Sidequest for Love by L.H. Cosway

I laughed. “Now you’re getting it.”

Billy shot me a mock scowl, and we quieted down as the book discussion began. It was such a success that neither Billy nor I were required to fill any awkward silences. Rosie held her own the entire evening and managed to direct the conversation through the themes and subject matter of the book with finesse. It was clear that literature was her passion. As soon as she started talking about the story, she practically lit up and glowed. My brother seemed to notice the same thing because he barely took his eyes off her for the entire hour.

I had a feeling I was going to have to reiterate my warning for him to stay away from her.

As the meeting drew to a close, I headed over to Rosie to congratulate her on how well things had gone.

“That was fantastic!” I exclaimed as I reached her.

“Thanks. Everyone seemed to enjoy it well enough,” she replied, glancing at me and then Billy. “If you both don’t have other plans, you should come back to my place for dinner. As a thank you for coming tonight, I mean. I live with my grandma, and she always cooks way too much. With Neil away, there’ll be even more extra food than usual.”

“Oh, um, sure,” I replied. Her offer took me by surprise, especially since we’d just met. I had to remind myself that she was an avid watcher of my stream and considered me something of a pseudo-celebrity. I glanced at Billy. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Why would I mind? I never turn down a free meal, especially not a free meal homecooked by a grandmother. Those are the best kind.”

Rosie shot him a shy smile. “Right, well, I’m just going to finish tidying up in here, and then we’ll go. My house is only a short walk away.”

“We’ll help you tidy,” I offered.

Fifteen minutes later, we were walking towards Neil and Rosie’s grandmother’s house for dinner. I wondered if he’d be annoyed that I’d accepted the invitation. He could be a bit awkward and private about certain things. Maybe he’d think this was overstepping a boundary. But I didn’t have any ill intent. I genuinely wanted to meet his grandma and get to know Rosie better.

The house was one of those post-war numbers, and I could just imagine Neil growing up here. I pictured a prim and proper little kid with glasses, a sad little kid whose parents had died. My heart clenched. I couldn’t remember if he said what age he was when it happened, but he had mentioned that his grandmother raised him and his sister, so he must’ve been on the youngish side.

Rosie, who Billy had been bombarding with questions during the short walk, pulled a key from her bag. As soon as she opened the door, I was assaulted by the homely scent of roast chicken and what I suspected was freshly made gravy. My mouth began to water as she motioned for us to enter the hallway, and I took in the old but well-loved furniture and the slightly scuffed wooden floor with a Persian rug running down the middle.

Rosie hung up her coat and bag before offering to take ours.

“Grandma,” she called out. “I hope you don’t mind that I brought some guests for dinner.”

At this, a woman with short grey hair appeared at the top of the hallway. She looked to be in her seventies and wore a polka dot apron.

“Well, hello,” she said, dusting her hands on the apron as she took in Billy and me with a warm smile. “Are you friends of Rosie’s from the book club?”

“No, Grandma, this is Neil’s friend, Afric, and her brother, Billy,” Rosie introduced. “Neil mentioned the book club to Afric, and she was kind enough to come along. I asked them to dinner to thank them.” She paused to glance at Billy and me. “This is my grandma, Philomena.”

“But you can call me Phil,” Neil’s grandmother amended as she came to greet me. “It’s so lovely to meet you, Afric. Neil has mentioned you a few times, though he didn’t tell me quite how pretty you are.”

I placed a hand on my hip. “Are you trying to butter me up, Phil?”

She gave a hoot of a laugh. “Oh, I like you,” she replied before turning her attention to Billy. “And you’re a fine-looking chap, though you look like you could do with a good meal. Come on into the kitchen. I’ve made chicken, roast potatoes, carrots, and green beans.”

“Sounds delicious,” I said as we all followed her into a well-appointed kitchen, with a table in the far corner for dining. Billy and I sat while Rosie helped her grandma dish up the food. I couldn’t resist pulling out my phone and shooting off a quick text to Neil.

Afric: Don’t freak out, but I’m in your grandma’s house right now about to have dinner.

Neil: What? Please tell me you’re joking.

Afric: Not joking. Rosie invited Billy and me back after the book club to thank us for coming.

Neil: My sister is too nice for her own good sometimes. You’d better behave.

Afric: Hey! I’ll have you know I’m on my best behaviour. Phil and I have really hit it off.

Neil: Dear lord …

Afric: Relax. I’ll be good as gold. I promise.

Neil: Why do I get the impression you’re smiling mischievously right now?

Afric: Probably because I’m already figuring out a subtle way to suggest we peruse your baby pictures?

Neil: I’m going to murder Rosie for this.

Grinning, I slid my phone into my pocket just as a plate heaped with steaming, delicious-smelling food appeared in front of me. Phil placed a large jug of gravy in the centre of the table before taking a seat next to Rosie.