Revealing the Monster (Playing with Monsters #4) by Amelia Hutchins

“We do, but maybe humans gained access and cut themselves on the glass. While it is blood, it isn’t a lot, or so I think based on the stink coming from inside,” Syn offered in explanation. “Or someone within is still bleeding.”

“I can hear heartbeats inside,” Vlad announced. “They’re weak but viable.”

“It could be some of the enforcers Alden brought in from the other guilds after they fell,” Erie stated. She buffed her nails on her leather skirt, shrugging when we turned in her direction. “I have been helping the old guy with shit lately, since everyone else was busy. He also took some of the creatures that were in my shelter, offering to train them for me.”

“You’ve been assisting Alden in replenishing the guild with enforcers?” Synthia asked, her hand moving over her stretched stomach.

“I have since we’re gathering an influx of beings to the area. They need to go somewhere that they can be a part of the solution, instead of being another problem the guild tries to handle alone,” Erie pointed out, making perfect sense. She occasionally shocked us with her sane persona. Erie was brilliant when she applied it and scary when she let her crazy out to play.

“What’s the plan? Having potential victims inside changes things.” Vlad pushed his hair away from his face and tipped his head, as if listening for people within the guild. “We can grab the survivors and bring them out as we find them. We’d need someone outside to protect them in case more baddies appear unannounced.”

“Sinjinn, set up a makeshift medical bay on the street. I’ll get more people here to assist and a few healers in the event we need them to deal with whoever got caught in the crossfire of whatever the hell happened here,” Ryder ordered, smoothly taking control of the situation.

I glanced at the men standing behind us, noting their full war ensembles, decked out in wicked-looking armor and weapons. Synthia shimmered with magic, her curves covered in translucent armor, and her twin obsidian blades caught the evening light sparkling with power.

Erie giggled, the sound making the hair on my nape rise as she changed out of her clothing and into her goddess glamour. Ristan was the only male to respond, his eyes lowering to where the blue woad had been painted in Celtic writing over Erie’s breasts, her long war braids helping to obstruct the view.

Peering down, I scanned her bare feet with an uneasiness before shifting my attention to the glass we were about to walk through.

I turned back to Erie, as her mouth opened, releasing ravens that shot straight into the guild, leaving black feathers drifting to the ground in their escape from the Goddess of War.

“That’s disturbing but strangely cool,” Elysian stated, her iridescent armor doing little to hide her miniskirt and spaghetti strap camisole top. Instead of swords, she had daggers that lined the side of the titanium-like protective gear she wore.

Lucian grabbed me from behind, brushing his heated lips over my spine. Power erupted around us, his hand slowly trailing up my stomach to grip my jaw tightly.

“This may tickle a little, sweet girl,” he growled into my ear, sending gooseflesh rushing over my skin.

The souls from his armor wrapped around my legs. Shimmering blue and translucent hands and arms wrapped around me. My stomach tightened with unease, although a serene sensation filled me while they writhed along my body, turning solid blue to match the armor Lucian wore. His lips kept tracing comforting kisses against the soft skin on my nape, and a faint smile played on my lips while the souls continued wrapping me in his protection.

“That’s a neat trick,” I admitted.

“Be a good girl, and I may let them help me get you turned on tonight, Lena,” he chuckled huskily. “I look good on you.”

“You do, you really do.” I gasped as they started covering my chest. I felt it all, right down to the very marrow of my bones. He’d left just enough of an opening on my spine to allow my wings to escape if they needed to.

Shadows slid over my body, and I trembled at the iciness of their touch. Power rushed through me, and I lifted my hands that were holding twin swords created from shadows.

“Can’t let you have all the fun. Now can I?” Spyder asked, winking at me as he gave Lucian a pointed look. “The moment you need the swords, lift your hands, and they’ll be there, Kitty.”

I dropped my hands, watching as they vanished. Raising my hands again, the swords reappeared instantly. A soft bubble of laughter escaped my lips as Lucian nipped my neck, grumbling at Spyder’s interference.

“You done?” Lucian asked, releasing his hold on me once the armor had conformed to me like a second layer of skin.

The substance covering me was a shimmering blue color that emitted a soft, illuminating glow. It looked similar to the water within the landscape I’d slipped into just this morning. A shiver rushed through me, and I turned, staring at Lucian with the knowledge of where I’d been today.

“It wasn’t Lucifer?” I whispered, and his lips jerked up into a mischievous smile. I blinked slowly, turning at the sound of feet crunching over the glass. “This conversation isn’t over, Lucian.”

“I’m sure it isn’t, little girl. It is for now. Move your pretty ass,” he ordered, even though I’d already started in after Synthia.

The first few rooms we entered were covered in charred bodies. It looked like someone had placed a furnace within the guild, trying to turn it into a crematorium instead of an institute of enforcers. Ristan bent down beside one, grabbing something from a deceased’s hand.