Hacking Mr. CEO (Billionaire Heists #3) by Anna Hackett

I looked at the way his suit pants stretched over his muscular thighs. Hmm, okay, if I did tangle with him, I’d keep my heart locked up. I could have fun. Make a few fun memories for the future.


I shook my head. “Sorry, thinking.” About taking you for a ride. “Shall we get to work?”

“Yes. After you get out of my chair.”

I bounced a little. “But it’s so comfy.”


He dragged a second chair around and I pulled my laptop out and set up beside him, transferring to the other chair.

My laptop was covered in sparkly stickers.

“You have a Rivera Tech laptop,” he said.

“Of course,” I said. “They are a solid brand at a good price point.”

That faint smile again. “Shame you desecrated it.”

“My niece said it needed to look prettier. And a sticker never hurt anyone.”

“Right, how about we find a bad guy?”

“We need a stealthy little trojan to send to him via email. A sneaky little guest that he welcomes in the front door.”

“With a tracker embedded.”

“Right. I have my angel that I sent into your system.”

“Good. I wanted to see your code up close.”

“Mr. Rivera, you can’t just ask a woman outright to show you her code. I expect dinner and drinks first, at least.”

He gave a low chuckle and it skated down my spine.

God, that sexy laugh. “It’s fine,” I said. “I’ll give you a peek.”

“And then I can show you my tracker, and we can meld the two together.”

“Now you’re asking me to be the mother of your child.”

Maverick shook his head and I grinned at him.

I hooked into the Rivera Tech system, and we got to work.

Our fingers flew across our keyboards. We traded info and a few quips. I found working with Maverick was fun.

He was grumpy, liked to brood in silence, and needed me to snap him out of it with a joke, or sometimes an elbow to the ribs, but we worked well together.

The man had a sharp, sexy mind.

God, I was a goner. I was mildly turned on, excitement a low-level hum inside me.

“There.” I sat back and sipped the coffee that his scary, beautiful assistant had delivered, along with a tray of delicious sandwiches. They were weird, fancy combinations, but mouthwatering. I was trying to stop from eating too many.

“I think we’ve done it.” Maverick nodded. “It’s beautiful.”

My angel was now a dragon angel, with Maverick’s tracker entwined in the code.

“You are a genius, Maverick.”

“Right back at you, Remi. And it’s Mav. That’s what my friends call me.”

I turned my head and sucked in a breath. Our faces were inches apart. “Am I your friend, Mav?”

His gaze ran down my face and settled on my lips. “No. I’m not sure I want you to just be my friend.”

I leaned closer…

A notification chimed on the laptop, and I jerked.

Damn. I glanced at the screen, and all the nice, buzzy feelings curdled.

“It’s The Shadow.”

Still on board, Rogue Angel?

I stared at the message for a beat, then typed.

I don’t want to be, but yes. I said I’d do it, so I’ll do it.

If your conviction falters, I will take measures

to convince you to deliver what I want.

I said I’d do it.

“Asshole. He’s threatening me.”

“Yes, he is,” Mav said darkly.

There were no more messages.

I dragged in a breath. “Let’s see if we can track this asshole down.”

“Send him a message. An update.”

I nodded. “I could send them something from the Rivera Tech system. Something non-vital, but proves that I’m getting close.”

He nodded. “And hide our dragon angel in it. Brilliant.” He cupped my jaw. ‘I’ll get you a file.”

Where his fingers touched me, my skin felt like it was on fire.

I cleared my throat. “Okay, let’s do it.”

I could do this. I could work with dark, hot Maverick Rivera and not totally lose all my senses.

Okay, I was pretty sure I could.


Mav watched Remi pace in that maddening dress. She stopped, swiveled on her heel, and strode back the other way.

His gaze moved to her ass, and his cock, already half hard from sitting beside her all morning, lengthened.


“What’s taking him so long?” Remi threw her hands in the air. “Open the email, read it, open the file.”

“Remi, relax.”

“You relax.” She huffed out a breath. “Screw it.” She walked over and snatched up another sandwich. “These brie ones are so good.” She ate it with a little moan.

His cock liked the sound of that, as well.

She perched on the corner of his desk. “I’m not eating any more of those, no matter how good they taste.” She tapped her nails on his desk.

They were still red and sparkly, and he thought that they were a good reflection of Remi herself.

“Come on, bad guy,” she muttered.

Mav studied his screen, then frowned.