Sidequest for Love by L.H. Cosway

Neil chuckled. “I can’t see how it’s much different,” he agreed.

I sighed. “I should probably think about starting more regular exercise, though. The women in my family tend to pile on weight after they turn thirty. I’m only twenty-five, and I’ve already started to gain.”

Neil looked like he disagreed. “I think you look great just as you are.”

At this, I shot him a grin. “Are you flirting with me?”

I expected him to deny it. Instead, he ran his eyes over me, “Maybe I am.”

His gaze met mine, and he didn’t look away. My chest began to flutter as I shoved him lightly on the shoulder. “Oh, my God, stop that.”

He tilted his head. “Stop what?”

“Stop staring at me with those eyes. You’re making me come over all peculiar.”

He didn’t reply. Instead, his attention dipped to my mouth before coming back up. He reached out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear, and I inhaled sharply. “Afric,” he breathed.

“Hey, do either of you want a drink?” came a voice, and I looked up to see Adam approaching us. I frowned in annoyance. Seriously, I was so mad at him for interrupting. I needed to know what Neil had been about to say more than I needed my next breath.

“Um, sure, I’ll take one,” Neil replied before glancing at me.

“I’ll take one, too,” I said, my voice coming out a bit huffy.

Adam nodded, his expression curious as he looked between the two of us.

“Be right back,” he said, and I returned my attention to Neil.

“You were saying?”

His brow furrowed. “I was saying … Eh, what was I saying? Right, I was going to say that if you want, you can always come to the gym and work out with Michaela and me. Though, like I said, I don’t think you need to lose any weight. You’re perfect.”

I suspected that wasn’t what he’d been going to say, but I let him off the hook, especially given that last part. He thought I was perfect? My heart didn’t know what to do with that information.

I lifted my eyebrows at him, my pulse pounding. “Perfect?”

His stare was heated. “I’m sure you’re aware you have a body that could launch a thousand ships.”

A thousand ships? I was officially swooning again.

“What about my face, though?” I asked, veritably preening.

“Quit fishing for more compliments,” he chided playfully, falling quiet a moment as he eyed me intensely, “But, yeah, your face is pretty spectacular, too.”

I stared at him, not knowing what to say, and then Adam was back with our drinks. Bloody Adam! King of the poorly timed interruption. “Here you go. I hope you like Bud. I consider it piss water myself, but I made the mistake of letting Steve bring the drinks,” he said, shooting an irritable glance over at a skinny, long-haired guy who was still trying to wrangle one of the tents.

“This is fine,” I replied, taking the proffered can while Neil did the same. I could barely focus on Adam because Neil’s voice kept replaying in my head.

I’m sure you’re aware you have a body that could launch a thousand ships.

Your face is pretty spectacular, too.

I really was feeling peculiar now. My breathing was all uneven, and there was a heat beneath the surface of my skin that simply refused to abate.

“Nice tent, by the way,” Adam went on, making conversation. “You must be a regular camper. Looks high quality, and you got that thing up faster than any of us.”

“I actually borrowed it from my boss. I only got it up so fast because I read the instructions,” Neil replied, and Adam gave a good-natured chuckle.

“Right, that always helps.”

I started to reconsider my theory about Adam fancying me. He wasn’t acting at all jealous about Neil. Instead, he seemed completely casual and laidback. Perhaps I’d been wrong about him.

“Well, I’d better go start on the food. We brought a portable barbecue, and I’m going to cook burgers and hotdogs for everyone. You both are welcome to share.”

“I actually brought a gas cooker and supplies,” Neil said, and Adam nodded.

“You came prepared. I like it. Okay, I’ll leave you to it then. Give a shout if you need anything.”

He left, and Neil and I fell into silence. He turned his attention to me, and I realised he was sitting so close that our shoulders were almost touching.

“So, you think my face is spectacular?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“You’re well aware that you’re pretty,” Neil huffed. “Quit being smug about it.”

“I think I like being smug about it,” I teased, nudging his shoulder with mine.

“Of course, you do.”

“Look, you’re blushing. Have you gone shy?”

“Stop it, Afric.”

“Or what?” I challenged.

In a flash, he was on me, his chest hovering above mine as I lay flat on my back. Words died on my tongue while heat filled my body. Neil leaned over me, his hands circling my wrists and pressing them into the blanket. “Or I’ll kiss you,” he threatened, “and we both know how much you’d hate that.”

My breathing stuttered. “You’re right. I w-would hate it. So much.”

His eyes blazed. “Maybe I should do it then.”