Revealing the Monster (Playing with Monsters #4) by Amelia Hutchins

“Are you planning on having your way with me, Mrs. Blackstone?” he challenged, his eyes sparkling in challenge.

“Indeed, I am, Mr. Blackstone. And you have yet to marry me, which means I am not your wife yet. You want me, put a ring on it, asshole. Until then, shut the fuck up and fuck me like you hate me. I’m fucking starving for you.”

“Good,” he growled, lifting me by my hips to slam me back down. I gasped, shuddering at the delicious soreness he’d created. “You’re so fucking hot when you think you’re in control.” He rolled me beneath him as he slowly thrust into my body. “I almost want you to keep pretending you are, but we both know that you’re not. Now scream, because I’m going to show you how it feels to be mine again, and you will be a good little girl and take it for me.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

There was peace to be found in violence. Lucian had shown it to me, and even in our darkest hours, he’d made me see the light. ~Lena

I woke to feathers floating in the surrounding air. Lifting from the wrecked bed, I stretched out my sore, overused body. Lucian had sent me to church more times than I could count. We’d spent days in the bed discovering each other, or more to the point, accepting that we were actually in love with one another. It had been the best sex of my life, but I wouldn’t be admitting to it anytime soon, in case he thought it had anything to do with torturing me endlessly.

Standing, I winced at the pain between my thighs but smiled, remembering him growling my name and then moaning it in the same breath. The man was insatiable, and had enough stamina to rebuild the entire world. Moving to the bathroom, I turned on the shower and headed back into the bedroom to gather something to wear.

Hanging on the corner of the bed was a single navy blue dress with an A-line bodice. Beside it, dangling from a red piece of lace, were panties. I chewed my lip, rolling my eyes that he’d probably be removing them with his teeth tonight. The man had a ferocious appetite, and I was glad for it, considering mine was the same.

Grabbing the clothes, I headed back to the bathroom. Stretching my neck and stifling a yawn, I placed the garments on the counter and slipped into the shower. The water felt good against my sore body. I leaned my head back against the tile wall and closed my eyes, expelling a sigh of bliss. Everything seemed good, too good to last.

I’d become cynical. I knew that every time the world appeared to fall into place; it broke apart. Lucian had promised to find and bring Joshua back here to talk, since I couldn’t leave the club. The problem was that Joshua feared being stuck to Lucian’s side, just like me. He didn’t realize that it was the fury and seal within me that had caused that reaction when I’d first returned to life after becoming one of the soulless.

I washed up and turned off the water, stepping out of the shower as the mirror blurred. Rubbing my eyes, I opened them and gasped. The bathroom changed, shimmering to reveal an orchard that had trees with ripe, red fruit hanging from the branches of lush green limbs. Dressing quickly, I blew the air out of my lungs while eyeing the scenery suspiciously.

“An orchid filled with apples? Hmm, I wonder where the serpent is hiding,” I chirped, knowing it was one of Lucifer’s illusions. “Lucifer, oh Lucifer, how I loathe thee,” I sang it, my tone expressing boredom and tiredness I felt to the sliver of my soul.

Once I had the dress on, I stepped into the image and peered around at the deep valley that rolled on as far as I could see. Inhaling, I frowned, scenting Lucian in the breeze. It was as if he was right beside me, but a quick twirl in place proved he wasn’t anywhere within sight.

My feet moved over the softest grass I’d ever felt in my life. I bunched my toes together, pinching the grass gently while I moved deeper among the trees. The scene changed, revealing an elegant courtyard with spiraling towers that reached into the clouds. I stood on the border, between the courtyard and orchard, silently waiting for my tour guide to appear.

Inhaling deeply, I narrowed my gaze at something new. Mere feet away, a woman studied me through glowing green eyes. I smiled at her, and she backed up, running from me.

“Wait!” I called out to her retreating form, but she vanished.

“She’s come,” a voice said, but looking around didn’t reveal who or what had said it. “Our Queen is home where she belongs. She’s more beautiful than he said she was.”

“Who said that?” I demanded, searching the direction in which I’d assumed the voyeur had stood. Only nothing was there. “Lucifer? This isn’t funny anymore.”

The scene changed, revealing high cliffs that had precarious, deadly-looking rocks up the sheer face of it. I slowly approached, gazing up at the towering height to the top of it. Of course, I was within Lucifer’s dream world, which meant nothing could happen to me here.

I started climbing, hearing the voices, asking why I’d be crazy enough to risk the insane climb. My fingers ached by the time I’d reached the top. Hefting myself up onto the last rock, I stood, brushing my hands off on my clothes.

“Oh, wow,” I whispered while peering out over the landscape.

Rolling valleys spread across the east, while a vast ocean of tranquil seawater covered the north. To the west, a palace that looked like it had been plucked from a magical gothic kingdom sat, surrounded by waterfalls with the same Caribbean blue-green water flowing from them. I turned south, taking in immense mountains that looked like some shit you’d see in National Geographic magazine, stretched out as far as I could see, reaching for the heavens.