Hacking Mr. CEO (Billionaire Heists #3) by Anna Hackett

Okay, now I really, really hated Miss Perky Hannah. “What happened?” I whispered.

“She was a fake. A fraud. I’d just sold a computer chip. My first big deal.”

“You were about to make a lot of money.”

“Yeah.” A muscle ticked in his jaw. “I noticed her slipping out to make a few calls. Being cagey about messages.” He made a harsh sound. “I was worried she was cheating on me. They were messages from her father.”

“You hacked her phone.”

He nodded. “Her father owned a chain of electronics stores. He was on the verge of bankruptcy and had engineered all of it. For her to run into me at a party. To be the perfect, attentive girlfriend. She even had this guy from before me. She told me they were just friends, but I think it was more. She was a liar, a fraud.”

“Did she explain?”

“I didn’t give her the chance. She was crying, pleading, she was sorry—” He shook his head. “She taught me a lesson.”

Oh, Mav. That woman had hurt him, scarred him.

And he’d shown me that part of himself.

Ignoring all the warning alarms that I was getting in way too deep I shifted closer.

“One of my first foster homes—” I cleared my throat “—it was nice. I liked the parents. They had a daughter a few years older than me. She did my hair, gave me candy, told me that we would be sisters.”

A dark look settled on his face and he entwined our fingers.

“But in our bedroom, she’d turn nasty. She’d pinch and scratch me where it wouldn’t show. Under my shirt, I was a mass of bruises. She told me I wasn’t her real sister, that I was trash. My parents didn’t want me, and they threw me away like trash.”

“That’s nothing to do with you. She was mean, and probably had her own issues.”

“I know. Mama helped me realize that.” Remi leaned closer. “And Hannah had her own issues, too. They were nothing to do with you. You were just a pawn that got caught in her mess.”

Something flickered in his eyes. He brushed his nose against hers. “I really want to kiss you right now.”

“I really want you to kiss me right now.”

He slid a hand into her hair. “But I’m not going to, or I’ll end up tearing that dress off you and fucking you on this seat.”

My womb spasmed. “Um, again, I’m totally on board.”

He growled. I loved that sound.

“We just turned onto your street.”

Dammit. The limo stopped and a second later, I saw the curtains in the house twitch. Mama had been waiting for me.

Mav’s fingers stroked my skin. “I need to get home and see what our dragon angel is doing. This is our one chance to find The Shadow and stop him.”

I nodded, trying to get my hormones under control.

Damn hormones.

Mav opened the door and stepped out. He helped me out of the limo.

“I’ll walk you to the door,” he said.

A billionaire walking me to the door of an auto shop. I felt a giggle welling.

I pulled out my key, and when I heard a throat clear, I turned.

Mama, with her arms crossed, was standing at her gate.

“Evening, Mama.”

Her gaze was on Mav. “Did you have a good evening?”

“Yes. Mama, this is Maverick. Mav, this is Mama Alma.”

“A pleasure to meet you.” He held out a hand. “Remi speaks very highly of you.”

Mama shook his hand, studying him like he was a bug. “I hope you’re treating my girl right, Maverick.”

He smiled, his teeth white in the darkness. “Remi wouldn’t let me get away with it, if I didn’t.”

Mama smiled. “That is very true.”

“Um…I’d better head up,” I said.

Mav turned back toward me and our gazes locked.

“Good night, Remi.”

“Night, Mav.” I handed back his jacket.

He strode back to the limo and I watched his powerful stride. Okay, I watched his ass.

He slid into the car with a wave, and the limo prowled off down the street.

“What are you doing, child?”

Without the added warmth of Mav’s jacket, the chilly night air crept under my cape. I turned to Mama. “We’re working together.”

She made a sound. “I’m old, not dead. He doesn’t look at you like it’s work, and I saw you eyeing that boy’s mighty fine ass.”

I took half a second to marvel that she’d called Maverick Rivera a boy.

“He’s a billionaire, Remi. He’s different, and billionaires do as they please, with whomever they please, and then move on.”

That was nothing I hadn’t already told myself.

“You don’t know him, Mama. And I know. My eyes are wide open.”

“I know, child.” She cupped my cheek. “You’ve always been so smart, but also so hungry for love. Like a sponge. A prickly one, but still a sponge, ready to soak it up.”

“I…I won’t fall in love with him.”

I couldn’t afford that heartache.

Mama made a harrumphing sound. “I’m tired. Time for bed.”

I kissed her cheek. “Night, Mama. Love you.”

“I love you, too.”

I watched her carefully negotiate the stairs.