Hacking Mr. CEO (Billionaire Heists #3) by Anna Hackett

“No.” Mav grabbed my hand. “You’re coming with me.”


“Get on the stretcher.”

“There’s no room!”

His hold on my hand was like iron. “I’m not letting you go. I’m not leaving you.”

My heart melted into a big pile of goo.

The female paramedic straightened. “Mr. Rivera—”

“My girlfriend is coming with us,” he ordered.

I stilled. “Girlfriend?”

“Woman, I don’t care which label you use.” He tugged me closer, his palm to my cheek. “Mine.”

Happy tears welled in my eyes.

The paramedic huffed. “I was going to say she can come, but you didn’t let me finish. Nice speech, though.”

I grinned at her. “It was, wasn’t it? He’s in love with me.”

“I’d hold on to that one, honey.”

I met Mav’s gaze. “I think I might.”

They loaded Mav in and I sat beside him. I wasn’t ever letting go.

At the hospital, they finally made me let go, and whisked him into an examination room.

Jeez, my hands and clothes were covered in a lot of blood. I did not want to see myself in a mirror.

The doors burst open, and Zane and Liam rushed in, their women right behind them.


The men saw me and stumbled to a halt. Their gazes took in the blood, and they both looked speechless.

“Um, hi,” I said.

Zane’s gaze raked me, snagging on my hands. All the color left his face.

“Oh, it’s fine. Mav’s fine. He’s got a stab wound, but—” I powered through the small hitch in my voice “—they said he’d be fine.”

“Bloody hell.” Liam released a breath.

“So that blood is Mav’s?” Zane asked.

I swallowed and nodded. “Most of it. He’s going to be fine. They said he’d be fine.”

“Easy, Remi.” Zane took my arm. “You said most of it. Is some of it yours?”

I blinked. “Maybe.”

“Come on.” He looked around. “Nurse, we need somewhere for her to clean up. And she has a nasty cut on her chest.”

Wow, Zane’s bossy tone was almost as good as Mav’s.

The nurse’s brows drew together.

Liam stepped in with a charming smile. “She needs that blood off her, and to get off her feet.”

Dazzled, the nurse blinked. “Sure. Exam Three is free.”

“That’s my man,” Aspen murmured with a grin.

Monroe took my other side. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

“They said he’d be fine.”

“Then he will be.”

“I’m in love with him.”

Monroe smiled. “I know.”

“How do you handle being in love with a billionaire?”

“By remembering that you love the man under the billionaire most of all.” Monroe met Zane’s gaze and the pair shared a smile.

Then they hustled me into the exam room.


Billionaires Know How to Throw a Party


“You’re a lucky man, Mr. Rivera,” the doctor said. The guy looked like he was fresh out of school until you looked into his eyes. They were tired, experienced, and a little weary.

“Yeah, I am.”

“The stab wound was deep, but fortunately missed anything vital.”

Mav nodded. He wasn’t thinking about the wound. He was thinking about Remi.

Hell, he had a great family, thriving business, good friends… And now a woman he loved.

He smiled.

“Where is my son?” a loud voice said.

Uh-oh. His mom was in full-on mom mode.

His mother stormed in, followed by all of his family—including his brothers, sister, their partners, his niece and nephew. As usual, they were all talking at once.

“I’m fine,” Mav said.

His mom took in his bare chest, the white bandage on his side, and the smears of blood that the nurse hadn’t quite gotten rid of. Her lips trembled.

“Mom, come here.” He hugged her. “I’m alive, I’m breathing.”

“They… They said someone tried to kill you.”

“Well, he didn’t succeed. You should’ve seen Remi. She bashed the guy with a laptop.”

Dad gripped Mav’s shoulder. “Where is she?”

Mav frowned. “They shoved me in here and made her leave. I want to find her.” He pushed up off the bed. He was attached by an IV to a bag of fluid, but it was on a stand on wheels. Looked like it was coming, too.

His mother frowned. “Maverick—”

“No. Mom, I love her. I’m going to marry her.”

His mother gasped. His siblings and their offspring went silent.

Tears welled in his mother’s eyes. She cupped his cheeks. “You finally opened up.”

“More like she burrowed in without even trying. She is…” He couldn’t find the words.

“You love her.”


His mother gave a decisive nod. “Then let’s find her.”

The entire Rivera clan mobilized.

Outside the exam room, he saw Vander, Ace, and Killian leaning against the wall. A small huddle of nurses was eyeing the trio with hungry, speculative looks.