Say Goodbye (Romantic Suspense #25) by Karen Rose

            “I hadn’t planned to go anywhere,” Mike said. “Don’t worry. She’s safe with me.”

            Tom managed not to slam the front door on his way out. He did, however, slam the SUV door when he got in.

            Croft shot him a look. He glared back at her, daring her to ask him anything. “She’s fine,” he snapped. “She’s got someone with her for now. I’ll ask Raeburn for a protection detail.”

            “He won’t agree,” Croft said very carefully. “She’s not the primary target and he’s down a man with Mercy’s protection detail. Just preparing you.”

            “Then I’ll set up drive-bys.” Or I’ll hire someone to guard her. Until then, he’d watch over her himself. Whatever he did, she’d be safe. “I’ll take you back to the field office now.”

            “And where will you be?”

            “My home computer setup is better than the piece of shit machine they gave me.” He gritted his teeth. “Is there a problem with me working from home?”

            “Not at all. I’m going to talk to my tattoo artist friend about the Chicos design.”

            Immediately Tom was contrite. “Is it safe? Should I go with you?”

            One of Croft’s brows lifted in warning. “I graduated Quantico when you were still in middle school. I think I’m capable of taking care of myself.”

            Face flaming, Tom put the SUV in reverse and backed out of his driveway. “I’m sorry.”

            She patted his arm. “It’s okay. You’re a little raw today. I get it. Thanks for offering to have my back. I’d prefer you use your time to track that e-mail, though.”

            “Will do.”



            WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 2:30 P.M.

It has to be DJ,” Graham muttered, leaning in to drag his thumbs down either side of Hayley’s spine.

            She barely heard the words, which had been Graham’s intent. He’d been permitted to escort her from the prayer service to the quarters assigned to Joshua’s wives. Right now the room was empty because the wives were off doing whatever jobs they’d been assigned to. There was a schedule among the other three wives dictating who slept with Joshua and on which night. Hayley would be added into the rotation once the baby was born.

            For now she was on “light duty” since she was two weeks away from giving birth.

            Which scared her to death.

            “Hayley?” Graham whispered. “Listen to me. This is important.”

            “I know,” Hayley whispered back. “Tell me.” Focusing on Graham would help her keep her growing dread in check.

            “DJ’s the only one who leaves the compound. The drugs have to be his.”

            “Makes sense. But how does that help us?” She flinched when Graham dug too deep into her sore muscles. “Not quite so hard, please.”

            “Sorry,” Graham said. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

            She reached back to pat his arm. “I know, Cookie.” She’d started calling him the nickname when he’d developed a love for graham crackers at age four because he believed they’d been named after him. He’d been such a cute kid. Now he was a serious preteen, saddled with a lot more responsibility than any kid his age should have to bear.

            He snorted softly. “I prefer that to Achan.”

            Achan was the biblical name given to him when they’d arrived in Eden. “A whore and a thief,” Hayley said softly. “That’s us.”

            “That’s me,” Graham corrected. “You are no whore.”

            Her heart melted. “Aw. You say the sweetest things.”

            He huffed. “Shut up. You’re not paying attention.”

            “I am. I just don’t see how finding DJ’s stash is going to help us get out of here.”