A Grey Wolves Howliday (The Grey Wolves #14) by Quinn Loftis

“You’d think it was some impossible task I’d given them for the sole purpose of pissing them off.” Jen sighed as she stared at the sleigh with a smile.

Peri snorted and shook her head at the pleased look on the she-wolf’s face. Whatever Jen had planned, and Peri had a guess as to what it might be, the stunt was going to be hilarious.

“I thought she wanted the males to finish the task.” Lucian’s voice caressed Peri’s mind.

“Apparently, she found the males' craftsmanship substandard. She came to an expert.” Peri felt her mate's amusement.

“Why do I get the feeling that this sleigh isn’t simply for taking gentle, romantic rides through the forest?”

“Because you, my handsome mate, are more than just a pretty face.” Peri turned to follow Jen back into the mansion.

“Good to know that you see more than just my good looks.” Lucian purred as she felt his lips across her cheek.

“If all you were was handsome, I’d have gotten bored very quickly.” She laughed out loud when she felt an invisible hand smack her rear.

“Is your mate flirting with you?” Jen asked. “Because I know that laugh.”

“I built your damn sleigh. Mind your own business.” Peri huffed.

“You muttered a few magic words, and a sleigh appeared. Don’t act like you were out there with a tool belt, hammer, and sweat running down your face.”

“Who’s wearing a tool belt and sweating?” Zara asked as she and Wadim came strolling down the front hall.

“Sounds kinky.” Wadim grinned.

“Everything sounds kinky to you,” Jen pointed out.

“Only because I learned from you, oh wise teacher.” The historian put his palms together and bowed his head at Jen.

“Oh, yeah.” Zara pointed at Jen. “Thank you for that. My man is a beast.” A hand suddenly covered her mouth as Wadim pulled her back toward the kitchen.

Peri couldn’t help but laugh. Served him right, getting a mate who would keep him on his toes. Before they turned around, Peri noticed the shirt Wadim had on today. It read “I’ll let you unwrap my present if you let me unwrap yours.”

Peri found her mate in the kitchen. He leaned up against the counter with a mug held out to her. “Thank you.” She took the cup with an appreciative smile. He spoiled her, and she wasn’t about to complain. Lucian had been something she’d never known she needed or wanted. Without him, the past few months would have been unbearable.

“For me, as well,” Lucian told her, having picked up on her thoughts. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her tightly against him.

“I love you, Lucian.” Peri turned to look at him, the tenderness and adoration in his eyes nearly stealing her breath.

He pressed a kiss to her lips and then murmured against them, “As I love you, beloved mate.”

They turned back to watch the morning ritual of the pack preparing breakfast and feeding children while talking and teasing. It was something Peri had come to enjoy, and something she would greatly miss once all hell broke loose. And she knew it would. This reprieve was not forever. But she wouldn’t think about that now. Now, she would simply enjoy the blessings of pack, family, and friends.

Her attention was drawn to the entranceway when Gavril, Sorin, and Decebel came walking in, each carrying three large boxes. The room seemed to shrink as the additional large males filled the space. They set the boxes down on the island.

“Thank you, boys.” Jen grinned at the delivery. She looked much too pleased with herself, and judging by the wary glances the others were shooting the packages, they all agreed.

“Do you know…” Lucian began.

Peri shook her head. “I’ve got no clue.”

Jacque looked at Jen and then glanced over at Sally. “She has on her ‘happy wicked’ face.”

Sally nodded. “That’s never good.”

“Well, only if you're on the receiving end of that face,” Jacque reminded her.

“That's true, but she doesn’t care about collateral damage.” Sally bit her lip, looking as nervous as Jacque felt.

“I think I have some pack work that needs to be dealt with,” Fane muttered before taking a bite from his bowl of cereal.

Jacque fed Slate another spoonful of food after he slapped the highchair tray to get her attention. “Don’t run. It will only get her more excited.”

“After everyone is done eating, could we all gather in the main living area?” Jen glanced around the room. “Today, I’d like to get some pictures. I’ve got outfits for each of the children.” Her eyes found Titus. “No sweaters, Tristen.”

Titus saluted her. “Whatever you say, Aunt Jessica.”

Jen narrowed her eyes on him. “Clever, and you’re being compliant. That can’t be a good thing.” Jen pointed two fingers at her eyes and then those two fingers at Titus. “I’m watching you.”

He grinned at her. “Or maybe I’m watching you.”

Jacque snorted. Little dude was totally holding his own against his crazy aunt.

“Noted.” Jen nodded. “If I can’t detect you while you’re watching me, I’ll buy you every ridiculous sweater you want.”

“Deal.” Titus gave her a thumbs-up.