Hacking Mr. CEO (Billionaire Heists #3) by Anna Hackett

He pulled the garment over his head, and disappeared into the inferno.

God. God. She had to be all right.

I wanted to help. But I took one step into the doorway, and it was like entering the gates of hell.

Sirens cut through the night, and a fire engine screamed down the street.

I moved over to the kids, hugging them.

The truck screeched to a halt, and soon, firefighters streamed around, shouting orders.

“Anyone inside?” one of them yelled.

“Our mother,” I said. “And our neighbor went to get her.”

“Get the hoses going,” the man yelled. “We’ve got two people inside, and we need to stop it before she spreads.”

I kept my gaze on the door. Please, please.

Somewhere, a window shattered.

Onlookers screamed.

“Remi.” Charlie grabbed me, clenching hard.

I patted his back. “It’ll be okay.”

He let go and Naomi grabbed him.

A sleek sports car sped down the street and slammed to a halt. When I saw Mav’s tall form leap out, something inside me clenched tight.

He shoved past the firefighters; his gaze locked on me.


He lifted me off my feet and I wrapped myself around him. He was so big, so strong.

“Mama’s still inside—” my voice cracked “—and Boone’s in there.”

“Jesus.” Mav held me tight.

We stared at the door. Please, please.

Suddenly, a big form staggered out the door, something held in its arms.

“Oh, my God,” I cried.

Mav let me go and he raced forward, as Boone broke into a hacking cough.

“We need help!” Mav roared. He took Mama from Boone.

I grabbed Boone, leaning into his side. He kept coughing. I took some of his weight, and nearly staggered.

Ahead, I saw Mav put Mama on a stretcher. Paramedics rushed around her.

She was so still.

Then a firefighter and another paramedic took Boone.

“I’m fine.” The man coughed again.

“Dude, we’re putting a mask on you.” The paramedic was a tall, broad, bald, African-American man. “Don’t make me get rough.”

Boone gave a reluctant nod.

Mav returned, his arms wrapping around me.

“God, Mav.” I pushed my hair back. “Someone chained the doors closed. God.”

My phone vibrated. I almost ignored it, but I pulled it out.

An email from The Shadow.

It was a picture of Mav and me, kissing at Guastavino’s.

“No.” Nausea welled. “It was The Shadow. He did this.”

Mav cursed and tipped his chin up. “It’s going to be okay.”

“How is this okay?” I whispered.

“I’ll protect you and your family, Remi. I promise.”




Mav tried to control the rage vibrating inside him.

He held Remi tight to him as she spoke to the frightened kids. He kissed the top of her head. “I need to make some calls.”

Mav called his head of security, and shot a text off to Vander Norcross. The man owned a security firm in San Francisco and had recommended Boone. He was former military, an all-round badass, and he’d helped out both Zane and Liam.

Boone appeared.

“Shouldn’t you be in an ambulance?” Mav asked.

The man grunted. “I’m fine. And if that paramedic comes near me with that mask again…”

“Thank you,” Mav said.

Another grunt. The former soldier scowled at the building. The firefighters almost had the blaze under control.

“I should’ve caught it sooner.”

“It’s two-thirty in the morning, Boone. You were here. You helped Remi and her family. This is The Shadow’s doing. He sent Remi a picture of the two of us.”

“Punishment.” A muscle in Boone’s jaw tightened. “The guy knows she’s working with you.”

“Yeah. I made some calls. I’m going to put her family in a safe house upstate, with security, until this is over. Can you go with them? Be in charge of the team?”

Boone’s gaze darkened. “I work better alone.” He looked to where Remi was holding the little blonde girl on her hip. “But yeah, I’ll do it. What about Remi?”

“She’ll be staying with me.”

A faint smile slipped across Boone’s face. “I figured as much.”

Remi had moved over to check on Mama. The woman was now conscious, resting on the stretcher with a mask on.

Mav joined them.

“Mav.” Remi pressed her face to his chest and he ran a hand up her back. “She’s going to be all right.” There were tears in Remi’s eyes.

Mav saw how Mama was watching them.

“Remi, I want to send your family to a safe place. A nice house, upstate. I’m going to send Boone and a security team with them.”

She bit her lip. “It’s too much—”

“No. The Shadow did this. I promised you that I’d keep them safe.” He cupped her face. “Keep you safe.”

“Thank you.” She nibbled her lip. “Boone will stay with them?”


She nodded. “Okay.”