A Grey Wolves Howliday (The Grey Wolves #14) by Quinn Loftis

Jacque tucked a blanket around Slate’s sleeping form, then she heard their room door open. Fane’s desire and impatience were coming through the bond like a tornado siren. She rolled her eyes, walking quietly from the nursery straight to the bedroom. “Now who’s impatient?” she asked. Fane stood in the center of the room, his shirt already off, and his sculpted torso on display. The dark, tattoo-like markings that ran up his stomach, arm, chest, and neck brought an air of danger to him that made her salivate. Apparently, her inner bad girl was feeling feisty.

“Come here, Luna,” Fane said, his tone deep as his eyes began to glow with his wolf.

Jacque’s feet moved of their own accord. Her inner wolf practically purred under the intense gaze of their mate. When she was within his reach, Fane snatched her hand and pulled her to him, wrapping both arms around her. She gasped, but it was quickly cut off by his mouth covering hers. His hands ran up and down her back, fisting her hair and kneading her form with his hands. Within seconds, Jacque was reduced from a woman who could speak full sentences to a moaning, one-word hussy, tearing at the last of her mate’s clothes like they only existed to offend her.

Fane chuckled. He picked her up and tossed her onto their bed. Jacque didn’t have time to attempt to get to her knees before her mate’s body was over her, pressing her down into the mattress. “Impatient isn’t the word I would use.”

She panted as his hand slid up her calf to the underside of her knee. “What word would you use?” she asked and then gasped as he hiked her leg up over his hip.

Fane leaned down and nipped the mark on her neck. “Ravenous,” he growled and then sank his teeth into her.

Later, naked, satiated, and sprawled across her mate’s warm body, Jacque sighed. Fane reached out and grabbed the comforter and dragged it up over them.

“Still ravenous?” she asked him, her lips turning up in a small smile as his chest rumbled with a purr-like sound.

“I’m always ravenous for you, Jacquelyn. Always.” He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her snuggly against him.

“The feeling is mutual.” She propped her chin on his chest and stared up at him. He was beautiful. Since the moment she’d laid eyes on him from the window of her house, he’d taken her breath away, and she’d yet to catch it. Their gazes held as a torrent of emotions ran back and forth between their bond. Love, adoration, contentment, and … peace—something that had been missing for the past few months—flowed from her mate.

“It’s these moments that make all the hard stuff worth it,” he said. His left hand caressed her cheek. “When I think of what lies before us, I don’t tremble in fear because I will fight any enemy with everything I am to keep this life with you, our son, and our pack.”

“And I will be at your side because we’re in this together. I’m yours, Fane, but you are also mine.”

“It is an honor to have you as my Luna, my wife, my mate, and the mother of my son. Not a day goes by that I don’t thank the Great Luna for making you mine.”

Their gazes held as they laid there, his thumb brushing gently against her cheek. “Are you worried at all?” she asked. “About the wolves who will come?”

Power rushed through their bond, and Jacque nearly gasped at the intensity of it as it filled her body. “I am the alpha of the Romania pack, chosen by the Great Luna. If she is for us, who can stand against us?”

Jacque turned her head and pressed a kiss to the palm of his hand. “They can try.”

“Yes, but they will fall one by one.” The confidence radiating from him helped ease her worry, though she knew it would never completely abate. The danger before them was real and would not be easily defeated. But that was not something she wanted to worry about tonight. Tonight, she wanted to be held in the arms of her mate, basking in the glow of his love, and filled with the joy of what the past month had been. Precious memories had been made, and new life had been given. The love that had begun with Vasile and Alina, who’d led the pack for over two centuries, grew stronger as it filled the hearts of every pack member. It was a celebration that would never be forgotten, and no doubt Jen would attempt to outdo it every year because that would be the new tradition. Jen was nothing if not predictable.

“Merry Christmas, Luna.” Fane rolled to his side and tucked her against his body.

She snuggled deeper into him and pressed a kiss to his chest, just over his heart. “Merry Christmas, my alpha. I love you.”

He buried his face in her neck, took a deep breath, and whispered, “I love you, from my first breath to my last, and even after then.”

The End.

Thank you so much for reading A Grey Wolves Howliday! If you enjoyed it, please consider leaving a review at the link below! I would so greatly appreciate it.


I hope that this book was a nice break from the heavy that has landed on our shoulders from the last couple of books. I hope you laughed as much as I did while writing it. I hope that your heart swooned a bit, and that there were tears of joy instead of sadness. Merry Christmas in July wolf pack. I am so very thankful to get to share this journey with you all.

