A Grey Wolves Howliday (The Grey Wolves #14) by Quinn Loftis

The grin plastered across Costin’s face grew even wider. “Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.”

Sally’s face turned the same shade of red as the Christmas bows that were hanging everywhere in the mansion. “I’m going to kill you.” She narrowed her eyes on her mate.

“Please, tell me someone videoed these two goobers,” Jacque pleaded.

“I’m not an amateur.” Wadim held up his phone.

Decebel made to grab the phone, but Wadim tossed it over her mate’s head. Lucian caught it and then slipped it around his back, tossing it to Fane. Decebel was too jacked up on whatever Adam had given him to be able to keep up with the movement of the phone.

“Text it to me,” Jen said to the pack historian. “It will be awesome blackmail material.”

“We don’t even get to watch it?” Zara asked.

“It’s called a double standard,” Jen told her. “I’m allowed to do a striptease. If Decebel does it and females are present, somebody is going to lose some eyeballs. Unless I need it as ammunition. Then y’all can get an eye full.”

“Noted.” Zara gave her a thumbs-up.

“Looks like all sleigh construction is done for the day,” Jacque said.

Jen looked over the males and realized they were all glassy-eyed and unsteady on their feet. She didn’t know how much longer they’d remain upright. “You’re right,” Jen agreed. “There’s not much left to do. You all have worked really hard, and I’m very thankful. I know I’ve been a bit uptight and bossy.”

“And that’s new how?” Elle asked.

Jen smiled. “Totally not new. Which is why you guys just rolled with it. I’ve got some last-minute orders showing up in the next couple of days. So as long as those show up, we should be good to go.”

“There’s still some more decorating to do in the garden room, the library, and a few of the bathrooms,” Crina added.

“We’ve got time.” Jen stood and reached for Thia, whose face was covered in chocolate. “Let’s get our men to bed, and we will regroup tomorrow.”

Everyone began to move, the females attempting to shuffle their mates in the directions of their suites. As Jen walked over to Decebel, Thia reached for her dad. Decebel started to take her from Jen, but she shook her head. “You’re not holding my child while you’re high as a kite on fairy juice.”

“I’ve got some fairy juice for you.” Decebel bounced his eyebrows suggestively.

Jen snorted. “I’m pretty sure that’s the worst pick-up line you’ve ever used on me. Head for the stairs, mate, or I’ll lock you out, and you’ll have to sleep on the floor outside our door.”

“Momma, Daddy, hell,” Thia pointed.

“Yes, babe, Daddy does look like hell.”

“Jennifer,” Decebel growled.

“But apparently he’s sober enough to be bothered by me cursing around you. So the good news is, his morals have stayed somewhat intact.”

As they were walking down the corridor to their suite, Jen rolled her eyes. “I know you’re behind me, Teebow. You’re about as stealthy as a rhinoceros walking on bubble wrapping.”

“I’ll get better, Aunt Jen,” Titus said, apparently undeterred by her description.

“I hope so, or your wolf is going to starve on hunts. Your dad will have to eat food and regurgitate like Momma birds do for their babies.”

“That would be better than starving,” Titus pointed out, his voice getting further away.

“You’re a weirdo, Terrance, but I love you anyway. Go to bed. You need all the rest you can get to work on your non-existent hunting skills.”

She heard the little boy snicker. Jen liked that the kid had a sense of humor and wasn’t rattled by her teasing. He was going to grow up into one hell of a wolf.

Once in their suite, Jen pushed Decebel toward their room. “If you don’t make it to the bed, I’m leaving you wherever you fall.” He grumbled something unintelligible but kept shuffling forward.

Jen took Thia to her room and set the girl on the floor. “PJs, face washed, teeth brushed, and then a story,” she told her daughter.

Thia started to try and take her shirt off. She was mostly successful until it got stuck on her head with one arm up in the air. Jen laughed and then helped her undress. She grabbed a tiny nightgown and slipped it over her head. Thia yawned, her eyes beginning to droop.

Fifteen minutes later, Thia was sleeping with her mouth slightly open as Jen closed the book she’d been reading. She tucked her daughter in and stared at her a moment. Jen tried not to think about her mom and dad and what they were missing out on, but she couldn’t completely blame them. Jen hadn’t tried to reach out to them until now. She’d been so wrapped up in her new life with Decebel and the pack, the love and acceptance she’d found there, that she hadn’t even wanted to reach out to her parents. After losing Alina, Jen realized that her daughter should have the right to know her grandparents and vice versa.

She pulled the door slightly closed and then headed for her bedroom. She found Decebel face down on the bed, his legs hanging halfway off, and his body diagonal, taking up almost all of the bed. She shook her head with a smile. Her phone dinged in her pocket, and she pulled it out. Wadim had sent her the video.