A Grey Wolves Howliday (The Grey Wolves #14) by Quinn Loftis

“Oy,” Jen said as she tried to take the baby from Titus— again. “What’s her name? How did we miss that little detail?”

“She’s Hope.” Titus smiled down at the little girl as if she hung the stars.

“Drake, you’re so screwed. Tanner’s named your kid. Soon, he’ll be naming theirs.” Jen motioned between the two.

The wolf was up and across the room in a second, gently extracting his daughter from Titus. “Thank you for holding her, Titus. I think she’s probably getting hungry.”

Jen snorted as Decebel wrapped an arm around her waist and tugged her down into his lap. “Quit starting trouble.” He nipped her ear.

“But I’m good at it.” Jen smiled.

Fane chuckled. It felt good to smile and laugh. It felt good to be here with their closest family, after a night with the entire pack.

“Her name is Alina Hope,” Bethany announced.

Fane met the new mother’s eyes and bowed his head to her. “I am honored, and my mother would be as well.”

Jacque leaned her head against his shoulder and snuggled closer. “Pretty sure this is the best Christmas ever. Even though your parents aren’t here, they would have loved it. Alina’s smile would have lit up the room, and Vasile would have been constantly shaking his head at Jen.”

“Maybe because you can see those things in your head, and you know in your heart they’re true, then you’re able to make it so in your mind. That makes the whole thing complete.” Fane ran his fingers over her red curls. “It’s almost as if they were here with us, even if we couldn’t see them.”

“I felt them,” Jacque admitted. “I sensed Alina every time a pack member hugged us or a smile was exchanged. I felt Vasile every time one of the males grumbled but then did what their mate asked anyway. I knew the house was filled with love and life, just as they would have wanted.”

As the day slowly turned into night, the room dimmed, lit only by the fireplace and a few candles. The curtains on the large windows were pulled wide, and snow could be seen falling as the moon brightened the winter night sky. Alina Hope started to cry, but Peri picked her up, after first asking the new parents, and began to gently rock the babe. A muted background sound began, and Fane realized it was soft Christmas music.

“How does she do that?” Jacque asked. “It’s like she’s her own radio station.”

Fane pressed a kiss to his mate’s nose. “Don’t be jealous that you can’t make music suddenly appear out of nowhere.”

“I’m a sprite-wolf, baby, who knows what I’m capable of.” She leaned forward and bit his bottom lip, which made Fane growl.

When she released him, Fane tucked some loose hair behind her ear. “I’ve no doubt you are capable of a great many wondrous things, female of mine. And I know this because you have already shown me some of them.”

“Her bedroom skills don’t count,” Jen said from beside them on the couch, where she sat in Decebel’s lap. Thia was sound asleep, her head slung back. She lay on Jen’s arm, her mouth wide open as she snored.

“And you’re wondering why Titus is picking little Hope over your hellion.” Jacque motioned to the sleeping girl.

Jen laughed. “She isn’t a graceful sleeper. More like an old man. She even farts in her sleep.”

“She doesn’t get that from me,” Decebel rumbled.

“On another note, one that is far, far removed from Decebel’s gas problems…” Adam pointed to the coffee table. “The kids are out cold. We’ve got a few days left before we need to get into destruction mode. How about we get our game on?”

“Get our game on?” Crina sat down on the floor next to the table, which was now piled with board games.

Adam shrugged. “I could just say let’s get it on and forget about the games.”

Fane felt Jacque laughing as Crina flushed.

“Oh, I see a classic!” Jen stood up and set Thia back down in Decebel’s arms. She walked over to the table and shuffled through the boxes until she pulled one out and held it up. Fane’s lips pulled up into a huge grin as memories rushed through his mind.

“We have to play this one.” Jen pointed to the box.

“What’s Yours Like?” Wadim read the box, and then a mischievous smile appeared on his face. “Sounds like a T-shirt I need.”

“This game is hilarious,” Jen assured everyone as she motioned for Adam to clear the table.

“And by hilarious you mean everything gets turned into a sexual innuendo?” Zara asked.

“Is there any other kind of hilarious? Wait.” Jen held up her hand. “Don’t answer that. Those pictures up there.” She pointed to what had been dubbed the reindeer wall. “That proves other shi—I mean, other stuff besides sex can be freaking hilarious.”

She set up the board, and the others gathered around. Bethany and Drake remained on the love seat, and Peri placed Alina Hope back in their arms and wandered over to the coffee table.

“We doing this, wolf-man?” Jacque asked Fane.

“It does bring back good memories.” He leaned close so that their lips bumped as he spoke.

Her grin widened. “It does.”

Fane pressed a hand to her cheek and held her still. He leaned even closer and pressed his lips to hers. He’d planned for it to be something short and quick, but then his mate opened her mouth, and her taste was on his tongue. His mate’s scent and taste was an aphrodisiac, and he was quickly tempted to haul her back to their suite.