and he spilled on his gut with a tortured groan.

He dropped back, panting.

Damn, if the fantasy of her was this hot…

But first, they had to deal with The Shadow.

Once his pulse had leveled off a little, Mav pushed off the bed and headed to shower and dress. He was meeting Liam and Zane for breakfast, then he’d hit the office and clear as much work as he could before Remi arrived.

He looked at himself in the bedroom mirror.

Shit, he was smiling.

His phone vibrated, letting him know he had a text message.

Big guy, I’m wearing a disguise to your office. No one will know it’s me.

He tapped in a reply.

Not those ugly coveralls again.

No. Not even you will recognize me.

Angel, I notice you the second you’re in the vicinity.

Aw, a compliment. You flirting with me?

Shit. He wasn’t a man to play games. He liked to get to the point and keep things simple.


He stared at the dots on the screen, waiting for her reply.

Big guy, billionaires don’t flirt with Brooklyn hackers.

I don’t actually flirt. Ever.

So, I’m special, then?

He was starting to think she might be.

I seem to want to flirt with you.

Rivera, we have a dangerous job ahead of us. You need to focus.

I’m good at multitasking.

Men say that, but they totally aren’t.

He shook his head. So much sass.

See you at the office. Don’t be late.

She sent him the emoji face with its tongue poking out.

When he walked into Balthazar, a French restaurant near his penthouse, Liam and Zane were already there.

“Good morning.” He sat and looked at the waitress. “Coffee. Black.”

He picked up the menu and glanced up to see his friends staring at him. “What?”

“Well, yesterday you were tense and broody as hell, and radiating contained rage,” Zane said.

Liam sipped the frothy, sweet coffee he loved. “I thought we might have to bail you out of jail, especially when you didn’t return my texts last night to check up on you.”

“I was busy,” Mav said.

“And here you are, looking…relaxed.” Zane leaned back in his chair. “Did you find the hacker?”

Mav had no desire to drag his friends into this mess. They’d both just been through bad situations and both had women to protect now. They’d found some happy and he wasn’t going to mess that up.

“I made some progress.”

The waitress returned, and he ordered Eggs Benedict.

“You didn’t even notice our lovely waitress offering you a better view of her neckline,” Zane said.

Mav frowned. “What?”

Liam shook his head and smiled.

Mav’s phone pinged. He lifted it.

Hey, our deal better include you buying me lunch.

I need to be fueled to concentrate properly.